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Amnesiac Poems - Poems about Amnesiac

Amnesiac Poems - Examples of all types of poems about amnesiac to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for amnesiac.
Premium Member Princess of Atlantis
... Written: May 23, 2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I call you a Venus-blooded princess deity related to grace and love you, alone, lost track of your r......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, adventure, beauty,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Among the forests of ideas that get lost in dense fogs
...Among the forests of ideas that get lost in dense fogs, On high cliffs, beliefs carved into the mountain's root, We stand bound by incantations, by formulas we recite like a litany, With hearts fu......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

I Sometimes Lie
...I sometimes lie in the groove of a leaf and roll it beneath my chin like a moth before it becomes a buttered fly the jump cowered over the noom take a noomber ha made you say number weir......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Power of Suggestion
...You begin with a suggestion, that you place in your own mind willingly alone, then redundantly play that suggestion, willingly in your own mind again and again, to the point where it feels like ......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, mental illness, self, mental
Form: Rhyme
The Karma of Pharma
...In the morning I take heed, I need my fix… Running around like a headless steed, I start to mix… Just an ambient aphrodisiac, my tantalizing tea… A dormant astral amnesiac, in a matrix reality… ......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, abuse, anxiety, drug,
Form: Rhyme

Staring Into the Abyss
...Lachrymal layers within the Abyss of love’s laments that reminisce Upon the edge a barbarous bliss which began with the eternal kiss Where serpentine shadows swell and the jaded jackals joyousl......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, conflict, deep, lost love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bbq Outback
...Based on my consulting this year’s almanac June 30th being the best possible day for a BBQ out back I sent out invitations to everyone, I didn’t hold back There was the lumberjack, the nymph......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, celebration, friendship, fun, games,
Form: Monorhyme
Film Noir Rapt
...out of their bad dream, Its always too late as I can't realistically help but I know that the bad guy will eventually get caught with a detective or third party gaining facts that will melt the "amnesiac" villains story they haven't yet bought, The villain sometimes ends up dying too or sometimes getting "cuffed" going into jail either way these films make me want to chew not only on m......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, angst, murder, mystery,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Jerry
...I addressed the young stranger sitting alone on a park bench: "Hi, I'm Jason Bills." His handshake was firm, his smile uncertain but warm. "Hello, Jason. I--I don't know my name or where I am!" ......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, mystery,
Form: Prose Poetry
Lucid Amnesiac
...Standing but stumbling, mumbling and grumbling Looking for meaning in the stars Weeping but leaping, reaping while sleeping Screening ghostwriters for my memoirs I was wondering about the seed ......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, allegory, allusion, blessing, destiny,
Form: Rhyme
Amnesiac By Choice
...endless sky brushes crimson strokes upon a cloudless Summer void sea soft to pastel blue benign robs shore of its sparkling treasure trees drip opaque tears 'pon sharp blades of velvet grass st......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, confusion, emotions, nature, ,
Form: Free verse
All From Darkness
...Never before has such a blind sleep made so resolute to awaken and from the ancient sands of shadows calls now to the form of human souls Gather there forthwith, from all that fear has darkened ......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, faith, love,
Form: Free verse
A Valentine Wedding
...The church all speckled with red and white Billowy white bows affixed to the end of pews Red roses in vases & all other possible places A silver lace runner leads the way to impending 'I dos' A......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, romantic, valentines day, wedding,
Form: Rhyme
Mind Muscle
...MIND MUSCLE Steroid cocktails, metallic flavor, Viagra rush; Mind numbing mush! Sightless vision, cloudy comprehension, silent violence, whimpering misogyny; a blood-curdling hush… Nervous......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, analogy,
Form: ABC
Quiet Echoes In the Rain
...One day I walked through never land Without the need to understand Each crazy paving simile That popped up right in front of me, I bathed myself in nonsense rhyme No need of thought, just rambli......Read the rest...
Categories: amnesiac, poetry,
Form: Rhyme

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