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Alternating Poems - Poems about Alternating

Alternating Poems - Examples of all types of poems about alternating to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for alternating.
Being half
...I don't feel you're my other half I feel we're a flick knife Alternating who is the blade There's no sense to removing the hinge A flick knife is useless as separate parts But I can't be melted......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, journey,
Form: Free verse

Wind on the river
...Glass -- clear & frosted alternating in sequence leading me away ......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, river, water, wind,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Do You Like it Raw?
...So how do you like your sushi just sashimi on a plate? or do you prefer it wrapped in nori? decorated with microgreens and eggs? And is there wasabi? that heat to the tongue? just a dash or......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, extended metaphor, fish, parody,
Form: Free verse
A destined child
..."I shall be like a tree planted by the river ... " Psalm 1:3 A child born during thunderstorm that Braved thunder lightning, grew up but Could not cope brother Dane’s death Depression, fear to......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, appreciation, bible, childhood, inspirational,
Form: Abecedarian
Flying Dreams
...I I have had flying dreams, what do they mean? In these dreams, music heard, as I do fly. I feel powerful in these types of scenes. II I fall from the sky,I do not know why, Do drills of sort......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, uplifting,
Form: Terza Rima

Premium Member MIRO gesturalista
...calligraphic cycles in phased personage gestures within a trance emptiness calm austere alternating nervousness in dynamic reactions ......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, art,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member Spring Sonata
... Dream catchers chime in the wind, like soft tones of a xylophone. Melodic melancholic rain, is free flowing, but morning birds still arrive, sitting on wet window sills, singing about their d......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, metaphor, spring,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Woven Worlds
... A teacher had students place flower seeds in the cracks of a sidewalk between its alternating lines along the sidewalk’s edge closest to the curb. I don’t know if the students returned to water......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, nature,
Form: Other
Premium Member Camouflaged
...Our enemies are hidden because we cannot see, for they are camouflaged in the sea of our deepest fears. They are not obvious through our blurred vision, even though hidden behind the thinnest of v......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, evil, fear, god, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Hades Siren
... Belladonnic poison seeps from your eyes, like an electric serum of Venusian alchemy, one that paralyzes my sense of pride. ......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, art,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Some Thing
...Conscious/sub conscious thought operating, alternating subtly Channels from which you express, create, exist, connect, hide, embrace Power for something from nothing and also nothing from somet......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, creation,
Form: Sijo
Premium Member AN Anacreon CLERIHEW
...Anacreon the greek born circa 580 BC loved to pen erotic poetry alternating long&short in syllabic metric lyrically untranslatable from the ionic......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, poets,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Small Town Cop
...Alternating red and blue, police car siren blaring. My heart is thumping wildly. I wave and blow him a kiss, But he doesn't notice. He is on the job, not caring. And since I'm driving slowly, a c......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Fantastic Four
...I've never read a comic Well surely that can't be true I've never read a comic So I haven't got a clue I do like comic art I have friends who go to Comic Con Is this enough to equip me? I'm......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Rigours and Rewards 18
...Francie folded with the first contraction .Sam had watched her eyes widen as the amniotic fluid soaked her dress.The contractions began immediately as if a starter pistol had been fired.She could te......Read the rest...
Categories: alternating, appreciation, birth,
Form: Narrative

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