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Alleys Poems - Poems about Alleys

Alleys Poems - Examples of all types of poems about alleys to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for alleys.

Premium Member Greenland Speech
Let’s make the Greenland green again Melt down the ice with fire Let’s build on Greenland’s pleasant land A city of desire Erect the towers most gigantic And hotels on the coast The biggest port on the Atlantic I dare...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, humorous, political,
Form: Rhyme
On Alleys With Linden Trees
Your smile on alleys with linden trees is like a moonlit nights under the shining stars. On the bench, in the park with summer flowers, I wish to embrace you near by my soul... Now, with white hair in my way to...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, life,
Form: Free verse

Back Alleys
If some is good more is better Less is threatened all enslaved If more is reasoned less is questioned Good intentions —hell repaved (Dreamsleep: January, 2023)...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, pain,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Alleys of Virtual Municipalities
The Alleys of Virtual Municipalities By David J Walker I love walking the rutted roads Running in hidden groves Through the residential jungles the rambling backyard boulevards dividing the single file plies...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, allegory,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Through Alleys of My Mind
I chase you through the alleys of my mind Your quickened steps ensure you're out of reach My tears collect then run much like my feet You cannot see or hear their silent speech And in the shadows of...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, longing, lost love,
Form: Sonnet

Blind Alleys
Saša Milivojev - BLIND ALLEYS Concrete Glass Rain Gloom All is withered Black birds I’m at the beginning I’m at the end of the alley O, Virgin Please Every verse I will sing You genuinely verify Through new eyes The remnants of people I recognise in satyrs That walk around in...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, imagination, inspiration, people, poems,
Form: Lyric
As I Walk Past the Alleys
As I walk past the alleys, I see you Crawling, begging, moaning in pain. Sorrows you hold, flood the avenue, Things you've lost and could never gain: You cry at the poverty, down the lane, And no nomads here hold...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, absence, integrity,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Urban Alleys - Poet's Dozen Contest
Urban Alleys – poet’s dozen contest windblown city streets becalmed trash waiting idly beneath tour buses sweet breeze that will release the steam of gutter’s flowing stagnant stream rats - red eyes in furtive glances oil slicks glowing rainbow coats squinting sunrise...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, city,
Form: Verse
Blind Alleys
A nascent cry demands the signature of space. I will start the self destruction- clawing back on the land of betrayals. The rule of sky was at stake. Trees were burning and the birds want to grasp the stark reality of notional violence. In dark hour I know...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, art,
Form: ABC
Alleys and Allies
The darkened alleys beat Drumming to the sound of the falling rain Lifting my head in the gutter Crushed by the weight of water Or Is it burden? The siren screams low Head bows to the silent din Whilst knees scrape the dead...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, dark, rain, body,
Form: Free verse
Dreaming of Dark Alleys
sometimes i feel going back time, in a place never been, starts with st.Ana winds, ends in a grid of dark alley, avevues, hand in hand lighted only by neon light, to separate the truth , from lies mario...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, brother
Form: I do not know?
Dreaming of Dark Alleys
sometimes i feel going back time, in a place never been, starts with st.Ana winds, ends in a grid of dark alley, avevues, hand in hand lighted only by neon light, to separate the truth , from lies mario...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, brother
Form: I do not know?
Lost Souls In Navy Blue Alleys
Ghosts rise up at night From the sinking tale of tides rocks hear all the Cries Charma (Not for the contest,but inspired by Raul's picture 'Ghost tides')...Read the rest...
Categories: alleys, fantasy
Form: Haiku

Book: Reflection on the Important Things