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Aha Poems - Poems about Aha

Aha Poems - Examples of all types of poems about aha to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for aha.
Baja Aha!
In the winter of life Escape to waters azure Forget stress and strife Baja adventure’s a lure Friends from bygone years Brothers for sure Through pain and tears We helped each other endure At Big Daddy’s Bungalow...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, feelings, friend, introspection, journey,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Aha Life a Reverberating Harp
life is a chessboard, with kings,...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, life, uplifting,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Aha Eureka
Remember when that flash of insight last self-ignited in your expectant thoughts blasting away the fog of uncertainty, complexity and doubt. A sudden aha Eureka answer, pure, simple, so succinct, beautiful. To some this flash of aha is called...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, inspiration, introspection,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Aha
A poem is to tantalize...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, meaningful, mystery, poems,
Form: Senryu
Aha Bozo You Clown
So Bozo you clown you like to frown forever being a Sullen Mischief So why do you sometimes have such a great big smile when you would rather run a mile Is it because circus games are not so vindictive when...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, fun, giggle, humor, satire,
Form: Free verse

Aha Argh Oh My Dog
Aha - argh... oh my dog... don't mind me muttering, eh? Earlier today (May 5th, 2020), I forget thee exact hour found me utterly beside mice elf, matter of fact even at this moment, yours truly doth feel mad at himself cuz...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, adventure, celebration, fun, heartbroken,
Form: Narrative
The Most Important Moment In Time
"Consider a moment in time, And it’s pure power defined For in an instant your mood can change, Leaving you happy or deranged Like flipping a switch, Your emotions submit To euphoria sky high, Or, “why did I bother to try” Consider to, What...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, blessing, future,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Aha
self help book pile up sure crashing in happenstance falling from on high 5/17/2018...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, books,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Aha
Didn’t digest my all-dressed pizza Suffering now from insomnia A touch of every possible phobia Mostly of ravenous bacteria And humongous tarantula O yes, and the sordid mafia Did I call my Grandmamma Did I put away the spatula Did I book...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, dream, fantasy, fun, imagination,
Form: Monorhyme
Crazy Language Aha
an honesty plan h is a silent hum mum a crazy language...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, crazy,
Form: Senryu
They Are Coming To Takeyou Away Aha
They are coming to take you away I dislike corners I know he will be standing there A real Parisian apache one leg resting on a wall of a closed down factory he is sharpening his...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, city, community, cool, crazy,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Aha Haiku 22
Park bench encounter Old man staring; Faraway look ~~~~~~~~~ Financial district Business downturn; By this fringe ~~~~~~~~~ Stormy evening Rain flows like oil; Lightning dazzles ~~~~~~~~~ Lift landing Blank faces congregate; Alone together ~~~~~~~~~ Wind on my face Rushing home; Rain water wets ~~~~~~~~~ Somnolent interlude Cricket musical; Deep dark night ~~~~~~~~~ One by one Bougainvilleas wither; Floral carpet ~~~~~~~~~ Pre-war terrace house Old...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, allusion,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Aha Haiku 21
Amusing musings Feelings greet thoughts; Emergent light ~~~~~~~~~ Cherry blossoms Pink constellations; Beauty speaks ~~~~~~~~~ Zen moment Wordless wonder; Stillness sums ~~~~~~~~~ Sakura fiesta Abundant blooms; Ephemeral ~~~~~~~~~ Seasonal high Cheery blossoms greet; Another year ~~~~~~~~~ Pen in hand Wait on feeling; Primal poise ~~~~~~~~~ New condo suite Vacant possession; Eager tour ~~~~~~~~~ Bamboo groves Familiar slant; Leafy rustle ~~~~~~~~~ Miniature dog Barks at strangers; Amusing howl ~~~~~~~~~ Binary codes Ones...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, change,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Aha Haiku 20
Mosquito menace Dengue and Zika; Fever inoculates ~~~~~~~~~ Rainy weather Stay indoors; Talk to myself ~~~~~~~~~ Dusk dark drowns Eyes strain to see; Sudden light blinds ~~~~~~~~~ Sexy brisk walk Lady of the night; Stuff of dreams ~~~~~~~~~ By kerb side fringe Strange gathering; Motley persuasions ~~~~~~~~~ Ancient occupation Red light district; Pleasure parade ~~~~~~~~~ Exotic night fare Moonlit sonata; Rapture...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, allegory,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Aha Haiku 19
Morning buzz Grandeur and grace; Pleasant surprise ~~~~~~~~~ Floral bouquet Scented extravagance; Rose garden escapade ~~~~~~~~~ City lights twinkle Evening charades; Dinner for two ~~~~~~~~~ Father's Day comes Commercial success; Family reunion ~~~~~~~~~ Ink stains Words on paper; Cursive metaphors ~~~~~~~~~ Kitchen chit-chat Witty small talk; Espresso ideas ~~~~~~~~~ Sleepy somnolence Eyelids heavy; Dreamy pursuits ~~~~~~~~~ Birdsong duet Dawn serenade; Hopes and dreams ~~~~~~~~~ Late night escapade Tryst...Read the rest...
Categories: aha, change,
Form: Haiku

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