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Accursed Poems - Poems about Accursed

Accursed Poems - Examples of all types of poems about accursed to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for accursed.
It was an old tiled house that I was born, ...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, 10th grade, 9th grade,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Once Submerged Beneath the Dark, Accursed Sea
Once Submerged Beneath The Dark, Accursed Sea Darkened winds beyond the long and hidden veil, Rising sea its calm repose then casts away, From some distance away, moaning church bell Calling faithful and sinners, come lets pray Tho' Fate with...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, art, death, deep, fate,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member From Poetic Thoughts On Mankind and Its Accursed Fate
From Poetic Thoughts On Mankind And Its Accursed Fate Hark! Grasp firm precious golden ray of moonlight Wrap in heart's grip, let seep into awaiting dreams Release it next dreadful, hellish-cast storming night To delight in its saliently flowing...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, art, creation, history, humanity,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Oh, That Most Accursed One
An unacceptable poetess,she. How dare she pen of her reality! We, in the upper clouds of poetry, Not glad of her beingn present here, eeks!. Can't we just lock the golden poetry door, And bid her farewell, alas evermore? She...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, character, humorous, poetess,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Accursed Cursor
The blinking cursor taunts I know not what it wants Alone it sits and pleads I know not what it needs And yet.....and yet.... My fingers hover over a keyboard Aching....longing for the touch of a distant lover lost not for words but for passion not lust but fire The...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, words, writing,
Form: Free verse

The Accursed
Horrible Monstrous Unforgiven Eternal Foredoomed Misfortune...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, angst, atheist, dark, evil,
Form: Haiku
Jinxed With Accursed Automobile Woes
Small fortune already spent to maintain 2009 Hyundai Sonata (pray cuz I love genii, or even mirthful teletubby heaven sent) compromising financial means to pay rent, telecommunications service provider (Verizon), electric company (PECO), sparking pent up rage against the machine money meant to...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Argh What Accursed Fate Did Lurk
Argh...What Accursed Fate Did Lurk... Regarding thee 2009 Hyundai Sonata (50+ shades of gray), a cred debt tub bull vehicle, that at this moment finds sinking feeling akin to led zeppelin, yes (for almost ten years, this car manufactured with damn)...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, absence, angst, appreciation, fear,
Form: Bio
Another Day Another Accursed Blank Screen
Another Day...Another Accursed Blank Screen Ma wink'n and blink'n mind nod yet awake, nor insights keen, asper ho hum usual, this (day-glo bull leave ...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, 11th grade, art, dream,
Form: Lyric
Wistful Accursed Penniless Fate God Dime Mitt
Wistful Accursed Penniless Fate...God Dime Mitt! (neither defamation, nor blasphemy meant, sans Title) Despite ingestion of anti anxiety medications ferocious hellish onslaught pummels me aback finds...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, 12th grade, allusion, analogy,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Lolita's Conceit
Lolita’s Conceit Obsession defined Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov An accursed passion Love’s true abomination. Literary allusion Tintinnabulation Sounding moral oblivion God’s sure condemnation. Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved, August 18, 2018 (Double Dactyl)...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, allusion, angst, betrayal, child
Form: Double Dactyl
An Accursed Abominable Deadly Epidemic
(alternately titled random axe of violence) I calculated an average of ~10.16.... deaths per year of mass school shootings since Columbine, a morbid benchmark where, iGen / Gen Z 1995 - 2012 bore significant hit, now students require...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Casus Belli Conquers Accursed Submucous Cleft Palate
after pros and cons discussed with six grade speech pathologist, she weighed in favor, to launch stealth offensive spring time surprise raid, which faux analogous military show of force, ...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
*****Sacer, An Accursed One
Before knowing, he was turned into an invisible man standing in the middle of a busy street. Unmistakably, though his image reflected on the glass of the show window no passersby noticed his presence or recognized him;...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, pain,
Form: Free verse
-accursed Then, Accursed Now-
ACCURSED THEN, ACCURSED NOW is a ...Read the rest...
Categories: accursed, dedication, people,
Form: Free verse

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