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Abutments Poems - Poems about Abutments

Abutments Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abutments to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abutments.

By George burn hing hard, I Shaw tried to be a stinking playwright
...By George (burn hing* hard), I Shaw tried to be a stinking playwright offers his unsolicited tidbits as scene courtesy the following virtually staged philosophical insight. Arch back like......Read the rest...
Categories: abutments, adventure, appreciation, art, encouraging,
Form: Free verse
Excerpt From Fake Encomium Given Years Ago
...Excerpt from “fake” encomium given years ago... at Lake Wobegone High School (my alma mater), and recently discovered ridiculous rough draft amidst plethora of junk emails while practice read......Read the rest...
Categories: abutments, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse

By George Burning Hard, I Shaw Tried To Playwright
...By George (burning hard), I Shaw tried to playwright offers his unsolicited tidbits as scene courtesy the following virtually staged philosophical insight. Arch back like a professional......Read the rest...
Categories: abutments, adventure, age, angel, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wings Whispering Blissfulness
...Flying dove-like in the midst of a sea of blueness Bringing a warm sensory of quiet and peacefulness A delicate quill floats and moves with the mild breeze Each butterfly represents......Read the rest...
Categories: abutments, analogy, appreciation, beauty, butterfly,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member We Paint Our Caves
...Once lit by flickering torch light with animal tallow mixed with ocher daubed on subterranean rock walls now lit by streetlights or LED headlamp slashes of spray paint and magic markers splatt......Read the rest...
Categories: abutments, symbolism,
Form: Free verse

Collapsed Pedestrian Bridge
...The new 950-ton bridge would beat down time dashing to classes cheat ting vulnerability asper thick traffic       putting life at risk,       thus laudatory alternative        intending to offe......Read the rest...
Categories: abutments, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Verse
House of Ruin
... The howling wind causes the unlatched shutter to bang incessantly against the faded gray wood The upstairs window, that the shutter shields, has spider legs of cracked glass A black widow ho......Read the rest...
Categories: abutments, corruption, dark, house, political,
Form: Verse
What's In a Name
...What's in a Name? by Preston Hill The Sun gives birth to dawn. We meet for the first time. We introduce. What’s your name? We chat respe......Read the rest...
Categories: abutments, allegory, introspection, life, sun,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things