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A Long Journey POTD

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"a long walk to reach my destination. I am still walking!" By Poet It was a long journey ... a long walk to reach my destination. I am still walking! born in a country of ancient civilization, of Vedas, of teachings of Buddha, Thousands of years of spiritual heritage, but a country which regained freedom from one hundred years of foreign rule.. excited, ecstatic, full of enthusiasm… A new day was in view. for women - in the land of Gargi, Maitreyee, Lopamudra - learned spiritual leaders and poetesses of Vedic hymns - society was still closed, women were denied the power to decide their path, shape their life, or express their opinions, aspirations, or feelings! my movement was restricted my feelings were restrained, my freedom of speech and pursuit of knowledge impeded! mine, and of many women like me. creativity is the open sky which allowed me to express my emotions and feelings unhindered, Like an open-winged falcon I glided in the endless blue, soared high in the infinity. My turbulent journey created a new woman! The more challenging the obstacles were, the stronger I was altered... into a new identity. From a demure, soft-spoken, bashful girl, progressively transforming into a strong, resolute, determined, soul. created myself ~ with bits and pieces, from multi-hued fragments of my life. A metamorphosis for a human entity! My journey is a journey of finding freedom ~ finding a distinctive voice of expression... for myself, and for many others. References: The Vedas are a large body of religious texts originating in ancient India. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism (Wikipedia) The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and • The Noble Eightfold Path. Women of the Vedic period (circa 1500-1200 BCE), were epitomes of intellectual and spiritual attainments. The Vedas have volumes to say about these women (Gargi, Maitreyee, Lopamudra and many more) who not only complemented and supplemented their male partners, but dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and the study of the Vedas. They were paragons of intellectual proficiency, natural philosophy, spiritual enlightenment and composed many of the Vedic hymns. They were Rishikis–female sages–in their own rights and were revered as teachers, doctors and theorists. March 20, 2022 For "Just Give Me A New Poem" Poetry Contest Theme: Journey Sponsor: Constance La France FIRST PLACE POEM OF THE DAY - March 23, 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 4/21/2022 10:19:00 AM
Dear Mala, I echo the affirmation of Connie and Susan in expressing my delight to see this masterpiece rise to the top of the best new poems list, where it belongs. You poured heart and soul into these words and I am so happy for you at the richly deserved acknowledgment. Enjoy your day, my friend! ~ John
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 4/22/2022 5:04:00 PM
Thank you, John. I feel honoured with inspiring comments from such gifted poets. I am fortunate to belong to this creative community. You have supported me in many ways from when I joined this site. Your kindness and generosity are exemplary as your poetic skills are. Best wishes ~ Mala
Date: 4/14/2022 1:28:00 AM
I am so happy to see this wonderful poem in the number one spot on the best new poems list Mala. You know how much I loved it. Congratulations. Blessings xxoo
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 4/22/2022 5:01:00 PM
Dear Connie, thank you so much. I really appreciate your inspiring comments. I know you loved this poem, and I am honoured, Dear Friend. Blessings ~ Mala
Date: 4/13/2022 5:04:00 PM
Mala Back with congratulations again . You are top of the new poems list ! Bravo !! So happy for you . Your spirit shines . A fav for me too ! Big hugs, Susan :)
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 4/13/2022 5:13:00 PM
Dear Susan, I feel so humbled are such a great poetess..I am so fortunate to be in this community of gifted poets. Dear Friend, truly appreciate your visiting my page and commenting with such uplifting words.
Date: 4/1/2022 2:20:00 AM
Thanks so much, Malabika. Thought-provoking piece.
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 4/13/2022 5:14:00 PM
Thanks, Andrew. My life was not easy...finally I have found my happy place.
Date: 3/30/2022 9:53:00 PM
Like an open-winged falcon I glided in the endless blue, soared high in the infinity. I wonder how I missed this wonderful poem.... a journey of self realization and self discovery over impediments of social and ethnic restrictions! Now you are indeed soaring high, Mala ! May you have a wider wingspan ! Congratulations on your great win !
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 4/13/2022 5:23:00 PM
Dear Valsa, Thank you so much for your kind, encouraging, inspiring words. Yes, true..I have gone through a journey of self-discovery and self-realization. But now I have role models who I am learning from..they are all the gifted and brilliant poets at this site! I am truly fortunate, Dear Friend.
Date: 3/26/2022 9:15:00 PM
Journeys external... leading to discovery internally. Beautifully penned, Mala! :) gw
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 4/13/2022 5:13:00 PM
Dear Gershon, truly appreciate your beautiful words.
Date: 3/26/2022 6:44:00 PM
Mala, congratulations on your win in my Just Write Me A Poem contest, wonderful poem, I love the images and the quote too and congratulations on receiving the POEM OF THE DAY honor also ~Constance
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/26/2022 7:03:00 PM
Thanks, Constance. I feel honoured.
Date: 3/25/2022 11:03:00 PM
BIG Congrats to win Top Love.
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/26/2022 6:00:00 AM
Dear Anisha, Thank you for your visit and comment. I am honoured with POTD, and I am thrilled by comments from my poet friends. Love and blessings ~ Mala
Date: 3/25/2022 9:04:00 AM
Congratulations on your "New" win. I Love This One. Your pen was working overtime. Have a great/blessed day..................
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/26/2022 5:58:00 AM
Thanks, Dear Friend. Your delightful visit and comments make my day. Love ~ Mala
Date: 3/24/2022 10:15:00 AM
Congratulations on POTD, Mala, and thank you for sharing a weel told story. Blessings ~ Debra
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/24/2022 12:43:00 PM
Thank you, Debra. Appreciate your comment. Love ~ Mala
Date: 3/23/2022 10:16:00 PM
Mala, your journey is so eloquently described here. "A metamorphosis for a human entity!" speaks volumes, and I know you speak not only for yourself, and not only for India, but for all women. There is no reason on earth your right to create and contribute to culture and society should be impeded. These are powerful words, my friend. Perfectly deserving of your POTD and going in my faves to be read over and over. Blessings ~ John
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/24/2022 7:11:00 AM
Dear John, Thank you so much for your inspiring comments - it touched me so much I waited a bit to reply. You are very right - I don't only speak for myself, or only the women of India, I speak for women of the world. I have lived in two continents, three countries - part of my life was spent trying to imbibe all the great things from those rich and varied cultures. But for a while...for many many years, I tended to forget my passions, I forgot who I was (actually my father was my inspiration) ! I feel so honoured that this poem is going to be in your faves! Best wishes ~Mala
Date: 3/23/2022 6:39:00 PM
You opened your wings and you flew, you found your voice and you found yourself. I'm so happy for you, my dear friend. Your words touch my heart so deeply. I know it has been a long journey, but you are now stronger and more independent. So wonderful indeed. Congratulations Malabika, on Poem of the Day. My best to you. Hugs, Brandy
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 6:44:00 PM
Thank you, Brandy, for your lovely and inspiring comments. True - it was a long and hard journey, but, being a part of a creative community, I am ready to walk to my destination. Love and best wishes, Dear Friend.
Date: 3/23/2022 5:51:00 PM
Congratulations on POTD! Just one of many: creativity is the open sky which allowed me to express my emotions and feelings unhindered…
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 6:25:00 PM
Thank you, Kim. I think, this is true for all of us. Creativity is the way of expressing feelings for all of you - all the gifted poets at this site. I feel honoured to be a part of this poetic community.
Date: 3/23/2022 4:46:00 PM
You have soared, Mala! And opened the door for other women to walk through! A beautiful poem of your struggles and strength. Congratulations on POTD :)
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 4:50:00 PM
Thank you, Ann. Your comments inspired me. I am fortunate to be in this talented and compassionate poetic community. One regret - I have started's a long way!
Date: 3/23/2022 11:29:00 AM
Congratulations on POTD, Mala, and thank you for so beautifully telling your and India's story. I have a deep love for and connection with India, both in this lifetime and past ones. I am glad you have found freedom of expression. May you also find the ultimate freedom of moksha. Warm aloha, Molly
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 1:48:00 PM
Thanks, Molly. Appreciate your comments.
Date: 3/23/2022 10:20:00 AM
Congratulations on your POTD, Well deserved !
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 10:26:00 AM
Thanks, Paris. Really appreciate your encouraging comment.
Date: 3/23/2022 9:03:00 AM
Wow what an amazing poem and a most deserving one to be chosen as POTD... you really take the reader on a journey here and it is so informative also... brilliant..
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 9:12:00 AM
Thank you, Dear Poet - it's wonderful to see you back! It was my journey - that's true, but it is also the journey of many other women like me, who waited many many years to find the right opportunity. Best wishes ~ Mala
Date: 3/23/2022 8:45:00 AM
Congratulations on your POTD honor, Mala. I enjoy the information you shared concerning your long journey. India is a beautiful and spiritual country, but it is a tragedy that woman have been held back so long. Thank you for your courage and strength and for becoming the poetess you are. Smiles ~ Blessings, Bill
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 9:09:00 AM
Thank you so much, Dear Bill. You are right - India is a beautiful country and an ancient culture of spiritualism. Women used to be spiritual leaders, teachers, poets in Vedic age. But in the course of time...there might be some historical reasons..women's rights were neglected, and women were held back. Times are changing..Indian women are more and more coming forward, and finding their voice. Warm wishes ~ Mala
Date: 3/23/2022 8:26:00 AM
Congratulations on your P.O.T.D win. WOW!!! Your "A Long Journey" is a beautiful write and walk. I Love This One. Thanks for adding the information on the bottom. Have a great/blessed day as you walk your journey.................
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 9:03:00 AM
Thank you, Paula, for your encouraging comments. The references are needed to understand the historical background of the poem. I am so glad you enjoyed my story. Love and blessings ~
Date: 3/23/2022 8:14:00 AM
Dear Mala, this is a beautifully-expressed, exquisite poem which should have wide readership. Such a tribute to the fortitude of oppressed women. I'm so glad you shared this with us. Congratulations on your P.O.T.D. Truly deserving!
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 9:00:00 AM
Dear Milton, Thank you for reading my poem and expressing your thoughts. I was fortunate to be born to parents and a family who valued and encouraged my efforts. My Father was my greatest inspiration. My first lessons in English were from my father and grandfather. But there were hundreds and thousands of women who lacked support. Days have changed - Indian women are becoming more and more powerful, and finding their rightful status in the society.
Date: 3/23/2022 7:14:00 AM
Just beautiful Mala ! So many amazing lines . Your strength and resolution shine through here and your heart and mind are open . Like an open-winged falcon I glided in the endless blue …. I love your descriptions . Big congratulations on POTD! A fav for me ! Hugs to you , Susan :)
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 7:55:00 AM
Dear Susan, Thank you so much. Truly appreciate your beautiful comment. Glad you liked the descriptions - you are a great poet - I feel honoured. I am learning from all of you - talented poets - at this site. Love and blessings ~ Mala
Date: 3/23/2022 5:24:00 AM
Congratulations on POTD..A great tribute to the true warriors-women.
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 5:44:00 AM
Thanks, JCB. You are absolutely right - women are true warriors. I remember the sufferings our previous generation of women had gone through…and the sacrifices they made! I also salute the men who had supported women empowerment.
Date: 3/23/2022 4:56:00 AM
Mala, congratulations on your POTD! A story of the woman who you have become so beautifully expressed. And a strong message for women who still struggle for a voice. Blessings, Paulette
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 5:03:00 AM
Thank you, Paulette. I am honoured with support from all of you. You are the ones who inspire me every day. Yes, my important goal for writing is sending a message for many women who are still struggling. I write in my home-language, which is Bengali, too.
Date: 3/23/2022 4:52:00 AM
A journey that strengthened you, Congrats on POTD
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 4:59:00 AM
Thanks, Joseph. Very true - the tough journey made me strong.
Date: 3/23/2022 4:30:00 AM
Mala, congratulations on your POTD honors for this amazing and for me, most informative write! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it this morning !!!
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 3/23/2022 4:48:00 AM
Thanks, Mike. I feel humbled with such an honour. Glad to know my poem was informative to you.

Book: Shattered Sighs