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one haiku

Contest Judged:  9/9/2019 2:35:00 PM
Sponsored by: Rick Parise | Send Soup Mail
See Contest Description

Contest Description

What to Submit?

ONE Original Haiku  

Any Questions? SEE.... Ancient Haiku By Basho

5/7/5 ONLY

ENJOY !!!!!!!!!!!


The haiku form of poetry originated in Japan where the 17th-century poet Basho is considered the "father" of the form. Haiku is sparse and has strict syllabic and line restraints yet the discipline has produced many beautiful and soulful poems. Haiku tends to focus on nature and the seasons. It captures a moment in time by distilling a moment's observation to its very essence. The form relies on acute observation with all the senses.


First Prize, Glory
Second Prize, Glory
Third Prize, Glory
1-10 Shall Gloat



Book: Shattered Sighs