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(F)EATURED (F)ORM (I)NVITATIONAL SERIES no 1 haiku - Brian Strand's Blog

About Brian Strand
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English experiential poet of open verse& creator of the FOOTLE (singular form)&EMAGI digital reverse ekphrasis.A regular @PS since 2007 ,with 10,000+ poems posted&sponsor of 1312+contests ( Amazon booksreviews (500+)GOOGLE my POETRY/ART BLOGS @ inc youtube links to my recitations artwork sample - 








Blog Posted:9/16/2019 11:38:00 AM

I have missed the contact with Psoupers from sponsoring contests(but not the admin associated therewith).Sooo..As an experiment I invite 'entries ' to a Featured form blog ( via soupmail to me to include a pasted link therein to the poem ).I will read the poem just once,and if it appeals*will feature it here and  post the name of poet+poem and the link as part of this blog for others to click on.

Each featured form wil remain open for entries  until the blog drops off this PS  mst recent list of blogs 

FEATURED FORM no:1 haiku (show don't tell is my take thereon)


Wilshkobi ode.

John Gondolf

Wendy Watson


Tania Kitchin


I will not judge the technical aspects of the form.

Placings Podium  or  HM a appropriate

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My Past Blog Posts

Date Posted: 5/29/2024 1:40:00 AM
TO ALL MY FAITHFUL CONTESTANTS fare well and thank you
Date Posted: 5/24/2024 12:30:00 AM
Date Posted: 12/25/2022 1:06:00 AM
Date Posted: 12/24/2021 11:12:00 AM
TITLES & poetry
Date Posted: 8/20/2021 5:50:00 AM
POETIC motivation
Date Posted: 8/14/2021 1:49:00 AM
POETIC DEVICES an observation
Date Posted: 8/13/2021 1:31:00 AM
Date Posted: 8/11/2021 3:13:00 PM
POETICS an observation
Date Posted: 8/10/2021 3:33:00 AM
READING ALOUD the apex of poetry
Date Posted: 8/2/2021 3:58:00 AM
IMAGIST impressions
Date Posted: 7/19/2021 12:21:00 AM
Date Posted: 7/15/2021 1:07:00 AM
PROSE an observation
Date Posted: 7/13/2021 12:21:00 AM
JULY 4 an historic event
Date Posted: 7/4/2021 9:16:00 AM
BYRON modesty & fishing for praise -a quote
Date Posted: 6/30/2021 12:54:00 AM
A B C D E of poetry
Date Posted: 6/27/2021 2:03:00 AM
TEST MATCH SPECIAL an historic event
Date Posted: 6/17/2021 3:55:00 AM
To rime OR not THAT is the question inc UPDATE
Date Posted: 6/14/2021 12:28:00 AM
SHOW not TELL always is POETRY done WELL
Date Posted: 6/9/2021 1:21:00 AM
Date Posted: 6/1/2021 12:48:00 AM
PERFORMANCE or when poetry became an art inc UPDATE
Date Posted: 5/26/2021 7:20:00 AM
Date Posted: 5/23/2021 1:18:00 AM
Date Posted: 5/17/2021 12:43:00 AM
SHAVUOT a historic event
Date Posted: 5/16/2021 12:11:00 AM
POETRY is it really an ART
Date Posted: 5/12/2021 12:22:00 AM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
7/26/2024 HIKU of NOUNS Haikumemory,word play,
7/26/2024 POETICS my definition Biobirth,image,imagery,imagi
7/25/2024 ART here and now Bioart,
7/25/2024 ART my definition Bioart,
7/25/2024 ART of SELF PORTRAIT id ego REVEALED Bioart,
7/24/2024 NURSERY RHYME for today Political Versepolitical,word play,
7/22/2024 CHANCE RANDOMNESS in the experimental Didacticart,imagination,
7/21/2024 HEAVEN'S ABOVE Didacticchristian,heaven,
7/20/2024 SILENCE abstracted Versesilence,
7/20/2024 BLOSSOM in ABSTRACT Tristichnature,word play,
7/17/2024 SOCCER EPITAPH alexandrine Alexandrinefootball,philosophy,
7/14/2024 A SOCCER ELEGY Elegyfootball,sports,
7/11/2024 A PICTURE of YESTERDAYS Verseimagination,inspiration,w
7/8/2024 MY JESUS Biochristian,wisdom,
7/6/2024 NINE LINES UP a reverse nonet Nonetwedding,word play,
7/5/2024 A BIT of ROUGH POETRY Verseword play,
7/2/2024 META-MORPHOSIS AND me Biochange,
7/1/2024 CLIMATE CHANGE 2 a squib Didacticconfusion,summer,word pla
6/30/2024 ABRACADABRA a SQUIB recitation Didacticword play,
6/28/2024 A DRAMATIC PEDIGREE Dramatic Versefamily,
6/26/2024 SUMMER Hiku Haikusports,summer,
6/25/2024 A CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE squib Didacticchristian,marriage,
6/24/2024 JOHN CAGE squib Didacticmusic,
6/23/2024 CLIMATE CHANGE a squib Didacticweather,
6/23/2024 TO PASQUIL or TO SQUIB that is the question Didactichumor,word play,
6/23/2024 CHANCE 06232024 squib thread Verseword play,
6/21/2024 CHANCE POEM 062124 Surreality sensed Verseart,surreal,word play,
6/20/2024 CONTRASTS Verseimagery,
6/17/2024 A CLERIMERICK exphrasis Clerihewart,
6/16/2024 RAINDROPS Light Versepatriotic,summer,weather,
6/16/2024 AMBASSADOR OF BREVITY Ekphrasisart,music,poetry,
6/13/2024 VOIR DIRE Epigramchristian,spiritual,words
6/12/2024 S a M e P o E m different F o R m Otherloneliness,loss,solitude,
6/11/2024 CARPE diem Otherphilosophy,word play,
6/10/2024 A UK EUROVISION WINNING QUINTET Light Versemusic,patriotic,song,
6/10/2024 CHANCE POEM 061024 diversions Otherword play,
6/8/2024 CHANCE s ur R ea L i Ty experiental words June 8 Shapeword play,
6/8/2024 CHANCE POEM 060824 trifles Otherword play,
6/5/2024 CHANCE POEM 060524 enigma Otherword play,
6/3/2024 CHANCE POEM 060324 survival Otherword play,
5/30/2024 S u Rr E a l i T y no B Imagismword play,words,writing,
5/30/2024 S u Rr E a l i T y no A Imagismword play,words,
5/29/2024 POETRYSoup Light Versethank you,
5/21/2024 PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE Biophilosophy,
5/19/2024 PENTECOST Coupletcelebration,christian,
5/18/2024 POEM NO 10,000 a retrospective Biocelebration,poetry,
5/18/2024 -CHANCISTA- Didacticart,
5/18/2024 CLERIHEW LI ecphrasis munch Ekphrasisart,
5/18/2024 MIRO on the carpet Ekphrasisart,
5/18/2024 SCAPIGLIATA Ekphrasisart,
5/18/2024 CIPHERS Ekphrasisart,
5/18/2024 word U S P XVII banksy Didacticart,
5/18/2024 BM VII classical beethoven Monokumusic,
5/18/2024 -CUTOUTISTA - Didacticart,
5/18/2024 CLERIHEW L ecphrasis rossetti Ekphrasisart,
5/17/2024 ABSTRACT POETICS Otherword play,
5/17/2024 LOOK CLOSELY rothko Didacticart,
5/17/2024 REQUIEM Elegyemotions,
5/17/2024 REALITY REVEALED Otherpoetry,word play,
5/17/2024 ABSTRACT DREAMS Otherpoetry,word play,
5/17/2024 IMAGININGS Otherpoetry,word play,
5/17/2024 - NOISELESSISTA - Didacticallusion,imagination,intr
5/17/2024 word U S P XVI hopper Didacticart,
5/17/2024 BM VI classical faure Monokumusic,
5/17/2024 CLERHEW XLIX ecphrasis zecchin Ekphrasisart,
5/16/2024 POETRY READ ALOUD Didacticpoetry,voice,
5/16/2024 A POETS CRUSH- Biohow i feel,inspiration,mo
5/16/2024 DIALECT RECITATION poetry reading Bioword play,
5/16/2024 A - an ABCDERIAN in A Word Abecedarianword play,
5/16/2024 A - ACROSTIC reversed Acrosticword play,
5/16/2024 - CONSONISTA - Didacticmusic,
5/16/2024 word U S P XV kandinsky Didacticart,
5/16/2024 BM V classical mahler Monokumusic,
5/16/2024 CLERIHEW XLVIII ecphrasis waterhouse Ekphrasisart,
5/15/2024 A - an alliterative verse Didacticchristian,community,educa
5/15/2024 PLAINSONGISTA Didacticmusic,
5/15/2024 word U S P XIV picasso Didacticart,
5/15/2024 BM IV clasical haydn Monokumusic,
5/15/2024 CLERIHEW XLVII ecphrasis rodin Ekphrasisart,
5/14/2024 -B R A S S I S T A- Didacticmusic,
5/14/2024 BM classical III jenkins Monokumusic,
5/14/2024 word U S P XIII rembrandt Didacticart,
5/14/2024 HUMEROUS PATTER belloc Couplethumorous,poetry,
5/14/2024 CLERIHEW XLVI ecphrasis malevich Ekphrasisart,
5/13/2024 IF ONLY YOU KNEW Epigramchristian,
5/13/2024 CIRCADIAN ALLITERATION Alliterationcelebration,
5/13/2024 - M E D I E V A L I S T A - Didacticmusic,
5/13/2024 word U S P XII lowry Ekphrasisart,
5/13/2024 BM clasical I vivaldi Monokumusic,
5/13/2024 CLERIHEW XLV cphrasis manet Ekphrasisart,
5/13/2024 A form WYATTS ALEXANDRINE Alexandrinepoetry,word play,
5/12/2024 - PERCUSSIONISTA - Didacticmusic,
5/12/2024 word U S P XI dali Ekphrasisart,
5/12/2024 BM ecphrasis XII piano Monokumusic,
5/12/2024 CLERIHEW XIV ecphrasis kupka Ekphrasisart,
5/11/2024 N -A from 2011 Biolove,
5/11/2024 N-A from 2010 Shapechristian,
5/11/2024 -MUSICISTA- II Didacticmusic,
5/11/2024 word U S P X marc Ekphrasisanimal,art,
5/11/2024 BM ecphrasis XI piano Monokumusic,

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things