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Revolutionary Evolutionary Acclimations of Deep Learning - Gerald Dillenbeck's Blog

About Gerald Dillenbeck
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Most significant mentors (other than Mom, of course): Buckminster Fuller and Laotse, but not necessarily in that order.

Permacultural designer, with special interest in the regenerative development of economic relationships within natural settings, like a human life, for example, or a family, or a community, nation, species. 

Retired from grant and contract writing and non-profit strategic consulting, more or less.

Sort of a Taoist Permacultural Universalist, if we need a label. Which reminds me of the time I was applying for entry to an interfaith hermitage. They wanted to know my primary faith tradition and I wrote "polypath," not realizing this word has already been taken to indicate genius within more than one paradigm. So, perhaps this was a great deal too much hubris and ignorance for them to tolerate, but all I intended to say was that I identify most resonantly with the relationships between our diverse wisdom traditions, although I claim no genius mastery status within any one of them.

I live in my hermitage with four adopted children, now teenagers, with special needs, ranging from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome across cerebral palsy, blindness, and a wicked case of ADD.

If I were ever to grow up I would like to do stand-up comedy routines during Sunday liturgies. 

My blogsite, with lots more poetry and some humor essays, is Please say hi if you visit.



Revolutionary Evolutionary Acclimations of Deep Learning

Blog Posted:10/1/2016 11:12:00 AM

From Thomas Kuhn’s “The Road Since Structure,” pp. 225-228, with supplemental commentary in brackets.

Four essential elements of my developed position are…to be found there [in C. G. Hempel, Fundamentals of Concept Formation in Empirical Science]:

scientific [and other language-learning] terms are regularly learned in [positively rewarded] use;

that [fertile, nutritious] use involves the [not dis-ecological] description of one or another [regenerative gestalt-universe subclimate] paradigmatic example of nature’s [experiential landscape of external] behavior;

a number of such examples are required for the [evolutionary rumination, relearning] process to work [principle of polymorphic quasi-redundant reiteration]]

and, finally, when the [acclimation] process is complete, the language or concept learner has acquired not only [teleological, purposive, contextually interdependent] meanings

but also, inseparably [nondually], [ethological, ecological regenerative purpose of nature ourselves] generalizations about nature.

[confluent with larger multicultural, bicameral ecoconsciousness as positively deviant in comparison with a priori consilient network states of comprehending self/other exegetical-interrelational information]

“The [Deep Learning] Theoretician’s Dilemma”…[also referring to Hempel] was how to preserve [sustain] a principled distinction between what he then still called ‘observational’ [experiential, ontological] and ‘theoretical terms’ [explanatory, contextual and teleologically ecological]. When, a few years later still, he began instead to describe the distinction as one between ‘antecedently available terms [variables, rhythms, patterns, relationships, memes, reified nomials, language choices] and those learned together, with[in] a new [reforming, retermed experience repurposing language within its multiculturally natural ecological universe of remembered thought/feeling healthy/pathology experientially fertile optimization] theory, I could see him as having implicitly adopted a developmental [evolving ecologic of ecopolitical truth/beauty/ as health/wealth] historical stance.

But what I primarily owe him [Hempel] is not from the realm of ideas. Rather it is the experience of working [learning] with a philosopher [researcher, explorer, traveler, pilgrim] who cares more about arriving at [ecological] truth than about winning [ecopolitical] arguments.

…[T]he historical [evolutionary] approach I joined in developing owed as much to difficulties encountered by the [uneco]logical-empiricist [dis-integrative, not syncretic, un-unitarian, notnot interdependent, dualistically reified philosophical] tradition as it did to [experiential revolutions within the] history of science [and other forms of transcultural learning].

Carnap emphasized untranslatability [logically incommensurable] as I do…. One language might permit statements that could not be translated into another, but anything properly classified as scientific [ecologically systemic health/pathology confluent, fertile, internal/external landscape consilient] knowledge could be both stated and scrutinized in either language, using the same [multiculturally interdependent numeric-calculating] method and gaining [outcoming] the same [experientially calibrated pattern] result. The factors responsible for the use of one language rather than another were irrelevant both to the results achieved and, more especially, to their [acclimative] cognitive status.

This aspect of Carnap’s position has never been available to me. Concerned from the start with the development of knowledge [language, learning, ecoconsciousness] I have seen each stage in the evolution of a given field as built—not quite squarely—upon its predecessor, [yet also interdependently coincidental bilaterally within an ecopolitical elite population sharing a specialized, reified theoretical gestalt-dialectal ecology] the earlier stage providing the problems, the data, and most of the concepts [exegetically] prerequisite to the emergence of the [revolutioning eisegetical] stage that followed. In addition, I have insisted that some changes in conceptual [interdependent dialectal] vocabulary are required for the assimilation and development of the [newly exegeting] observations, laws, and [permaculturally restabilizing health/pathology] theories deployed in the later [transubstantiation from eisegetical to exegetical] stage (whence the phrase ‘not quite squarely’ above).  Given those beliefs, the process of [small-evolutionary/great-revolutionary] transition from old state to new becomes an integral part of science, a process that must be understood by the [permacultural, multicultural] methodologist concerned to analyze the [nutrient] cognitive [and affective] basis for [healthy-fertile] scientific beliefs. Language change is cognitively [and affectively, nondual ecological effectively] significant for me as it was not for Carnap.

[Language listening to learn ecologically confluent relationships, correlations, positive and negative, follows a dialectal ecologically-confluent positive harmonious past-power path through co-empathic trusting exegetical-ionic-iconic DNA thermodynamic experience of sustained ecotherapeutic cognitive/affective balance v. cognitive/affective emergent dissonance. Whether paradigmatic climate change is Business As Usual slow-emergence, or revolutionary, whether evolutionary or revolutionary, depends on whether one notices day-to-day emergence or whether one notices great transitional ectosymbiotic emergence of positive relationship-building between two or more dialectally interdependent paradigms suddenly, as in Buber’s “Aha!” gestalt, is a difference between bicameral aptic normal deductive-dominant learning, and bicameral polypathic synaptic learning to learn cognitive-affective ecopolitical healthy/pathology nondual tipping point consilience, suddenly surprisingly reconciling the previously known only as incommensurable, for the first synaptically blissful resolving, resonant, now-fully-present time.

Endosymbiotic evolution is our emerging internal integrity potential for great ectosymbiotic revolutions, actively-mutually-engaging, co-present, full-ecoconsciously abundant, timeless climate of interdependent co-relation.  Atheism of  (0)-sum economic Empty is to normal science as panentheism of organic Interdependence is to (0)-soul bilateral political revolutions of syncretic learning to re-search as re-listen more effectively, more nutritiously, more therapeutically, more happily, more positively, more prosperously, more fertilely, together.]

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Date: 10/1/2016 11:25:00 AM
by heck, some ones swallowed a dictionary, not sure it rhymes mind and the syllable count horrendous lol :-)
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Pennell  Avatar
Stephen Pennell
Date: 10/1/2016 11:51:00 AM
great answer Gerald :-) keep the blogs coming even if over my pay grade. stephen
Dillenbeck Avatar
Gerald Dillenbeck
Date: 10/1/2016 11:34:00 AM
Yes, the aesthetics are predictably absent, unfortunately; which is why I posted this as a blog, for those who may have a deeper interest in the communication theory implied by seasons with reasons and rhymes within time, places incarnating spaces, races with multicultural faces, etc.

My Past Blog Posts

WinWin Game Theory and Climate Health EcoPolitical Stategies
Date Posted: 10/28/2016 12:13:00 PM
Dawkins' Memes Revolving EcoPolitical Health History
Date Posted: 10/11/2016 10:41:00 AM
Revolutionary Evolutionary Acclimations of Deep Learning
Date Posted: 10/1/2016 11:12:00 AM
Bateson's Sacred Unity: ReConsilience of Healthy MindBody Systems
Date Posted: 9/26/2016 11:49:00 AM
History's Teachable Moments
Date Posted: 6/9/2016 11:09:00 AM
Synergetic Symposia excerpts
Date Posted: 6/7/2016 10:20:00 AM
Excerpts from "Synergetic Symposia"
Date Posted: 5/28/2016 9:03:00 AM
Positive Psychology as Basic Permacultural Attendance
Date Posted: 5/11/2016 10:32:00 AM
PostMillennial EcoTherapy
Date Posted: 5/10/2016 11:45:00 AM

My Recent Poems

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5/5/2024 Dancing Integrity While Singing Authentically Parallelismus Membrorumhealth,integrity,light,mu
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4/7/2024 ComPassion's Braver Angels Parallelismus Membrorumanxiety,earth day,health,
3/20/2024 Orthodoxy v Orthopraxis Parallelismus Membrorumintegrity,passion,peace,p
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3/16/2024 Indigenous Wisdom Parallelismus Membrorumhappiness,health,integrit
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