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PostMillennial EcoTherapy - Gerald Dillenbeck's Blog

About Gerald Dillenbeck
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Most significant mentors (other than Mom, of course): Buckminster Fuller and Laotse, but not necessarily in that order.

Permacultural designer, with special interest in the regenerative development of economic relationships within natural settings, like a human life, for example, or a family, or a community, nation, species. 

Retired from grant and contract writing and non-profit strategic consulting, more or less.

Sort of a Taoist Permacultural Universalist, if we need a label. Which reminds me of the time I was applying for entry to an interfaith hermitage. They wanted to know my primary faith tradition and I wrote "polypath," not realizing this word has already been taken to indicate genius within more than one paradigm. So, perhaps this was a great deal too much hubris and ignorance for them to tolerate, but all I intended to say was that I identify most resonantly with the relationships between our diverse wisdom traditions, although I claim no genius mastery status within any one of them.

I live in my hermitage with four adopted children, now teenagers, with special needs, ranging from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome across cerebral palsy, blindness, and a wicked case of ADD.

If I were ever to grow up I would like to do stand-up comedy routines during Sunday liturgies. 

My blogsite, with lots more poetry and some humor essays, is Please say hi if you visit.



PostMillennial EcoTherapy

Blog Posted:5/10/2016 11:45:00 AM


Our International Permaculture Communications Class project hopes to design a cooperative, yet fun, EcoTherapy Game. We will do this together, but this  shares some of my initial thought experiments and theoretical frame, ecosystemic structure for regenerative on-line  and RealTime game development.

What if we cast Information issues within a hierarchy of discernment authority to defer to nutritious health and economic prosperity values? So options available are restricted by giving preference to those that are at least positive/negative value balanced in nondual ecological and economic categories. This should have the effect of minimizing loss, pain, suffering, and dissonance, using normative Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) binary system standards, for positive value optimization to date, decomposed with Bayesian PolyNomial QBit (0)-soul bilateral trend analysis.

Now, this is a Win-Win gaming frame, so we prioritize positive information value power and authority by using a principle of mutual lowest subsidiarity default. So, if a Win-Lose value issue dispute arises at the individual level, then the dissonant resolution frame may invite  the population of the individual's family and/or other trusted support system relationships, if this extended family presents the issue to their community, then the resolution frame incorporates that family's community, if the community cannot resolve the issue to the satisfaction of both the family and the community representatives, then the frame goes out to representatives of the State, or Province, or Bioregion, then to national representatives, and globally only in the event of a national failure to find a mutually acceptable win-win indigenous strategy. Global attention seems likely with regard to climate change concerns, for example, but probably not quite so much about your grandmother's unfortunate habit of carrying an unsheathed paring knife concealed in the back pocket of her dungarees. But, please notice, this game design intends to be family-based, or rooted--not necessarily the sole provence of those desperate 16 to 24 year olds hiding down in your basements waiting for the satellites to fall, playing their Win-Lose cosmological disaster championship games.

Let's take a familiar and long-standing ethical dilemma between the individual and society: If we had a citizen who refused to pay that portion of federal taxes currently allocated toward the production of death and the destruction of property, these would probably show up in our positive ecology value column as ecologically dysfunctional, and therefore negative values; that is, death, decay, dissonance, and destruction are each an indicator of harm, disvalue, dissonant Information string-trend frequencies. These are each and all ecologically negative trend projections. So, a State regulation that appeared to the individual to be dissonant with his or her biosystem's positive productive outcomes might also contribute to the demise of everyone's biosystemic health and welfare. I think this might be at least a reasonably moderate level of global human collapse, probably bringing along several other vulnerable species.

Our EcoTherapy Game might involve a national resolution platform to reconsider options like permitting conscientious objectors to not pay their war tax portion so long as that same amount of currency is transparently invested for positive socioeconomic outcomes, such as  design and investment exchange networks, commodity  and equity cooperatives and locally controlled ecological economic development. 

On the other hand, a socioecological pathologist, and perhaps to some extent we each participate in socioecological pathology, but some more frequently and dysfunctionally than others, brought to the game for violating WinWin norms, such as evading paying people in a corporation's own community a living wage by moving production, packaging, and customer service operations to another biosystem, thereby increasing carbon footprint for transportation, and where cost of living in U.S. dollar equivalencies is much lower, thereby further eroding the value of indigenous currency, and further destabilizing the economic and ecological systems in the new socioenvironmentally-jeopardized location. This begins to smell like taking a shit in somebody else's water, most anybody else's water, the further away from where I sleep the better, and would be an illegitimate Lose-Lose strategy with disvalues dominating values in both our ecological and economic categories of available options. I strongly recommend that we take off our Political-Ecological Win-Win gaming table, any of these sociocultural and economic Lose-Lose strategies. But, carefully, therapeutically, through appropriately reverse-hierarchical dialectical discernment processes.

So, OK, where was I?  Oh yes, these ecodislogical corporate heads meet with community or state representatives for dispute resolution using a Basic Attendance positive, non-violent, dynamically reiterative, issue resolution framework. Compassionately mindful eco-therapists, both humanist and feminist, using their most inclusively empathetic positive communication and regenerative information skills, talk about, perhaps even role play, perhaps even playing the EcoTherapy Game together, demonstrate the positives and negatives economically and ecologically that they see in the corporate heads' investment strategy, mindfully, and therefore gratefully, mentoring a hope and faith in mutually subsidiary positive dialogue and discernment. "We're all in this mess together and we'll all figure it out together, in a way that works for everyone. No one is allowed to walk away from this table feeling like they just lost something they really need for fully-satisfactory long-term health optimization trends."

The EcoTherapist's primary discernment function is to understand why these corporate heads behave as they do, what are the positive economic and political-ecosystemic empowering outcomes, short-term and long-term, extending out over the next 7 generations? The negatives are self-evident and probably less useful to the initial stages of dialogue, except perhaps as musical-comedic ego therapy.

Can the EcoTherapist find similar functions and dynamics within her/his own relationships to self, others, natural systems, Earth? In this light, the EcoTherapist can best mentor appropriate behavior, something they have actually done under similar ethical-political-ecological circumstances, that avoids violating the Golden Rule and most any other natural and evolutionary and ecological law that I can imagine, within a

Polynomial +1-Yang QBit trend analysis

magnetically balanced-as-equal to

-,-(NotNot-Polynomial) time and space information (0) QBit 4-PrimeBased binary information processing system, CQI design standard [perhaps a bicameral cytosine processor with endosymbiotic mutually reiterative, deferring partnership binomial nondual equipoise default preference].

Our bicameral information analysis network will follow reverse-time  trends to optimize currently emergent Win-Win scenarios and proposals, so a Global Win-Win hierarchical outcome stage of balanced +/- (0)-Core Vector cannot be achieved until every player species  achieves long-term projected +/- (0) value balance in both economic and ecological categories, and no nation can achieve 0-sum balance until every bioregion or state or province within that nation achieves 0-sum balance, and so on down through the community in mutual subsidiary relationship with families, and families with individuals within their Win to PolyCulturally Win families, and dynamically intergenerational and multiculturally inclusive neighborhoods and tribes, and on-line pods and networks.

This Win-Win reverse-hierarchical default invites everyone to invest their life-equity in everyone else's messes, leaving no one behind, feeling like they do not belong to what we are working on together within this Win to CoWin EcoTherapy Game. Remember we can't crowdsource a Win-Win Game and declare it won if even one of the players reports a deficit--a default (+/- 0) outcome. For any player (0) balanced outcome is no more than, or less than, what the player entered our game with, born into a cooperative network of humane-divine grace, economic (0) karmic interelationships. To WinWin is absence of regenerate LoseLose dualdark BlackHole (0)ZenTime BiLateral NonDual Orgination Story.

So, I don't know, maybe our EcoTherapy Game hopes to be Win-Win at the global level, with every entity having a positive Yang/Yin balance at the end, but perhaps Win-Or-Draw-0-balanced Dialectical-Behavioral Consequences is a more realistic thought, something just this side of perfectly balanced, idealistically contented, diastatically self-perpetuating paradise.

Individuals could play this game in each moment of our thoughts and words and actions and absorption of nutrient choices, until we are able to strategize an eco-soul (0)-sum universe together with +/- binary balance, using the Prime TrimTab Permaculture Design Optimization Standard of Greatest Abundance/Least Dissonant Loss of information and function, and frequency, and dynamic force, and gravitational flow synergy, which I think might equal positive ecological evolution in this reverse-hierarchically revolving-stretching-straining pregnant Regenesis Theory.

Now, those of you who are taking careful note may have noticed that reference to QBits, meaning Information Bits within a binary digital information processing system, or maybe not just that. You may also be aware that we have a lot of confusion right now about this QBit quantification of Information flow business, not to mention that whole thing about whether we have sufficiently proven that Polynomial Explicately Ordered Information is reverse-equivalent, formally, nomially, ecologically, metrically, energetically, culturally, and linguistically with NonPolynomial time and space.

Some Information Development Theorists claim QBits are what is not real energy or information; others think of them more as heuristic vacuums of information at the proximate end of binomial energy-frequency strings; absent, static, entropic, vacuous pockets, bits, within the functional dimensional network-ecosystemic perspective of observation at any one vector in spacetime. But, I think Buckminster Fuller may have also seen these positive information QBit vacuums as negative binomial not-knots of bi-functional frequency trend unraveling, rather like David Bohm's ink drops, unraveling as positive spacetime information but potentially reweaving, under controlled reverse-temporal re-formative "information-memory" value assumptions.

In positive trending polynomial spacetime, these QBit knots of negentropy remain -(-P) [for Polynomial and for Positive Bayesian analytic appositional correlated dis-information] decaying information, perhaps coded reverse temporally as concave-aptic-interior by 'within' confluent nuclear mutual-immune-"without dissonance" structural default space-gaps. In normative RNA code development, QBit non-polynomial folds, also binomial gap-ends of vibrant-frequency information-strings, temporally infolds "closer-later-lower" OVER more "distant-earlier-higher" [probably inclusive of magnetic North as +]. Cytosine (C) functions in this prime-information codex system as appositional temporal reversal "constant not-immune" = appositively reflective of Uracil. C functions as a constant -(-)P dysfunction negative non-correlative reverse Bayesian temporal polarity within a balanced P OVER NP binomial metric assumption, rather typical of binary digital information processing systems dependent on +/- electromagnetic balanced energy frequency assumptions. If there isn't an implied 0 for every explicate 1, then our information system itself is out of balance. This -(-) = + Information Polynomial is analogous to the dynamics of (-)Yin = (+)Yang, just as (+)Yin = (-,-)Yang form, function, frequency, flow, and force/power in Taoism.

So, there are +Yang QBits and -Yin QBits with temporal relative constant equivalencies within natural ecological, physical systems, like human bodies, each with its own chi-soul polarity, right through the spine and between the right and left lobes. Now, human minds try to keep all this stuff in balance, which is, according to Julian Jaynes, perhaps why our mammalian brain has pushed out some bicameral information processors, although I think our human natural version went from older Right-brain dominance to now a bit too much Left-deductive, reiterative, ego-more-than-eco-speciated-centric, languaged Western and Northern hemisphere, and male-dominant cultural dominance, all giving historical evidence that Yang Culture and Yin Culture are still issuing exclamations about ecological wisdom v. economic serenity. Which, I think, brings us back to the ecological purpose of this EcoTherapy Win-Win Game design project.

So, what questions and concerns and resonance does all this evoke for you?

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Date: 5/11/2016 12:33:00 PM
I was cowed by the "permaculture" blog entry, so am skipping this, thank you.
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Date: 5/10/2016 9:16:00 PM
DAMMIT, I can't recall the number of times I have seen the sign in Harvard Square heralding the coming of the end.....luckily they were all blown away by future winds.
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Date: 5/10/2016 2:38:00 PM
oh boy this was long and I was lost in the first paragraph and gave in the second, Constance
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Date: 5/10/2016 1:11:00 PM
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My Past Blog Posts

WinWin Game Theory and Climate Health EcoPolitical Stategies
Date Posted: 10/28/2016 12:13:00 PM
Dawkins' Memes Revolving EcoPolitical Health History
Date Posted: 10/11/2016 10:41:00 AM
Revolutionary Evolutionary Acclimations of Deep Learning
Date Posted: 10/1/2016 11:12:00 AM
Bateson's Sacred Unity: ReConsilience of Healthy MindBody Systems
Date Posted: 9/26/2016 11:49:00 AM
History's Teachable Moments
Date Posted: 6/9/2016 11:09:00 AM
Synergetic Symposia excerpts
Date Posted: 6/7/2016 10:20:00 AM
Excerpts from "Synergetic Symposia"
Date Posted: 5/28/2016 9:03:00 AM
Positive Psychology as Basic Permacultural Attendance
Date Posted: 5/11/2016 10:32:00 AM
PostMillennial EcoTherapy
Date Posted: 5/10/2016 11:45:00 AM

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5/16/2024 WhiteWashed Images Parallelismus Membrorumcare,culture,god,health,i
5/5/2024 Dancing Integrity While Singing Authentically Parallelismus Membrorumhealth,integrity,light,mu
4/20/2024 Polite Mess Political Versecommunity,health,humor,in
4/7/2024 ComPassion's Braver Angels Parallelismus Membrorumanxiety,earth day,health,
3/20/2024 Orthodoxy v Orthopraxis Parallelismus Membrorumintegrity,passion,peace,p
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3/16/2024 Indigenous Wisdom Parallelismus Membrorumhappiness,health,integrit
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3/2/2024 Full Moon Surfing Parallelismus Membrorumculture,health,integrity,
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Book: Shattered Sighs