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Kindness is the quality or state of taking an active interest in the welfare of others; friendly and helpful acts or favors.

PoetrySoup is Getting Hotter!!! World Rankings...

Blog Posted:4/16/2016 3:39:00 PM

Did you know that is the 6th most popular poetry website in the WORLD and the #1 poetry website in the world with the most features? Congrats Soupers!!!...and we are closing fast on poetry websites #4 and #5.

There is more to come!!!

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Date: 4/25/2016 11:07:00 AM
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Poetrysoup Avatar
Team Poetrysoup
Date: 4/25/2016 11:08:00 AM
Date: 4/20/2016 11:59:00 AM
Congratulations PS. Happy to be a part of this wonderful community. I love the diversity here and how we embrace it and eventually realize it's ok to think different, have different POV, different attitudes. I like how we respect different opinions here. There's no place like PS. Even though the blogs may not be abundantly cheerful, i enjoy the witty and intelligent conversations and all the beauty that is PS. (The comments here are even more epic than the posts itself) :)
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Date: 4/19/2016 1:16:00 PM
Congratulations PS,in my time here since May 2007,I would rate you no 1 on every count ,and considerate and amenable to we creative 'kindered'. If there have been blog 'problems ' it is certainly not down to you .Sadly ,over the years a few of my peer poets have had an ego problem more appropriate to the kindergarten .Regrettably I notice this kind of impolite internet squabbling 'trends' everywhere ,even on sports sites.It is all very sad and damaging to the American worldwide reputation for friendly politeness in face to face situations.Regards to all and every poet and of course to PS management.BRIAN
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Hicks Avatar
Timothy Hicks
Date: 4/20/2016 12:59:00 AM
AGREED! Too much drama for what it supposed to be an enjoyable and easy going site. We need more people like you Brian...
Date: 4/17/2016 11:56:00 AM
I like positive feedback, makes me feel good! Boss is rough enuf on me for tenths of profit variation I am responsible for m-f....I come here for community love and every now & then a poem scorches my brain, a bonus! Thanks PS!
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Goff Avatar
James Marshall Goff
Date: 4/17/2016 11:57:00 AM
Twice! COOL!
Date: 4/17/2016 11:55:00 AM
I like positive feedback, makes me feel good! Boss is rough enuf on me for tenths of profit variation I am responsible for m-f....I come here for community love and every now & then a poem scorches my brain, a bonus! Thanks PS!
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Date: 4/17/2016 11:14:00 AM
To Tom the Seeker! ..regarding commenting on two poems on AP,...I agree that many throw a comment out to get a comment back, however ...that's not me!, I am quite tough on poor writing, I give and I'm prepared to take, ...however on the Soup I have been blocked by quite a few for being critical, as if it's my fault they write bad? ...I'm the innocent
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Date: 4/17/2016 10:49:00 AM
I've been asking myself why I'm less inclined to comment on blogs, or even post poetry recently, but reading how this one 'seemingly innocuous' blog got twisted into such a knot says a lot, in a nutshell. It leaves me disenchanted. I don't blame anyone, but I simply enjoyed PS so much more before it became ranked so high.....and before criticism between poets ranked even higher. Sorry, not trying to be Debbie Downer.....just my own slanted view perhaps?
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Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 9:13:00 PM
... so its a shame that what contributes to Soup is ignored. I wonder if THAT will ever change... or did I read you wrong, and the blogs that bring the poets together are the ones that someone brings to your attention?
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 9:09:00 PM
That's a shame, TPS. Because there are many GOOD blogs. Debbie, for example, helped poets get published, via blogs. A few of us have hosted some friendly "pubs" which analyze poems--some of these reviews have even featured award winning poets joining in the conversation...
Poetrysoup Avatar
Team Poetrysoup
Date: 4/17/2016 8:45:00 PM
Don't be disenchanted. The drama usually comes from the typical sources (usual suspects). Frankly, we avoid blogs too until someone brings a particular blog to our attention.
Richards Avatar
Carrie Richards
Date: 4/17/2016 8:43:00 PM
I'm not trying to be judgmental, Cyndi, it's just that this blog was suppose to be celebratory in nature, and it didn't take long for it to be another place to air grievances. I too, like things aired out..but there are better places (soupmails), blogs for the right dialo9g... I'm not a Pollyanna.I know there will always be the butting of heads, drama, and hurtful things.It's just that it happens again and again...nothing isever settled.
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 8:03:00 PM
Carrie. I get what you're saying. Still, I am someone who appreciates grievances being addressed in order for the air to clear. We keep talking ego. Me? I think its about feelings and people feeling hurt. Then comes the retribution, the counter measures. I'll admit it. I've done it, too. Your view isn't slanted. We are... ;)
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 7:58:00 PM
Tommy. Right. And when the blogs disappear, the wars will move to the poetry (which many do here, anyway. I've read many a vicious attack in poetry and the comments there are very close to the comments on this blog. Same same.) Maybe this will just FINALLY air things out. Hoping?
Richards Avatar
Carrie Richards
Date: 4/17/2016 12:08:00 PM
And Ruben and Catie....I adore you both...I'm not pointing at anyone particular.. no need to apologize to me Hugs !!
Date: 4/17/2016 9:57:00 AM
I'm thankful to TPS for giving me a chance to be stronger and deal with people who play on words and take things out of context. Ruben: I LOVE homosexuals. I continually speak up for them. I have homosexual friends...that's why your comment to someone about...checking you out and liking what they see...that you OBVIOUSLY did to degrade him, was not taken lightly. Please, be good enough to not twist things around. This has happened before. Also, something else that NEEDS to be said. TPS has encouraged Soupers to block others who are continuously making demeaning comments that are uncalled for. It has happened to me one time too many and I have since blocked one of two people.
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Vaso Avatar
Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/17/2016 9:01:00 PM
First to Eileen hugs! Is it only me saw the olive branch rejected? I have never seen you be mean, and so what if your heart is on your sleeve, for me its refreshing, is sad to see the little men who are in fact DRAMA Queens accusing others of that! Then again thats why they are little men. Hugs Eilheen
Carmack Avatar
Rob Carmack
Date: 4/17/2016 12:21:00 PM
Eileen – you caught jr’s comment about looking and liking. It was a projection guised as a degradation. I did not exploit it out of respect, plus, he needed a break. ‘The Beautiful People’ are blind, but I applaud you effort in trying to help them see.
Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 4/17/2016 10:39:00 AM
No, Ruben....I would never write that. Why would I? I don't have an ego. I'm protective of my work. I have a write to be. I honestly bear you no ill will. Please believe that. I'm just the amount of hate....for what reason? Where does it all come from? Why can't we all write and be each his own? I'm so sad about what has happened has and will leave scars. I'm not as strong as you think...but I will not refrain from speaking my mind. I do believe TPS has more important things that it should care about. These solved. If on my part i have done anything wrong...not been as diplomatic in my comments...I publically apologize to one and all. Please...may we all be friends now. That is heartfelt, Ruben.
Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 4/17/2016 10:32:00 AM
Of course not, Catie. Your comment on my previous blog was way out of line. It was uncalled for. TPS has suggested blocking, but I will unblock you. That blog is still up. I'm not the only one who found that comments about the Syrian Refugees hurtful, Catie. You will never believe me....There is nothing I can do about that, but if for a moment you think I'm happy with all this would be wrong. We are ALL at fault in one thing or another. I bear you no ill will. If you don't like me...just kindly don't read my poetry...but PLEASE don't make assumptions that are verified by your comments. You could be wrong...and that would be sad. I never had anything against you...and for the LIFE of me, I still don't understand why you do have something against me. I just want to write....
Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 4/17/2016 10:14:00 AM
TPS...has the option and it is to minimize hate. In retrospect, I think I will unblock so that people CAN read the comments and formulate their own opinions on intent. That would perhaps be better. I am surprise at those of you who profess to be Christians. I am for people of ALL religious backgrounds, however, Christians who claim to follow Christ and love one another forget his words in Matthe 5: 22: but I say unto you, that every one who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; and whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of the hell of fire. I think words like nincompoop, juvenile and such quality. What is going on here? Really? Is there THAT much hate in everyone's hearts? This is the sad state of affairs at TPS.
Date: 4/17/2016 9:49:00 AM
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Date: 4/17/2016 9:07:00 AM
CATIE: Tell me about it. I say, "Freedom of creativity. Write what makes you happy. Write to just hear yourself." I believe that. I can also believe that literature is an art which is only known to any of us because of publication. Every piece of poetry has been read because of publication. SOUP is self-publication. Posting on the internet is a form of publication. Yet I have met all forms of resistance for opening the doors to discussion on publication. I have gone to many poetry readings. These poets have published many books. I don't sit there on a chair and think, "Oh they are so egotistical. Look at them showing off." What the hell? I listen and enjoy and ponder... It takes humility to get published! It takes sending out submissions, getting rejected, sucking it up, reworking the poem, trying and trying... it takes being willing to change, to learn, to open yourself up, to say, "hell, I never knew THAT!" and to work and work. It takes YEARS. It takes reading those who have been published and saying, "Look at them. Look what they did there and there. Oooh. I like that." And yet, here on soup, it is called being egotistical which is ironic. Because most of the ones who get their backs up when others talk about publication would not be willing to be humble enough to do what it takes to get published. IRONY. Funny, really... but you can't make people understand a thing who have plugged their ears and are screaming, "NA NA CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!"
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Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 10:57:00 PM
Tommy, I have four manuscripts out there for children, right now :) I have a snowball's chance yada yada, but I love writing for children! I'll just keep sending 'em out...
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 7:55:00 PM
It's a series of steps, here in Canada, Tommy. I will put up a blog... to clarify the whys. I do apologize though. You're right. I made some assumptions, and its no excuse that others have made assumptions about me. Ridiculous to play tit for tat...
A   Avatar
Poet Destroyer A
Date: 4/17/2016 9:51:00 AM
Lol..comment jumped, in regards coming out of the closet...wink, wink
A   Avatar
Poet Destroyer A
Date: 4/17/2016 9:50:00 AM
I knew it!!! Haha, Can I write about it Ruben??? JK
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 9:30:00 AM
Before I go, I think it would help if people would stop referring to those striving to be professional poets as "Elitists." We just went from being dreamers to being poets with goals. I'm not putting down anyone!
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 9:27:00 AM
<3 Don't you ever leave soup, Catie Lindsey! MWAH. Hey... gotta go! xoxox
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 9:22:00 AM
It is simply this: poets who have no interest in getting published should stop feeling slighted. Just allow those who do want to work in that area to do so without in-our-face putdowns. They feel belittled. We don't want to belittle!!! We just want room to develop our skills!!!
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 9:21:00 AM
Catie, watch, someone will tell me to use "the forum," aka the dungeon area of soup with has an awful GUI and does not work like the blogs (good GUI)
Date: 4/17/2016 8:27:00 AM
A word of congrats, first of all. This is a great site in many ways. However, I do need to voice some concerns. I have shared this with you, but I need it here on the blog, even though I know from past experience what will happen. TPS, kindly follow through on things that are more important than rankings. I have just been instrumental in getting a student who is 18 or so to join the site. Were I to have him read a recent blog in which Soupers were demeaning each other, making sexual innuendos, name calling, and mud slinging, I don't think he would find this a very friendly place. You lose valuable Soupers because of it. I know this personally and could provide you with names.
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Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 4/17/2016 10:18:00 AM
Homophobic....I wish you could talk to my students, my family and see who I stand up for homosexuals. Of course, you wouldn't believe me because you want to show that your comment was being "nice" to someone you are constantly fighting with, Ruben. Why did you feel the need to make the comment for him to look at your....private bits anyway? I'd really like to know.
Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 4/17/2016 10:05:00 AM
You guys are cute. I contacted TPS because someone...whom I will not mention, reported my poem because of a picture that had a man and woman in bed in a loving stance...No, nipples were NOT showing. Take about being puritanical. This same person has written poetry demeaning a person and saying that though married, they were chasing someone else with cum on her face. Hmmmmmm...the poem was since taken down, and I'm being demonized for a photo. You guys...really. I contacted TPS about my poem. Other poems which are worse than mine with worse images must be reported, if things are to be fair. I'm glad I'm providing you some excitement to your day.
Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 4/17/2016 8:39:00 AM
Thank you, Ruben. Homosexual innuendos...really? I thought that was too much. I'm NOT a prude. As you mention. However, I do look for fair play. l didn't expect less from you Ruben. There was a time....when I expected so much more. It's sad. I've been called incompetent, sick, demon possessed. I will not let that stop me from speaking my mind. I'm strong enough to say what I believe is right.
Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 4/17/2016 8:31:00 AM
Secondly, kindly follow through with your rules ON ALL. You don't encourage adult contest, but allow contests on erotic subject matter...I could provide contest names. Some of the prompts for the contest include suggestive pictures...I could prove names for that. I have recently been reported because of one of my poems, that CONTENT wise was much less sensual than some poetry I've read here on masturbation and wet dreams. I could provide names and titles for that. You do not FOLLOW through on all. You need more staff. However, you need to be fair. I have read poetry by people who find pictures offensive that mentions adultery with the adulterous woman having a certain white liquid on her face. The poem has been removed by the poet. I believe this is hypocritical.
Date: 4/17/2016 8:12:00 AM
Poetry Soup is the 6th most popular poetry website in the world? It's awesome news!!! I shout " Hurrah! " for your great achievement, Team Poetry Soup. I am honored to be a part of it and I hope that your rating will get higher with time. We should be proud of this positive image on the literary world. This this the greatest poetry site in the world and we should be Number One by all means, but it depends on our enthusiasm, goodwill, respect and collaboration. Thank you for sharing your glory with us. God bless this wonderful site of talented poets! Best Wishes & Happiness, Andrew.
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Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 8:14:00 AM
ROFL. Sorry Andrew. The comment below about jumping replies jumped into your reply area (irony.) ;)
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 8:13:00 AM
Found the worth online. AdSense (apparently) pays very well. I don't want payment. But maybe a "hi there members, we are here and we heard you!" would be nice. That and someone fixing the leaping replies!
Date: 4/17/2016 6:13:00 AM
This is amazing!!! But PS is DEFINITELY the very best.. Congratulations and Thank you!!! :-D :-D :-D
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Date: 4/17/2016 4:37:00 AM
if TPS is younger than the rest, 6th is good,,but soupers and admin, we cannot just rest on our laurels!...keep the community alive with a sense of goodwill, improve technological requirements, and encourage more quality works!... clap, clap!
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Kimathi Avatar
Teddy Kimathi
Date: 4/19/2016 3:30:00 PM
Sorry comment jumped (or say, leaped, lol)
Kimathi Avatar
Teddy Kimathi
Date: 4/19/2016 3:24:00 PM
Hi Seeker. I tried before, but couldn't get to know how one posted a peom....I just gave up on it.
Date: 4/17/2016 1:53:00 AM
the soup is lorded by those that want a place to hang out where progressive writing is " optional" the restrictions are far to restrictive, its a dark ages mentality that stifles growth, not being able to use profanity, is ridiculous in a time where kids swear more than grown ups?.. also the 2 running conveyor belts is ridiculous, creates elitism, so many great writes go unnoticed because the " gold card" members will only look at the members list?,.. and allowing a writer to place 10 writes at a time is ridiculous, it should be like Allpoetry, if you want to put one on , you HAVE to comment on conclusion, this site suffers with community mentality, which stifles creativity
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Hicks Avatar
Timothy Hicks
Date: 4/17/2016 10:43:00 AM
The more you read the more you learn. That's what great about poetic communities, the diversity of everyone's taste and style changes and shapes.... I know that there's many many poems I would have never written were it not for the inspiration I get on this site, as well as contests, even if I don't win, or even if I'm too late to post. It doesn't matter.
Hicks Avatar
Timothy Hicks
Date: 4/17/2016 10:37:00 AM
I'm not sure why it is my positive comments keep getting thrown down. I say what I mean and mean what I say. Laura Breidenthal, for instance, has grown in her poetry. I can tell because I check out her new poetry as well as her old. Joseph Granda Padron has inspired me a lot, and opened me up to the nature of spacing. Maurice Rigoler, Richard Lamoureux, and many others have also influenced my poetry.
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 7:57:00 AM
Hmm... maybe I did like the idea of having an "adults only area." However, this site will not change. They have been deemed "child safe" by some kind of site appraisal company. It gets them higher rankings = more $$$. I do think growth is stifled here (Ya think! LOL!)
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 7:57:00 AM
There are times that profanity DOES abso-bloody-lutely belong in a poem. There are also many times it does not have to be in a poem.
Date: 4/16/2016 11:19:00 PM
What great news! I love this site ... there's so much talent, diversity, as well as friendly people. I get inspired by so many here, and we are all constantly growing, I believe.
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Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 8:16:00 AM
Sorry, Timothy. You HAVE left a very nice and thoughtful reply. I almost agree with it. SOME are growing. And some choose not to grow which I also support! There are many reasons to write poetry. Some aren't interested in growth and I support their need to simply express and enjoy sharing. :)
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 8:11:00 AM
There are lots of masks on Soup. Makes them "beautiful people." keeps those comments rolling in, keeps the views high. Let them have their delusions, Mark. They need them.
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 8:09:00 AM
Oh, I don't know, Mark. I've been told by some that they find being popular is the ONLY thing that inspires them and that if they had their community rankings fall, why they'd whimper like puppy put outside for potty training.
Mark Avatar
Anthony Mark
Date: 4/17/2016 1:58:00 AM
ok cool statement, but name a poet that has grown constantly, i think getting to know how someone takes their Tea, is not quite the same as a growing writer, familiarity in a world of words is a dangerous thing, contests are to some degree " dumbing down" rather than challenging, being popular is not being inspired? ..
Date: 4/16/2016 10:48:00 PM
TPS. Yup. I was right. AllPoetry, "By default users under 17 have adult items hidden. If you want to disable this, you can do so in your profile settings. Please don't take the decision lightly, as adult content and excitement can change your experience on the site." Keep your ethic, TPS. I may chomp at the bit, but I do respect your views. The only way Poetrysoup will move up (sad to say) is if you give space to the XXX poetry. Stay you.
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Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 7:48:00 AM
There are a lot of words in that dictionary. Profanity does not 'necessarily' equate sophistication. Still, I get how the bit ... lol.. BITES. I like that a ten year old can (though I doubt they do) freely read all these poems.
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/17/2016 7:46:00 AM
I get what you're saying. I ride all the time. I go down some mighty #$%@ rollercoasters. JOURNALS! I don't use potty mouth in front of kids. And my almost seven year old has just asked me last week what "sexy" means. You can step off the rainbow on this site, anytime.
Mark Avatar
Anthony Mark
Date: 4/17/2016 2:07:00 AM
on AP, if a contest calls for Adult content, then the contest rules will state, that Adult has to be in the authors notes,..makes sense to warn of possible profanity, .. this site will be the no1 liberal, bleeding heart, flower garden, rainbow site soon,... but a sandpit in the park, is not the dangerous roundabout...we poets want to ride
Date: 4/16/2016 10:18:00 PM
Congrats PS. This is a very user friendly site.
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Vaso Avatar
Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/16/2016 11:21:00 PM
You said it all right there Tim! Thanks, cheers!
Date: 4/16/2016 9:37:00 PM
I have tried, for mere moments of frustration various websites....schneikies! WHAT A MAZE! meant to amuse & confuse, I prefer Labyrinths, like here @ PS...a path to restore the mind & soul....well done, my brothers and sisters of soup! jmg (we have, actually, quite a community of labyrinths here in Minnesota, When travelling, I search LSA Map for locations....good ones in Chicago, too!) Great places to write!
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Carmack Avatar
Rob Carmack
Date: 4/16/2016 10:18:00 PM
Sorry James, comment jumped.
Carmack Avatar
Rob Carmack
Date: 4/16/2016 10:18:00 PM
Good points Arthur, but you could add three zeros to each of those numbers if TPS would only implement every one of Judge Smail's ideas. There is a reason why he has never celebrated 6th place - he has never finished lower than 3rd.
Date: 4/16/2016 9:31:00 PM
Congrats Poetry Soup, you have one of the best SEO’s I have seen, the user interface with all the features is still simple and easy to navigate. The ability for each user to define their own contests, has made this site a favorite. Not to mention that the speed of the site is usually top notch. 30,000 unique views and almost 200,000 page views a day is something to be proud of. Thank you!
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Date: 4/16/2016 8:31:00 PM
TPS, I found Alexa. Top sites ranked for online poetry writing and I couldn't even find Poetrysoup on the list.. can you please let us know where Poetrysoup is ranked as sixth place? I do like this site very much. Couldn't give a rip where it is on rankings... but it seems if you are going to mention rankings, you should provide a few more details. It's like saying, "We placed third in some competition in some place in the word against some other teams." AND? Like Rob said, the GUI here is the best. I love the interface! Great links, easy to access resources. I love the way our poems are organized and the connectivity between poets is awesome. So...who are 3 and 4? Why mention them at all? Soupers are loyal. Yes, a pain in the butt, many of us. So saying or isn't going to send us skittering off in droves. We already knew they were out there... why post a blog about facts if you aren't supplying them? I get you're trying to put some positivity onto Soup, cause we need it, frankly. But I don't agree with a partial story being shared with your members.
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Poetrysoup Avatar
Team Poetrysoup
Date: 4/24/2016 9:06:00 PM
You have to combine the two Alexa categories. BTW, we are 5th now...hehehe...
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/16/2016 10:53:00 PM
Catie: it's an R-Rated world, unfortunately, and I think the traffic is caused by being able to drop an ole F-bomb whenever you want. It must be because I'm a mom... but I think I actually like Soups Rules... (shhhh... don't tell TPS. They'll remind me the next time I swing from the rafters! ;) )
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/16/2016 10:39:00 PM
Okay, TPS, I checked out one of "our" competitors (allpoetry) seems lame to me. And NO TERMS AND CONDITIONS?!? I read something about profanity on the bottom. I wonder...
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 4/16/2016 10:23:00 PM
Thanks, TPS. AND BAH. They may have more traffic, but yours is a better site. Hmmm... I wonder?.... the others, I mean All poetry... are they FAMILY FRIENDLY? May explain the "traffic." I may dislike the censorship, but I also support it (cause I'm complex, like that.)
Poetrysoup Avatar
Team Poetrysoup
Date: 4/16/2016 8:41:00 PM
Here is the traffic ranking... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Date: 4/16/2016 7:58:00 PM
I think this site has one of the best GUIs and it is very active. It has helped me become a better writer. Congrats and thank you TPS.
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Carmack Avatar
Rob Carmack
Date: 4/16/2016 9:47:00 PM
I will say, it was funny.
Carmack Avatar
Rob Carmack
Date: 4/16/2016 9:21:00 PM
Vaso Avatar
Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/16/2016 9:10:00 PM
I have to agree 100%, Id like to also remember an old joke but I dont have to as its below me.
Date: 4/16/2016 6:51:00 PM
This calls for a virtual celebration!!!! ;-)
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Kimathi Avatar
Teddy Kimathi
Date: 4/18/2016 8:10:00 AM
Hi Seeker. Sure, why not?! ;-)
Kimathi Avatar
Teddy Kimathi
Date: 4/18/2016 8:09:00 AM
Hi Andrea.How was your weekend? Btw, it seems your comment jumped or something....
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 4/16/2016 9:33:00 PM
I agree on that part, Craig. It's too bad they can't weed out the bad examples of the forms.
Date: 4/16/2016 6:43:00 PM
I just did a search on google and there are many sites with different criteria I suppose for the lists that they are on. You should give the name of the list we are on. There are too many lists and we are not on a lot of them. I think for offering lots of features and a fun place for member interaction, we deserve top spot for THAT kind of list.
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Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 4/16/2016 10:15:00 PM
I think they are going by the amount of traffic on the site. I saw where PS traffic was up 31% in the past year.
Vaso Avatar
Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/16/2016 9:36:00 PM
Andrea, this site is moving up the ranks, I have always said it has one of the best SEO's I have seen, the openness of this site, the easy navigation makes this site a winner in my eyes!
A   Avatar
Poet Destroyer A
Date: 4/16/2016 8:06:00 PM
Let's ask Mr Rogers.... lol
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 4/16/2016 7:54:00 PM
Me too. one thing about Soup though. If you are looking for EXAMPLES of things, and you type in the kind of poem , theme or form you are searching for, Soup's name often comes up first. This is a biggie for me. I have been approached at least seven times here by people who wanted to use one of my poems in a project of some sort. They even signed up as members just to be able to talk to me through soupmail. This has made me love this site all the more.
Date: 4/16/2016 6:35:00 PM
I am really happy to hear that. I had thought we were number one, since every time I look up stuff about poetry, THIS site comes up almost always first!! I can imagine AllPoetry is one of the top contenders.
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 4/16/2016 7:50:00 PM
HA. Yeah I bet so. Actually I went and googled the site I was thinking of and it was actually one called PoemHunters. That is the one that i joined that is really popular. But I could not figure out its features and I never went anywhere with it.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 4/16/2016 6:53:00 PM
got lots of our plagerised stuff on there that's why Andrea!!
Date: 4/16/2016 5:50:00 PM
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Date: 4/16/2016 4:37:00 PM
You've made me curious 1) why PS is the sixth 2) what other poetry sites there? I had no idea there were so many! 3) Why they have ranked higher. So.. I'm off to investigate.
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Date: 4/16/2016 4:34:00 PM
Congrats. After all the work you've put into it. It is blooming.
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Date: 4/16/2016 4:27:00 PM
I always knew the soup is hot... Now this is Hot Chilli pepper : ). Well done tps and soup family including all cousins, sisters and brothers : ) xxx
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Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 4/16/2016 4:28:00 PM
Well Done M. S : )
A   Avatar
Poet Destroyer A
Date: 4/16/2016 4:28:00 PM
TPS,,, where did the Facebook like button go. I wanted to like a poet a month ago, and it was gone.
Date: 4/16/2016 4:18:00 PM
Filter, the new poet list, and every other list on here, as you did the best poem list. We had serious plagiarism on here a few days ago. The poet keeps returning under different names. I'm just saying. Congratulations to you, We Make it Happen! Linda
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Date: 4/16/2016 4:13:00 PM
Congratulations to Poetry Soup and all the loyal poets contributing to this site.
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Date: 4/16/2016 3:57:00 PM
That's great news many congrats:-)I think it's #1 in the world already:-) hugs Jan xx
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A   Avatar
Poet Destroyer A
Date: 4/16/2016 4:24:00 PM
I wonder which is 4 & 5???

My Past Blog Posts

Please check your Email SPAM Folder Soupers
Date Posted: 6/19/2024 5:50:00 PM
It's almost time for another inspiring PoetrySoup poetry book!
Date Posted: 5/23/2024 4:11:00 PM
It's PoetrySoup's 19th Anniversary!
Date Posted: 2/1/2024 6:09:00 PM
PoetrySoup's Latest Anthology is Here: Reflections on the Important Things
Date Posted: 11/16/2023 9:52:00 AM
Anthology Selection Process Update!
Date Posted: 11/6/2023 9:23:00 AM
To All PoetrySoup Members. Censorship is a Slippery Slope. But Hate Speech...
Date Posted: 10/31/2023 2:40:00 PM
Whew! All anthology entries have been read...
Date Posted: 10/23/2023 12:32:00 PM
UPDATE: Our Upcoming Anthology
Date Posted: 10/2/2023 5:59:00 AM
Extending the anthology submission deadline...
Date Posted: 9/6/2023 1:11:00 PM
Now accepting poems for our next anthology
Date Posted: 5/2/2023 8:22:00 AM
New PoetrySoup Anthology or Book. What are Your Thoughts?
Date Posted: 2/13/2023 11:55:00 AM
Choose the poems you want featured on the PoetrySoup home page!
Date Posted: 10/2/2022 7:54:00 AM
PoetrySoup email services are down
Date Posted: 9/17/2022 7:47:00 AM
Remembering Our Dear Connie Marcum Wong
Date Posted: 9/14/2022 11:14:00 AM
Judith Angell Meyer
Date Posted: 7/29/2022 8:42:00 AM
PS: It's Still Poetry - An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry from Around the World - The Anthology is Here!
Date Posted: 1/2/2022 1:11:00 PM
Anthology Update...Waiting for Legal
Date Posted: 1/2/2022 10:48:00 AM
PoetrySoup is Very Close to Publishing Our Anthology
Date Posted: 12/24/2021 11:12:00 AM
RULES: Poem Content and Personal Attacks, Battles, or Cyberbullying and Harassment
Date Posted: 12/20/2021 1:48:00 PM
PoetrySoup Anthology Update
Date Posted: 12/14/2021 2:43:00 PM
OBITUARY: Carolyn Helen Devonshire
Date Posted: 8/7/2021 3:21:00 PM
Have You Invented a Form of Poetry? If so...
Date Posted: 6/24/2021 3:03:00 PM
Adding New Forms of Poetry: Our Policy
Date Posted: 6/22/2021 2:17:00 PM
NEW Comments Notification Feature (No longer sending emails for comments)
Date Posted: 1/5/2021 5:45:00 PM
Our email service is down...
Date Posted: 1/5/2021 9:36:00 AM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
1/28/2024 test Free verseamerica,
12/16/2020 Email Envy Free verseanger,angst,
10/21/2020 A Good Haiku Haikufunny,
7/21/2020 Fgadfgads Chant Royalaubade,
5/21/2020 Qweeebler Quip Num - a Vogon Poem Vogon Poetryscience fiction,
11/13/2019 Nshdudu Ballade10th grade,
8/26/2019 Fjfkfmq Carpe Diemangst,
6/18/2019 Test Chant Royalabsence,
4/14/2019 Fgadfgbbb!? Cinquainblue,boxing day ,
4/24/2018 School Free verse2nd grade,3rd grade,4th g
4/2/2018 Chunari Free versered,
1/10/2018 Vogon Love Vogon Poetryi love you,love,
3/6/2017 Trumpty Dumpty Rhymefunny,political,
1/22/2016 Gfadga Grup Haibunart,
5/22/2015 Soup's Test Blank verselost,
10/23/2014 Spicy Spicy Dramatic Versefood,

My Photos

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Hard Hat Heroes Balladpeople,song-daughter,fire
A Weakness Among Us Senryulife,
The Enmity Light Versefeelings,history,identity
Workshop Poem Life With Its Obstacles Alliterationinspiration,inspirational
- Valentine Jewel - Coupletbeautiful,boyfriend,girlf
Cupid Had An Arrow Rhymebeautiful,happiness,imagi
Comes, Spring Diminished Hexaverseappreciation,fun,imagery,
Fair Game Political Verseamerica,anger,betrayal,bi

Fav Poets

Carol Sunshine Brown United States Flag United States Read
Marycile Beer United States Flag United States Read
Andrea Dietrich United States Flag United States Read
Debbie Guzzi United States Flag United States Read
Carolyn Devonshire United States Flag United States Read
Demetrios Trifiatis Greece Flag Greece Read
Darren White Netherlands Flag Netherlands Read
Etienne Lariviere France Flag France Read
Davin Payne United States Flag United States Read
Team Poetrysoup United States Flag United States Read

Book: Shattered Sighs