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Poems by Tony Brady

Tony Brady - LIFETIME Premium Member Tony Brady - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Tony Brady. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Tony Brady.

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Best Tony Brady Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
08/05/2017 Her Lover's Garden 721 Quatrain
08/01/2017 Priceless 946 Free verse
08/01/2017 Granny 702 Quatrain
08/01/2017 Your Existence 710 Rhyme Royal
08/01/2017 Humble Beginnings 510 Free verse
08/01/2017 Mr Skellington 618 Quatrain
08/01/2017 You'Re Wanted 466 Rhyme
08/01/2017 Cant Help 596 Quatrain
07/30/2017 This Path 477 Quatrain
07/30/2017 Moves Along 732 Quatrain
07/30/2017 Clearwater 667 Quatrain
07/30/2017 Can'T Be Stopped 553 Rhyme
07/30/2017 Hennessy 645 Free verse
07/30/2017 I Feel the Weight 951 Quatrain
07/30/2017 Worth Saving 686 Rhyme
07/30/2017 Thine Indulge 633 Quatrain
07/30/2017 Proof 510 Rhyme
07/30/2017 Difficult 695 Quatrain
07/28/2017 I'M An Artist 621 Free verse
07/28/2017 A Ranting Pathfinder 1031 Rhyme
07/28/2017 A Rusty Stain 568 Quatrain
07/28/2017 Anxious 501 Free verse
07/28/2017 Flower Fly 541 Free verse
07/28/2017 Men Stumble 633 Quatrain
07/28/2017 Absolute 573 Quatrain
07/27/2017 I Know 603 Quatrain
07/27/2017 Shouldn'T Have 537 Quatrain
07/27/2017 An Unfinished Story 619 Quatrain
07/27/2017 Dying Roots 527 Free verse
07/27/2017 Unforgiven 548 Quatrain
07/27/2017 Good Bane 480 Quatrain
07/27/2017 Great Way 487 Quatrain
07/27/2017 Prophecy 756 Quatrain
07/27/2017 The Nightmare and His Rider 704 Quatrain
07/27/2017 One Day 656 Quatrain


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Hello, my name is Tony Brady. I’m 29 years old and was born in Clearwater Florida. I still live in Florida, but now I’m in a city named Spring Hill a little north of there. I’ve recently published my first novel, the first book of the ‘Thousand Scars’ series. I’ve always loved writing. When I was young it was music, raps, and poems that I wrote the most of. Occasionally I would write a short story or something similar, but it wasn’t until I was in my early twenties that I decided to try my hand with novels. I’ve successfully completed writing four novels now and have many others that are well on the way. All of those novels were written longhand as well, mind you, and are all now being converted over and are in the process of publication. My ‘Thousand Scars’ series is about a man trying to save his wife and daughter in a plague riddled world. There’s a lot more to it than that and the story has evolved in an incredible way. The writing process for the ‘Thousand Scars’ series has been unreal, almost magical. I’m currently working on the fourth book in the series and all is well. I’ve been putting some time into my poetry lately too. I’m a new author with a lot of ambition and optimism. I hope all is well out there. God bless.


Book: Shattered Sighs