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Poems by Viviane Leite

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Below are poems written by Brazil poet Viviane Leite. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Viviane Leite.

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Best Viviane Leite Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
06/22/2016 575 641 Haiku
03/24/2016 575 -Paineira 947 Haiku
03/06/2016 Greeneries 513 Free verse
02/29/2016 575 925 Haiku
01/16/2016 Piecitos 5282 Free verse
01/13/2016 Wonderful 771 Acrostic
12/08/2015 575 1282 Haiku
12/25/2014 575 1119 Haiku
12/06/2014 575 977 Haiku
12/06/2014 Inner Trenches 625 Nonet
01/26/2014 Piecitos 741 Free verse
01/25/2014 575 1033 Haiku
01/18/2014 Portal To the South 2186 Free verse
07/25/2013 Longing 654 Free verse
07/25/2013 575 766 Haiku
05/30/2013 Hot Spot 583 Free verse
02/20/2013 Synchronicity 805 Free verse
12/26/2012 Sk- 4 2407 Haiku
09/13/2012 5775 - a Frog In a Pond 836 I do not know?
09/13/2012 575 654 Haiku
06/06/2012 Absence 1210 Haiku
06/06/2012 Afraid 1123 Haiku
05/15/2012 Thread 738 Nonet
05/09/2012 Sk-3 881 Nonet
03/26/2012 Distraction 670 I do not know?
03/18/2012 Fox Paulistinha 755 Free verse
02/16/2012 Redo the Wrongs 653 I do not know?
02/06/2012 Sk 594 Free verse
01/31/2012 575 750 Haiku
12/03/2011 It Is Now 1107 Haiku
11/27/2011 Rain 777 Free verse
11/27/2011 Prayer 552 Free verse
11/27/2011 With You Little 540 Free verse
11/27/2011 Bricklaying 727 Romanticism
11/27/2011 Ghost 651 Romanticism
11/27/2011 I Choose the Rock 659 Free verse
11/27/2011 Silence 1976 Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry