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Unreal Poems - Poems about Unreal

Unreal Poems - Examples of all types of poems about unreal to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for unreal.
Beyond my reach
Another time, another place… Beyond the life, in different space, Where the Sun goes down on the faraway East, And the Moon rises high above Western feast, I saw you in a mask made of silver and silk: Hair is...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, crush, fairy, longing, loss,
Form: Sonnet
Hey!! I assumed that fictional men only exists in fictional world until I met u Like I wanna pinch you nd check whether you r real one r fake one Dude you're literally far away frm...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, crush, cute love, destiny,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member unreal
spy ring secretive espionage makes a great tv show faux pas...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Cinqku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member the real and the unreal
A poet paints a leaf greener than it is, a dramatist makes the story more tragic, human nature crave for what unreal gave, ignores reality that may hold more bliss, those large white marble sculptures of long lost kings, are...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, devotion, truth,
Form: Rhyme
I look up to you With the child in me, A child that knows no wrong. I look up to see some comfort somewhere, that solely in wisdom belong. They say that teachers are all, so very good. So long as...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, 7th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Delightful - Unreal
Marvelous! Wonderful! Delightful! These words enchant the heart but haunt the mind The truth about them is quite unkind ...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, heart, hyperbole, uplifting, words,
Form: Rhyme
Fever dream
It feels like a fever dream I've made up in my head. The only way to prove it wrong Is for it to happen again. ...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, confusion, crush, dream, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Unreal
Her beautiful golden hair Cascaded down to her shoulders Lustrous and thick If any girl could choose her hair This hair would be her pick. These locks belonged to a woman, Who was long past her prime Still, men loved her beautiful...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, 10th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Too Far, Too Unreal Yet Too Close
#HarmonyRetreat Sleeping below the clear sky, On the soft green grass matress; A childhood dream not too far Relieves me of all my stress.... Climbing high mountains before the break of the day Amidst the stillness and silence around, Is an inner excitement...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, poems, poetry,
Form: Free verse
The Kiss That Never Was
So close your breath tingles my skin. A transient kiss, placed on illusive lips. I so wish, this moment would eternally exist. Unfortunate souls bounded by love. Two cold hands, in one glove. Yet so far it's all a blur,...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, boyfriend, cute love, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Unreal
It's not what you think it's how you feel plunge into images and colors surreal Your sense tingle your brain mingles all to compose life is it unfolds into dreams So much excitement drowning in your screams what is real...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, fantasy, society, technology,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Unmasking 86 and Smart
Max it's no secret Your shoe talk vote stinks so walk' No more time Biden' Afgan so no win' Disguise maybe hair afro? The jigs up Mr Smart...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, absence, america, analogy, anxiety,
Form: Senryu
A Reality Unreal
Stuck it seems in this bottomless pit Her life through the eye end of a needle What's now become a life time habbit ...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, write,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Do Over
feel like I have asked.............what does deja vu mean...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, confusion, surreal,
Form: Monoku
There's simply more than meets the eye and yet most think after we die is when we rise above this plane; a new existence we shall reign. These thoughts are wrong and light is life now look beyond the pain...Read the rest...
Categories: unreal, corruption, crazy, depression, drug,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry