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Spit Poems - Poems about Spit

Spit Poems - Examples of all types of poems about spit to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for spit.
Premium Member Spit
A bullseye again! Can't miss. Have practiced since I was ten. Contrary to what people may say, ...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, 3rd grade, 4th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Mouth Etiquette
They say real ladies don’t spit Then what in the salava to do with it Just hold it in With a grin Or learn to swallow another trick...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, art, fun, poetry,
Form: Limerick

Turning the Spit
At a history museum By the hearth there was a spit With a slatted-wood contraption By a rope attached to it. When we read the explanation We were totally surprised. The contraption was a cage In which a small dog exercised. Like...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, dog, history,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Chewed Up and Spit Out
The biggest mess I've ever seen was taking bribes while living a dream The exchange of money for confidence When seen so sure the competence But suddenly there goes something wrong Abilities to change was taken from No favorability while decisions...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, 12th grade, abuse, corruption,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Anna Alpaca
Anna Alpaca is a sight. with long, long legs and long, long neck. She’s almost as tall as a kite! I lean in to give her a peck and when I am too close she spits to let me know...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme

8 Miles Rapp 99 Dalmatian Problems To Battle Spit
I've got 99 Dalmatians 99 problems But a b###h ain't 1 Are simply Black or White 99 shade's of grey Luckily I can't count to over a 100 Otherwise id have 101 Come from 8 miles away Wrong side of the tracks No street...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, rap, slam,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Spit Out the Grit
wouldn’t it be awesome if life were always as smooth as scoops of homemade strawberry ice cream easing down our throat on lazy summer days sad truth is oftentimes we’ll find grit in our leftover soup when we’re at our hungriest yes, my friends we’ve got...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, appreciation, future, journey, life,
Form: Free verse
Silence can sometimes say more than words. Like a voice crying out saying "that's for the birds". In one glimpse of haughty reveals action turned verb. Without out even squeeking you unveil; could be worse?...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, anger, betrayal, corruption, farewell,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Brothers Boots
My Brothers Boots David J Walker (3/19/74) They opened him And closed him And told him to go home a And wait I was a soldier then I took leave to come home And be with him We talked about the army And he gave...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, allegory, death,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Don'T Spit Into the Wind
Don't cause yourself trouble where there's no need. Don't yield to temptations of lust, power and greed. No matter the reasons for the things you do, They always come back, they come home to you. Things never work out...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, wisdom, words,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Spit On Your Fingers
Wash your hands a hundred times a day, ...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, death, humorous, people, water,
Form: Rhyme
Spit Forth Guts
Oh the venom on these lips cold fury should you taste it there. Drink deep my gathering gloom quench your thirst for my lies and my truths and my muted thoughts. Stand still frozen dead in pools of wonder and dread for this...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, anger, angst, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member You'Re Not Worth Spit, My Friend
You're Not Worth Spit, My Friend! (Apart from a Loving God) As a friend, unpredictable! 'Christian?' Can't spell! You own nothing but failure for angels to share (in attempts to defend you) to Love of "I AM!" It's clear; love...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, humor, integrity, love,
Form: Rhyme
How On Earth
I went to the Vet, for what it's worth, Give Fido these pills? How on earth? Fido did the big dummy spit, Then he snapped me! Over it!...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, angst, animal, humor, pets,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Spit and Whittle Club
The Spit & Whittle Club As remembered: by Miracle Man 3-21-2020 As a kid it was always town on Saturday, horses and wagons dotted our main street. Tied to curb rings up and down Broadway, then penny candy, was sometimes...Read the rest...
Categories: spit, change, child, life, remember,
Form: Lyric

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