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Spices Poems - Poems about Spices

Spices Poems - Examples of all types of poems about spices to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for spices.
Spices of Resilience
"In the depths of my mind, a lover did dwell A dark companion, with thoughts that would compel Me to doubt and fear, to lose my way But I found the strength to face him, come what may He...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, pain,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Unfinished Poems
All poems are unfinished Only those in sonnet are finished Completed, done, and terminated A poem can still be edited Revised, retouched and rewritten A poem is a powerful tool or weapon Leave alone my unfinished poems These are my spices, my...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, beautiful, emotions, literature, lost,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member the spices of life
the spices of life are life itself.. seeming oppositions simultaneously rise and fade.. a new day arising is not new as the night is not past......Read the rest...
Categories: spices, image, words,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Sugar and Spices
Why is everything such a crisis ~ Real folks like sugar and spices...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, cheer up, conflict, sweet,
Form: Couplet
Exotic Spices
“exotic spices” Christopher came among us going by the name Columbus far from the Far East he accomplished at least the spread of disease like a fungus...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, color,
Form: Limerick

Spices of Life
truth salts things always lies sweetens special moments all spices of life...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, addiction, allegory, appreciation, metaphor,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Spices of Life
Divine decorum in dealings, Dearly feelings; Deep prayer beads, Daring good deeds... Eagerly expectant pure heart, Evils apart; Exuberance, Effervescence... Love beyond all settled foundations, Long relations; Loyal graces, Living embraces... 20 July 2021...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, god, life, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Marvelous Herbs
"In all things of nature there is somethings of the marvelous." Aristotle Marvelous Herbs Herbs - Nature’s Marvelous Gift of flavor - Brightens the blandness Of the ordinary - Savory gracing tasteless - Zest to nondescript dreariness - Herbal wonders – healing remedies – Seasoning’s...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, life, nature,
Form: Etheree
Premium Member Applesauce Cake
Applesauce Cake Once again autumn’s jubilee of gold and umber leaves Drifts on a lazy Sunday morning rain Past kitchen windows Where scents of coffee and frying bacon Walk hand in hand Then race each other up the stairs To look for...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, autumn, celebration, family, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cinnamon, Sage and Chili Powder Please
Cinnamon, sage and chili powder please Not together certainly, but these are the spices in my cupboard Chili powder is needed once or twice a week because this is what my husband likes to eat. I confess, I...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, 3rd grade, 4th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Autumn Spices
Autumn spices, real pumpkin delight All harmony of the season in the light Leaves fall, those of many colors I love the cool air, the brook waters Time seems to stop when I’m here In the space of Autumn and...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, autumn,
Form: Rhyme
Spices and Things
I would give you my advices If they weren't overpowered with spices And things. Believe me, I hold No control over these bold Statements I make, nor the clever Phrases and quips. I have never Told a story of my own...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, evil,
Form: Free verse
Ginger Mustard and Spices
You said - Have just put two on here. I have a backlog. Will be back on here later. Hope you are ok. X Any language including alien and northwestern star? 2...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, allah, appreciation, , western,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Spices
Show Fine glow Sense swift flow Prize Sweet spice All things nice Fate Flings gate Yet not late Slow ***** flow Odd tears grow Touch So much Scent sting such Spice Speaks wise Quaint food vice Vest Fond quest In spice fest Warm This norm As flesh forms Leon Enriquez 26 November 2016 Singapore...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, allusion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Jewel of World Spices
The inventor of the number system and chess; the originator of algebra, trigonometry and calculus; with the globe’s largest railway and postal network and second to none in the height of a bridge. We speak of the largest government...Read the rest...
Categories: spices, earth, society,
Form: Ode

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry