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Spatter Poems - Poems about Spatter

Spatter Poems - Examples of all types of poems about spatter to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for spatter.
Premium Member Summer Shower
... Start of daylight summer. Standing clouds do scatter. Sun shines through raindrops, sail. Smell of rain wet spatter. Swaddles nature sitting. Stunning rainbow it spins. 12/8/2024......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, nursery rhyme, rain, rainbow,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Spatter Riot
...Spatter Riot Percolating slowly through the thin orange sheep skin, The poison of chaos oozes through widening pores, Bringing to boil the spattering seed of evil. ......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, bereavement, violence,
Form: Free verse

...I’m Onomato-pea-a The window is my home. I love the sounds of cooking At day, at dusk, and dawn. Mom clomps into the room And clicks on every light The curtain whooshes open, I wake up, “No ......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Raindrops
... Sunny days of amber Start daylight summer. Skyline clear, veils of clouds' scatter. Sunshine silhouettes placid and plenty Sustain vivid space for dreaming beauty. Sparrow sisters spirit ......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, rain, rainbow,
Form: Rhyme
...RAINDROPS Each and every raindrop plays its part In a shower, or a torrential downpour Do we know if they have a pointed tip Or just a sphere, either shape will drip Pure water in an innocent ......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, rain,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member DJ
... Drooling along, Every day. No matter, What people say! My mother says," Shut your mouth! Your spewing drool all about!" My father says, "I'm going to bed! No mo......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, 1st grade, fun, kindergarten,
Form: Rhyme
The Rain when it comes
...The rain - when it comes; It brings out the poet in me! Bathing peaches and garden plums, Tapping the leaves in the backyard tree! The Mizzle and mist, the drizzle and fog Sodden the silent, l......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, love, nature,
Form: Rhyme
The Dream
...He races aggressively from task to task, churning through projects and products and pay. Optimize, order, overdeliver. Improve! For fast fades the day ... You'd think he bores easy and can't si......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, dream, love, peace, work,
Form: Quatrain
Rain Babble
...Often the rain has something to say to me, but this rainy day it is hyperactively neurotic. Each of my shoes are waterlogged by a squelching sky-fall. Then again there is the soggy dribble w......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Mystical Word
...Mystical Word 'M a man of dust and water I live between sea and shore I face waves as they spatter And keep the earth in my core I am a ......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, philosophy, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme
Dont Leave the Matter To Martha
...Don't anyone on this flatter Nor leave the matter to Martha. To her it might mean 'No matter' While it's one that could things batter. Long-built relationships scatter, When challenged lips si......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, courage, cry, evil, fear,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Channelling Jackson Pollock
...Spatter, standard, seen before Said nobody Trajectory, tools, talent Said the air around me As I whisked around Slammed, splashed and slashed The mood of the movement Reflective of the observ......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, art,
Form: Ekphrasis
Saturn Saturdays
...I’m bloom to consume more than a few words on this paper to presume/ I pick to pitter patter playing on a plum/ Planning a ploy on a punk as I’m plotting a plan for the plot/ In a tight spot or no......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, cool, crazy, creation, desire,
Form: Rhyme
The Day I Tried To Live
...I awoke like any other day. Hearing syncopated voices inside my head....heroes and villains alike playing on my intellect and my heart as if I don't deserve to live the sadness of suicide is fading ,......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, anxiety, betrayal, conflict, dark,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Summer Fun Rains
...Summer rains are beckoning come outside, come play and sing slip and slap, splish and splash hear those raindrops falling fast! Swing that old umbrella high for now it is the time to fly! ......Read the rest...
Categories: spatter, fun, rain, senses, sound,
Form: Light Verse

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