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Spaces Poems - Poems about Spaces

Spaces Poems - Examples of all types of poems about spaces to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for spaces.
Classroom a Lab for Demo
...In dynamic classrooms Amid inquiry and exploration with my mind racing, in casual attire or rolled-up sleeves, With my hands on experimental apparatus, questi......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, children, education, engagement, school,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member On The Trail, For A Little While
...He figured the dreaming had ended for another day Looking out over where he was camped. Than the Wanderling had a quick thought… ‘Was this place indeed better Then where else he had tr......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, adventure, dream, home, journey,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Looking out the window at the world, I wonder
...Looking out the window at the world, I wonder, Is there a consciousness that permeates every living cell, Something that stitches together all life into a vast symphony, Singing a score written by......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I carry within me a vast void, hidden deep in the realms of my soul
...I carry within me a vast void, hidden deep in the realms of my soul, That remains silent on busy days, when thoughts travel far and wide, An abandoned space, once inhabited by ancient gods, Whose ......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Talking to the Dead
...("The Cave of Unknowing", 2012, original oil) Talking to the Dead (aka musings on Jacob’s Ladder) The essential message of the Tibetan Book of the Dead Is that the clear light of min......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, allegory, death, life, spiritual,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member blessed mark allure--
... Sore, sadden alone and down trodden. Smitten Stuck on the facts we’re not truly physical I use to visualize I saw, I touched not anymore The scent of you not anymore Even in mine ......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, analogy, anxiety, appreciation, bereavement,
Form: Elegy
Premium Member In the ethereal quiet of twilight's embrace
...In the ethereal quiet of twilight's embrace, Where shadows weave tales of existence and pale light, Death steps softly, a silent harbinger, unveiling The veiled truths that our lives have cloaked ......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Get up And Go
...Return to your normal schedule and meet me at the square, return to your normal schedule and open the mail before it is too late, this too will pass and the silence will not last, hurricane Beryl has......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, absence, america, analogy, appreciation,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member I Cry For The Children
...I cry for the boys who just need to be left to be themselves To play and explore, take risks and learn the hard way With peers, and fathers and grandfathers Getting the role models they need and d......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, child, mentor, perspective, social,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Freedom is the realization that freedom is just another drug to calm a pain, to continue the show
...Freedom is the realization that freedom is just another drug to calm a pain, to continue the show, And this drug comes in a variety of models, prices for the mass market or highly segregated niches.......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Every day, my poems grow shorter
...Every day, my poems grow shorter: Little fires for the one who was lost in a strange land. And I awaken from dreams drowned in twilight's light, Seeking hidden roots in the fractured soil of memor......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dancing on the Shore Edvard Munch
...our joy creates spaces in the earth looking closely shows all those cut out hollows made by something else the moon sears away the leaves tresses tossed in the wind scratch w......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, art,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member OF YESTERDAY
...Who could say of yesterday? The Ancestors Graves spaces and spaces for the recently welcomed? I have felt them. Far into ancient Lands and yesteryears! Whilst we Alive we were willing we were WI......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, allusion, beautiful, celebration, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member So So
...So many poems so few poets so many so few one less now my heart bleeds In-between the empty spaces sadness sleeps ......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, death, friendship love, grief,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Bio
... "Goddess of Dawn" from ancient mythology, I'm a creative soul, loyal, compassionate, responsible Sister of curiosity, sibling of five brothers and elder sister; Passionate about nature c......Read the rest...
Categories: spaces, identity, self,
Form: Bio

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