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Sniping Poems - Poems about Sniping

Sniping Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sniping to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sniping.

Premium Member Keyboard Warriors
... Keyboard Warriors Miracle Man 1/24/2022 Too many have become mere keyboard fighters, sniping at others with whom they dIsagree. Cowardly, they occupy shadows as backbiters, and the ......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, abuse, bullying,
Form: Lyric
Endangered Horror Species Zoo, Part Ii
......Besides them we have the zombies, by far easiest to contain, they spend all day shuffling slow to the nearest pile of cowbrains. We throw them in every few hours, (The meat we give to the wer......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, animal, celebration, crazy, fun,
Form: Narrative

Siege At Baker Ranch, Part Iii
...III. It was near midnight when they came again, four warriors armed all with flaming brands, Myron bolted up from a fitful sleep, and poured out bullets as the horses ran. He managed to shoot ......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, america, conflict, courage, hero,
Form: Cowboy Poetry
The Ladies Room
...Cloistered within the restroom stall eavesdropping on my peers soft whispers echo off tiled walls revealing secrets, hidden tears Somehow this restroom has become a sordid confessional booth ......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, community, people, perspective, places,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bossy Cow
...Daisy was such a bossy old cow, one who desired to rule the herd. Her opinions were so highbrow the others dared not moo a word! Daisy would moo and moo all day whilst the others chewed their......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, conflict, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

The Bazaar Tale of Barry the Bar-Code Collector
...Barry was a simple man Who had a simple plan He would be the greatest collector there has ever been Of all outstanding Barcodes anyone would have seen So he collected them from sun-up to sun-do......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, dedication,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member The Permacultural Brain Surgeons
...Honey, please don't even try to get me interested in your Cranial Ontology Department. You know how the name itself puts my brain to sleep. Yes I noticed your tendency to snore when I am thin......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, caregiving, culture, deep, health,
Form: Political Verse
Little People
...The pettiness of people is pervasive. Those who feel better when others fail. Feeling contempt and envy when others succeed. Reflecting ugliness behind their backs. Makes them feel better , supe......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, art,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member A Workplace Prayer
... A Workplace Prayer Written: by Tom Wright 1998 Lord, as we gather at our places of work each day. Let us do our tasks, with others, in one accord we pray. If it be day ......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, prayer,
Form: Rhyme
They Call Me Night Wolf
...They call me NightWolf I'm walking these reservation streets Im known to imitate buffalo hooves Im walking knocturnal Im a black owl sniping prey at night like I should I RIP MY ENEMIES TO BITS LI......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, imagination,
Form: Burlesque
Premium Member A Hot Time In Auckland City
...“METROPOLIS BLUES” The elemental wind curls in from the north east, sublime salon creations in disarray, in grimy profusion inventiveness subsides. The town clock strikes out, within ear sho......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, angst, confusion,
Form: Free verse
The Garden of Emotion
...As a good gardener would do, she had to evaluate the quality of her trees plants and fruit, She saw that some were rotten; they had spoiled at the root. Unforgivness and resentment suffocated her d......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, forgiveness, inspirational, life, fruit,
Form: Couplet
Götterdämmerung Part 1
...Author's suggestion - goes best with as you read. Don't forget to continue to "Götterdämmerung Part 2" He sees her in his thoughts his dreams Haunt......Read the rest...
Categories: sniping, loss, lost love
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things