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Smoky Poems - Poems about Smoky

Smoky Poems - Examples of all types of poems about smoky to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for smoky.
Premium Member Quiet Nights and Quiet Stars
... Quiet Nights and Quiet Stars The cozy, round, garden table, In that smoky Columbian cafe. A time long ago, and far away. ......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, beauty, husband, imagery, wife,
Form: Rhyme

Break gore ate my face benthic void with water devoid clear as yesterday petal wilts rose cloy visage made a mockery nocturne flicker shines grin was a jester miles wide silver on marble fene......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, dark,
Form: Free verse
Ember of Intellectual Acuity
...A spark ignited when our paths first crossed, Your knowledge kindled, my ignorance tossed. From a timid flicker to a steady glow, Our bond, like embers, began to grow. Your wisdom blazed, a g......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, teacher, tribute,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Jackson Paper Retires
..."Puff the magic dragon, lived by the sea", Leonard Lipton and Peter Yarrow His name was Jackson Paper. Forgotten by history, disappearing like a vapor, he was born near Honalee. He......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, childhood, humor, imagination, music,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member When Summer is gone
... Faint scents still linger, as summer slowly fades. Sun silently hides behind smoky clouds, as raindrops hum in a jaded symphony, plummeting against misty windows, vibrating against puddles upon......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, analogy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Nadir
...When the smoky quartz sun slumbers into a cold winter, we see the aftermath of a garnet twilight, it is then, we find rose stars that refuse to abandon us in shivering solitude, ......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, dark,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Echo
... The smoky mists of dawn cover the lands I walk upon as though the Earth rose up on tiptoes to kiss the sky. Though not clouds fluffy and white, this mist obscures all sight and I wa......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, death, fantasy,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Abracadabra Storm
...Dread descends in my heart, heaviness smothers the lands. Saturated in darkness, smoky gray clouds boil by. A raging Storm stomping up the dark stairs a'tromping. Thundering foot falls w......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, abuse, anger, storm, violence,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ghost Chamber with the Tall Door - Paul Klee
...You can draw me in But I'm always in the blank space The void of "just stepped outside" Though my hand could rub the ink Maybe I'll sit staring at stained fingertips Proving I was there, made an......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, angst, appreciation, art, self,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member Raindrops
...As the sky weeps in periwinkle petals of multicolored roses, rinsed in lemons, and lavender, the poet within me releases a bougainvillea bouquet of unfiltered gratitude, swaying to th......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, angel,
Form: Free verse
...THE EMPTY ROOM Hard wooden seats in a waiting room Feel a draught from an ill-fitting door All I can do here is sit still and stare The last train due back to civilisation I’m here all alone s......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, dream, memory,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Chapter 161-- DAMIAN'S SPAWNS: Damian Junior Amadeus Damali --- The Diondra Posh interview
...Date: June. 2051 Early hot sizzling summer sun. aah! Never to be outdone! The trio relaxed In their large office patient and pleased With the potential of Miss Diondra Posh. DJ referred to he......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, absence, birth, business, child,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Three stained glass crickets
...Three stained glass crickets hopping, dancing and twirling Their smoky ambiance showing an insane like swirling Who will be the lucky prize winners someone asks me. Unknown at this time, but they ......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Magic of Music
...The Magic of Music Bring to mind your favorite song. How does it make you feel? Where do those feelings originate in your physical body? Think about the lyrics, the poetry, that speaks to......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, emotions, inspiration, language, magic,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Simply Beyond Help
...Zounds! longing for a merciful descent into the terminal ground where smoky eyes semi-watch streams of semi-(dis)information exhaled from smoking brains on a mission to search & decons......Read the rest...
Categories: smoky, dark, nonsense, surreal, word
Form: Free verse

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