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Slung Poems - Poems about Slung

Slung Poems - Examples of all types of poems about slung to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for slung.
After President Joe Robinette Biden Junior withdrew from the presidential race
...After President Joe Robinette Biden Junior withdrew from the presidential race... Planet earth (the Mother of all) breathed a collective and palpable sigh of relief, and I too deeply exhaled, ......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, america, anxiety, appreciation, blessing,
Form: Free verse

Those who teach can’t
... For some reason the radiator is on Some sun skimmed summer Our ties slung in varying disrespect Head resting against palm to feign the guise of awake My desk scrawled with the names of ones b......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, poems,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lilith
... Written: May 23, 2024, For Silent One Lilith Contest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lilith is her Hebrew name. Queen of night: with dainty shape. that was of w......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, fantasy, mythology,
Form: Free verse
On being emotionally bankrupt
...On being emotionally bankrupt Sentient beings distraught psyche rent asunder courtesy false accusations heated words exchanged like gunfire pox upon the house of Deborah Hunter, a vicious vin......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, anger, anxiety, april, betrayal,
Form: Free verse
Basic Training, Survival of the Fittest
... The humidity was doing a good job of keeping pace with the temperature. Until around 10 AM when the thermometer pushed its way past 100. That’s when 176 frightened kids and a few old hippies stagge......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, military,
Form: Haibun

Up up the fly away wig doth go revisited and revised March 10th, 2024
...Up up the fly away wig doth go revisited and revised March 10th, 2024... (Any resemblance between the following humorous account and real life circumstance tis purely coincidental). Went off fo......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, absence, adventure, confusion, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member the 3rd floor
...This was last Saturday night. We were at a rooftop party in downtown New Haven thrown by ‘DocHouse.’ Doc-House is kind of a frat-house, owned by Dr. Melon, where he and seven doctoral students live. ......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, humor, school, social, student,
Form: Free verse
Penny Whistle Blues
...He sold penny whistles From inside the little sack Slung over one shoulder And hanging down his back And he filled them full of magic So for one whole day Anyone who bought one Learned how to ......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, fantasy, happiness, music, mystery,
Form: Rhyme
...In his mind he’s a pistolero Six guns slung before Tongue ever ready For the verbal quick draw. He’s an Internet Cowboy Found his true place Where he says what he likes But never face to fac......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, anger, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Truffle Trolls
...People reveal the contents of their heart. drip by painful drip. It takes courage to tell the world what ails them. What hurt them-stomped them down. How they are in the process of healing. Clim......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, bullying,
Form: Free verse
...It was a strange sort of day A Heavy treacley sky That seemed too thick For any bird to even try to fly. The city lay in waiting for Celebrations to begin The Fiesta of Fiestas Days of mil......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, celebration, dream, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Leave My Feet In Poetry Now Firmly Planted
...Leave My Feet In Poetry Now Firmly Planted I tried, compose a revelation poem about truth Did that in earnest, in my wild but honest youth But with mind fighting a stone wall nothing came forth ......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, deep, motivation, poems, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Loss of Faith
...Loss of faith It was Christmas Eve 1947 A knock on the door, I stopped breathing Santa entered with a bag slung across massive shoulders I saw it was, Mrs Stream next door She was an extraor......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, anger, blessing, break up,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Out My Window
...It was hours before dawn and I could not sleep. The gloomy fog overpowered the cold dark street. The street lights offered patches of misty light. Rain had glossed the pavement, in the dead of nig......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, rain,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Harry
...My mate Jim and I were tired of working for a boss. We decided to buy a truck and give the 9 to 5 a toss. We set up a little business, taking produce to the stalls. It was just an idea ......Read the rest...
Categories: slung, horse,
Form: Rhyme

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