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Sluggishly Poems - Poems about Sluggishly

Sluggishly Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sluggishly to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sluggishly.
...dark is the morning dark is my phone with aliens rushing our border i watch these vermin with contempt i take my eyes off at 8am sharp the commute is only an hour but a good first impression i wil......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, 12th grade, poetry, student,
Form: Rhyme
Belated Dawn
... What ought to have lapsed A decade ago sluggishly pops; Antagonist’s claws now thaw And give way to buoyant hopes. ......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, allegory, anger, birth, confidence,
Form: Ballad

The Long Withering
...This river is full of bodies, dead fish, dead fishermen. This river crumbles its banks, it invades in trickles, sluggishly it engulfs. Once it deeply flowed then death withered the water. ......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Ocean Beckons
...The waves crushing her tiny body with striking blows White creamy wash caresses her golden skin as the wave slows Moving sluggishly towards the horizon Because of a recurring vision she hopes ......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, fantasy, ocean,
Form: Rhyme
Not Es Car Got
..."not es car got" sluggishly waking what the hell forget the shell......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, color,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Sun Sets
...The sun sets Rolling sluggishly In the exiting tide There is a joy to it Frolicking in the froth Of soap suds surf We play our parts In the evening reverie Dancing alone Shadows Carri......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, beach, sunset,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Angst of Chores…work is done…slow quickly…cleaning…sluggishly a.m. & p.m. the angst anchored in stalling then accomplishing it all......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, angst,
Form: Tanka
...Weary by S.C. Robinson She sits on her soft fluffy bed, resting her limbs before she starts her day. Rethinking her preceding dream, hoping the images won’t fade away. She watches the clock......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, anxiety, care, depression, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member New Alpha Dog
...Our home used to be calm. Sophie, our cocker spaniel set the pace. She was an only child. We were barely moving back then – sluggishly slow. Buddy arrived. A big goofy puppy. We are all racing......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, dog,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Time To Choose - Time To Change
...Time to choose? Time to change? When I feel Love It feels like I am falling into a deep blue lake Of a baby’s eyes. When I hate, Darkness consumes me like smoke, Smothering light and extin......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, conflict, emotions, humanity, i
Form: Free verse
If Not Tomorrow
...Do not blame the snail When it drags along sluggishly Or draws back in its shell out of fear. But what do you say of one Who competes with a turbo jet And makes friend with a sledge hammer? D......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, appreciation, conflict, life,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Timeless Womb
...Seed - scattered strewn or downtrodden. Grain stuck on passive flytrap mucus. Wild life biomes ripe with open sesame. Frantic birth pangs stiffen their gestations as green leaf ferments bubble u......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, art, birth, blessing, change,
Form: Imagism
...The marsh is thick, and my shoes are ripped. Treading through the swamps of my mind. Sluggishly moving onward through the quagmired lands of this perceived world. Constant mental struggles......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, animal, character, family, friendship,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member As Time Goes By
... I woke up to a sunrise scintillating With glowing low fluffy clouds barely moving. Verdant dewy hills and vales adorn the view. A light refreshing breeze that was so soothing. In her prett......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, love, romance,
Form: Rhyme
As I Walk
...The black sea of faces I meet in the street, With hunched backs from a menacing gory despair, Sweeping across the land like a flood of monsters, And dry lips a stamp left by the ravages of......Read the rest...
Categories: sluggishly, daffodils, depression, fear,
Form: Free verse

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