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Short Immanent Poems

Short Immanent Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Immanent by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Immanent by length and keyword.

Percinct At Acme
Symphony  of reigns 
Perched immanent myrmidon 
Affable it gallops...

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Categories: immanent, crazy, life, riddle,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Thought of the Day
Immanent is the throb of life ~
Take refuge therein, be bliss rife


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Categories: immanent, joy, life,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Zen Mode
space is the screen
time, the illusion
we see it now

luminous Self 
is self-existent

yet immanent


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Categories: immanent, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Divine Truth
The immanent universal law, that unifies each existing thing, to a harmonious whole! 

© Demetrios Trifiatis 
     30 April 2016...

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Categories: immanent, god, truth,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Soul Whispers
I am you, please feel me
I am the energy connector 
Entwining you with existence 

I am in the mind-body immanent
Yet I am in truth transcendent 
Weeping when as you, I sin


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Categories: immanent, i am, sin, spiritual,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Zen mode
the bubble of our form is stretched
we feel we are at bursting point
bliss borne magnetism hums within
arising from a centreless fulcrum 
poised thus in heightened joy we are
both immanent and transcendent...

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Categories: immanent, joy, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Zen Mode
betwixt two heartbeats of time shimmering space holds its breath we hold eternity in the palm of our hand presence immanent and transcendent teleports us to the promised land 03-March-2023

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Categories: immanent, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
All Affairs'
And let my Soul
With-in the confines'
    Of Thy Lord
And let my resolve
    Be immanent
In my resolutions'
    From the Heart
And sequent in the
   Name of the 
        All Mighty


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Categories: immanent, faith
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Zen mode
caress of bliss delight
an eddy current teasing
soft and feathery touch
fixates our focus
in the slow seduction
gentle yet persuasive 
as each hue new renews
tantalising tingling teaching
tryst of light transcendent
within form immanent...

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Categories: immanent, i am, joy, light,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Zen Mode
having been, seen and so known
now within form focused on Self
awareness self-aware is as is
in a peacefulness continuum 
transcendent in singularity 
immanent in earth duality 
integrating reality herein 
within the body vessel


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Categories: immanent, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Zen mode
having come of age in the womb of space
there being here no more puzzles to lace
bereft of thought crutch, having gentled touch
our soul takes permission to leave this hutch
that light both immanent and transcendent
may bilocate, becoming independent...

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Categories: immanent, space, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Thought of the Day
given that space is an entity
within whose womb we are localised
to pierce the veil of space itself
we who are within it must disappear
that thus both transcendent and immanent 
we become the vastness of space itself
in everything, yet impacted by nothing


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Categories: immanent, space, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Trauma Bonding With Darkness
recognising our default orientation as trance purity of silence too scarred by thought spirals our presence neither immanent nor transcendent yet deludedly affirms meaningful dwelling in darkness akin to the irony highlighted in Plato’s allegory of the cave

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Categories: immanent, introspection, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Zen mode
ever so slowly, magically teasingly, enigmatically veil of ignorance lifts revealing the light shimmering in space we feel it deep in our bones and in dead of night visible to us in clear sight noumena behind phenomena the transcendent here immanent

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Categories: immanent, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Zen mode
machinations of life
exert a stranglehold 
as the noose tightens
we choose to vaporise
whence fate as may be
is rendered innocuous
thus in, within but not of
earth life play underway 
with our ego immanent 
presence transcendent 
we have the cake
and eat it too...

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Categories: immanent, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member He Is Coming

He Is Coming

Summer in songs 
We rise to our feet
Awestruck we praise

A Song of Songs
We gather raised arms
we call our King

With eager anticipation
An immanent gift shall unfold
He is coming
He is coming 
He is coming once again


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Categories: immanent, beautiful, god, jesus,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Hold Still Intent
Hold still intent, before release Pause for childlike prayer Free from doubts, joyous heart’s at ease We are our soothsayer Love for love does aspire Action without desire No object to acquire God immanent Hold still intent 30-April-2022 Quietus

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Categories: immanent, prayer,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Divine Magnetism
an atributeless magnetism self-existent makes its presence felt within form transcendent now immanent is felt as bliss mist warm bliss transmutes as peace like a chameleon shape shifting nirvanic state surpasses understanding truly a happenstance that is soul uplifting

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Categories: immanent, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Zen Mode
bilocating consciousness immanent and transcendent in, within, equidistant from both soul pierces the veil of ignorance we are not here but doings are done even as we abide in unbound freedom descending, ascending across all realms accepting God’s will is propelled by purpose

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Categories: immanent, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Crown chakra
notice the weird machinations of mind
gripped in wayward ego’s relentless bind
delusion orbiting desire’s circle
far removed from fontanel’s hue purple

violet vibes take up pole position 
granting us to God’s abode admission
magnetism immanent and transcendent 
embodying in our heart, love’s pendant...

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Categories: immanent, spiritual,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Bilocation
Form moves, I see, I Am
The stillness of the void
Feeling the ripples
Physical, mental, emotional

Crystallised light seeks me
Just as I too seek it
We both need each other
To feel complete

Bilocating awareness thus
Both aspects of myself are 
Energy kinetic and potential
Immanent and transcendent...

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Categories: immanent, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Truth of our being
the luminous ovoid of Self replicates
the omnipresent lustre of God’s light
made in His image this is our essence
eternal and renewing itself within itself

with this recognition viewed directly
back here within the mind-body cage
as both transcendent and immanent 
we share this truth with those who pair...

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Categories: immanent, spiritual, truth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Zen Mode
diminished by disease
dilutes not bliss beats
renewing effervescence 
within our mind-body urn

it is a paradox of sorts
the aspect transcendent 
immune from the external
is within always immanent 

recognising this, we smile
ego feels we are mocking
since that’s the way it thinks
while we go on celebrating...

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Categories: immanent, celebration, how i feel, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Musings on the heart
confusion prevails
as to the location
as also significance
of the spiritual heart

tradition has it the heart is
located at the right
left side, organ physical 
mirroring seat of soul ethereal

the view this pilgrim holds
is that the heart is toroidal
replicating living light of Self
both transcendent and immanent...

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Categories: immanent, heart, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Immanent Yet Transcendent
She who waltzes in the glicering stars of dawn,
She who observes the raging light called love,
She who gazes above all that is life,
She whose eyes glare, lustful and fierce, yet hopeful and longing,
She whose declaration of karma, punishes the wasps of humanity,
She whose loving embrace warms thou's icy heart,
The watcher....

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Categories: immanent, god,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs