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Wedding Senryu Poems

These Wedding Senryu poems are examples of Senryu poems about Wedding. These are the best examples of Senryu Wedding poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Never Again a Bridesmaid
pushed for photoshoot
farm bridesmaids on haystacks~
           red face lost her top


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© Eve Roper  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: friend, wedding, woman,

Premium Member Wedding Month
June, the month of happy brides
joy and tears mingle
weddings in formal attire
exotic honeymoon site

written June 19, 2021...

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Categories: happiness, june, marriage, wedding,

Premium Member Shotgun Wedding Blues
we’re ready are you 
         wonder if it’s mine at all

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Categories: allegory, allusion, baby, marriage,

Premium Member Wedding Vows
he plucked a red rose,
kissed her lips and held her close,
Xmas wedding vows!

3rd placement
Brian Strand sponsor
written 24/12/2020
sencleri limoku poetry contest

5,7,5 syllables...

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Categories: christmas, crush, fantasy, first

Premium Member Newlyweds
   Tears shed
   Lives ahead...

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Categories: life, wedding,

Premium Member My Lost Wedding Ring
oh, hysteria
                     thought my wedding...

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Categories: giggle,

two cats howl in joy
shocking wedding scene...

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Categories: cat, wedding,

Romeo Juliet
The Love for the Love
wedding bed
on the grave! 

Inspired by-

"Go ask his name; If he be married,
My grave is like to be my wedding bed."

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Categories: love, sad,

The Mothers of War
the mothers of war

gave their golden wedding rings

and sometimes a son

date: 1/1/20
contest: Senryu on Mother
sponsor: Jenish Samodas...

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© Meru Groen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: mother son,

Haiku Senryu Nuptials
wedding night                       ...

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Categories: senryu, love, marriage,

Premium Member Make Someone Happy
make someone happy
and you will be happy, too
    sweet and to the point

Song: Make Someone Happy(1964)
Singer: Jimmy Durante
A very short romantic song,...

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Categories: art, myth, song,

Premium Member ''Union''
Couple exchange vows;
he puts ring on her finger.
Till death do they part....

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Categories: for her, husband, love,

A Country Wedding
the bride and groom kiss
and wave to the smiling crowd -
a pregnant girl cries

written 6th June 2019 for Dear Heart's Senryu contest...

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© Jack Horne  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: humanity,

Wedding Senryu
standing at the altar

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Categories: death, funeral, husband, marriage,

Premium Member - Lost and Still Not Found -
a sad complaint song

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Categories: lost, sad,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things