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Risk Poems - Poems about Risk

Risk Poems - Examples of all types of poems about risk to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for risk.
The Risk of Hope
A light shone in the distance, As it neared my place in the void I felt its warmth I saw its smile I heard its laugh The light came closer, It got too hot Its smile was too wide Its laugh...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, death, fear, fire, girl,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lured by East Rock
Alex Honnold free soloed up Half Dome I watched the video from the comfort of my home I marveled at Catherine Destivelle, when Verdon's edge she trod, But in New Haven, East Rock lures the unskilled clod. That rock...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, adventure, courage, death, wisdom,
Form: Lyric

High Risk
High Risk You Know? All the Lucky People Rolling In Dough? They Could Be Bankrupt! Like We Are... You Know. -Gray Squirrel 11-11-2024 ...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, life,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Funny Jokes For The Coming Holidays Read At Your Own Risk Thank You
Why couldn't the lizard get married and have children? Because he had Reptile Dysfunction. Two men broke into a drug store and stole all the Viagra. The police put out an alert, to be on the lookout for...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, funny, sensual, silly,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Icarus
Building your wings feather by feather. Checking the skies, watching the weather. Sitting alone, dreaming of angels And birds of a wing flocking together. Experiments fail, trying again. Experience showing how, where, and when. Observing the sun lifting the morning Vibrating, warming...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, growth, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I run the risk
in order to have bliss i run the risk on the high-flying disk there is no resistance my dreams need no practical means to reason now that i have been given into this musing two magnets touched...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
When do you risk it all for love? Is it when their presence feels like air and every breath without them feels like a step toward drowning? Is it when their dreams ...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lisa took a Risk
Lisa had never lived alone, she did not know what to expect. I am scared, she admitted, alert and self-circumspect. She left her fiancé’ and his baggage, of which there was a lot. Moved away to Wisconsin, arrived...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, woman,
Form: Rhyme
Knowingly take part, In a dangerous game, love, A high risk of pain. ...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, angst, deep, depression, i
Form: Haiku
Kingdom Faith is a Relief Not a Risk
Take the Step and Believe Kingdom Faith acts on God’s WORD The KING has DECREED and we can enforce it Kingdom Faith is a relief, not a risk Kingdom Faith is a gift in time to take us to...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, education, jesus,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member a shameless risk taking gambler
a shameless bluffer he won at poker and twenty-one an audacious risk-taker brazen, brave, and bold daring to do what most would not my grandfather-in-law, the gambler who lost his house to a bad hand of cards in the thirties...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, in memoriam,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Swim At Your Own Risk
Swimming in the pool was Lou- Lou, In distress yelled, ”MA! Gotta poo !” Momma was too late. So the cowboy, Nate, stuck in head n'said, “Howdy-DOO!” ...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, 1st grade, child, funny,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Testament of Sand
Beige-white heat blisters his brow until sweat pours masking his face protecting his vision – cooling without a breeze. His calloused feet burn with resistance to indiscriminate grains of settling sand filling his footprint from his labored stride. White and green...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, courage, faith,
Form: Free verse
So, I'll Wait
Somebody just told me, He's not prepared To risk his heart Once more. Here I am, Full of hope, Eager to embrace love that once I adore. But I hold on to love He's not yet ready to share. Our views are aligned in this...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, desire, feelings, growth, longing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Risk
If you don't take it- then you'll never know how far you could have went...Read the rest...
Categories: risk, strength,
Form: Monoku

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry