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Pineapple Poems - Poems about Pineapple

Pineapple Poems - Examples of all types of poems about pineapple to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for pineapple.
Cherry or pineapple?
He points out, holding both in his hands. ,,it doesn't really matter really." ,,you choose.", he smiles. ,,I would take bland." ,,Bland?", he looks at me with his one eyebrow up. ,,Yeah", I take a step to the fridge. I take...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse
from a waxy leave to so nice dark red flower to ananas comosus ...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, farm, flower, fruit,
Form: Haiku

Pineapple Pride
I was walking through the pineapple row and a thorn stick me on my middle toe, I bend down low to remove it and I almost fell into the ditch, I didn’t know what to...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, america, betrayal, birth, body,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Atmospheric Rivers
In quiet bay's embrace, where waters sigh, I gaze at mountains 'neath the western sky. Their stoic peaks, a timeless range, Whisper tales of change, foretell the strange. As thick cloud veils the once majestic view, An atmospheric river brews...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, rain,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Fresh Pineapple Fruit Smoothie and Whisky
Her boobies hung outside the white lace cup. Blending pineapple and whisky closeup. Blender was not fully closed, Everything inside exposed. Woohoo, smoothie boobs to sit down to sup....Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, drink,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Pineapple Mango
Diet green tea has helped me kick the soda habit flavors fun taste buds go yum smooth and sweet it's a healthy treat I can drink one with sodas it's always more it satisfies me and quenches my...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, poems,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pineapple Impress
pineapple impress Hawaiian pumpkin-like patch Oahu golden sunrise at Aloha Stadium reminiscing the Swap Meet...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, food, memory,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Afraid of Pineapple Kitchen Monster
I cannot use my kitchen, I have too much fear. What is going on? I asked my auntie dear. There is a tiny pineapple monster in there under the frig. She is nutty again, said my other auntie...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Pineapple Pizza With Fresh Basil and Shrimp Added
#OH MY GAWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!! "I'VE BEEN WILD CAUGHT!" Who would have thought??? Something soooooooooooooo savory, utterly most delicious and immensely tasty could be sooooooooooo A M A Z I N G :-). Enough to transcribe and describe this...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, fruit, happiness, heaven, how
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pineapple Tree
A pineapple tree holding a few coconuts, Pina colada....Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, nature, paradise, tree,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Pineapple Squares
give me a minute if i don’t say this now i may never find the courage your life is ed up because of me don’t try to stop me or change my mind with lily-laced words you are good...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, addiction,
Form: Free verse
A journey in life is a pineapple sometimes is yours at times not life is an adventure of blue though in the long run there is this reward sweet and lustful one would even ask is there any undertaking that is wholeheartedly harmless? even fancying letters...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hawaiian Pineapple
The best pineapples are grown domestically. They come from the Aloha State of Hawaii. However, you can't buy them locally. The fruit in cans may come from Central America. Some come from Southeast Asia. So, if you live in Alaska, or...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, business, food, fruit,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pineapple Delight
Pineapple Delight Today is the first day, The rest will all just follow, and sometimes get in the way. There will be good times, bad times, out of work, of out of money, and even dreadful...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, addiction, creation, devotion, heaven,
Form: Free verse
Reach the Pineapple
A rolling stone gathers no moths Is a lobster a crushed Asian Are you all just a pigment of my imagination This will be my last will and tentacle Reed the words i rite I am not your escape goat I...Read the rest...
Categories: pineapple, poetry,
Form: Free verse

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