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Nose Poems - Poems about Nose

Nose Poems - Examples of all types of poems about nose to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for nose.
Look no further than the nose on your face
Look no further than the nose on your face... for Mutualism among *****sapiens long thought to be a pipe dream case in point sited by a couple of recent purportedly natural events possibly exacerbated courtesy global warming namely present conflagrations include...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, america, anger, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse
As someone who’s had trouble seeing without the aid of lenses since I was a little pup… today I’m thankful for my ears and nose…. For, without them… I’d have no way to hold my glasses up. ...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, inspiration, thanks,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member - The Best Nose -
Today's highlight on the dog's terms The snow that has come, is soft and fluffy ...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, animal, happy, humor, snow,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Holiday Fun Elf Limericks
Santa is ready for the big night, Rudolph's red nose is really bright. Santa's bag is toy filled, that elf is unskilled. The ground is covered in snow of white. Elf's are funny and cute but very small, always asking...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, crazy, fish, fun, giggle,
Form: Limerick
Nose Once a year my long ears and long snout, exhausting to tolerate, disconcerting, are lined with mother-of-pearl. I can convert my long nostrils into wafer. I reprimand painfully my very plain features. Adorable, lovable, they...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, humor,
Form: Free verse

Two blue eyes and a button nose
Two blue eyes and a button nose Features so striking all with the right pose Wrapped in a frame so petite and slim Looks so gorgeous, proper and prim With a voice so melodious and smile so sweet She is...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, character,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Picky Nose
I used to love to pick my nose. After 3, Better than playing with my toes. With a nose you see, Each little crevasse...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, 1st grade, children, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Everyone nose especially Al R Gee I haint no otolaryngologist
Everyone nose, especially Al R. Gee, I haint no otolaryngologist Nonetheless this bard **** videre licet punster mocker feels gratitude courtesy Kaitlyn Gilsenan, PA-C a moost deal height full medical technician without cerumen eye zing September 27th, 2024 'ere and thank...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, adventure, angel, appreciation, blessing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member my nose leads the way
New Orleans French quarter bakeries feature luxurious flavorsome bene’s palatable pumpkin pies, exquisitely decorated cookies aromatic meaty soups, nectarous scones, rich dipping sauces appetizing cobblers, and cream puffs larger than clouds. My nose lead the way after I found the...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, food,
Form: Free verse
We Go So Fur
You’re so much artificial fur. You, little bear, do not communicate, not a word, not a single utterance. Yet I speak to you, tap your nose, pat your head - gently, of course. I call you Mr Titch - yes,...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, cheer up, cute, fun,
Form: Free verse
Trump Nose Always Knows
Trump Nose Always Knows Huge Trump nose grows long when he will sing same old song cheats playing ping pong must be more direct divisiveness and disrespect from bottom select always to annoys likes to make much noise bias employs Trump always will rob been...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member is the elephants trunk a nose hand or mouth
is an elephant's trunk a nose or a hand? Wanting to find out I traveled to Africa land. One of the elephants used his trunk to wave at me. Saw another wipe his trunk against his sleeve. Female utilized...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, 11th grade, 1st grade,
Form: Rhyme
By a Nose
Twenty horses in the race, The winner by a nose. The Derby sometimes mimics life, For that’s the way it goes. At times we might get beaten by A rival for a house Or job or placement for a school Or even...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, horse, life, race,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Darla gets her nose pierced
When Darla got a paper cut she went ballistic. Reacted the way others acted if their arm was gnawed off. If someone bumped her she complained for years and years. Every scrape, scratch, and poke was a huge...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Nose By Any Name
He was as meek as a little mouse But his beak was as big as a house So when a dozen crows Nested way up his nose Only then would he begin to grouse...Read the rest...
Categories: nose, bird,
Form: Limerick

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry