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Autumn Missing Poems

These Autumn Missing poems are examples of Missing poems about Autumn. These are the best examples of Missing Autumn poems written by international poets.

The tree is today a year older, and while
It shakes its leaves in the autumn wind,
From the ethereal dance beyond time,
The saints create a bridge...

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Categories: missing, dark, death, gothic, grave,

Premium Member Heavenly Happy Mother's Day

Spring: Beginning, the practice run, 
      Hello, hallowed ..., Aubade;
Cringe reflections and spare the fun,

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: missing, angel, beautiful, bible, happiness,

Premium Member I often wondered, in the night of my thoughts
I often wondered, in the night of my thoughts,
Why is it so hard to find ourselves in the sea of life,
We pass by each other,...

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© Dan Enache  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: missing you,

Premium Member That Was Not a Compliment
Certain appearances make me question our fufillmentship 
I’d bet my life that I’d find more comfort in a rock bottom 
Than in you 
Your mood...

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Categories: missing, addiction, angst, friendship, grief,

November 4th
light through window
sparrow lands
broken branch
leaves turned color
fall from trees
house next door stilled
stilled reflections of autumn
unfinished conversations linger
autumn of reflections stilled
stilled door next house
trees from fall

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Categories: appreciation, autumn, missing, november,

Premium Member To Be Scared of Fun Is Scary To Enjoy
i only go so far through the fields 
to see the dying sunflowers and their dried grain
and to stare at the end of the road

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Categories: missing, anxiety, courage, dark, freedom,

Premium Member What Happened To 'Jordan'
In the wee hours of a cool autumn night,
They were roused from sleep by a loud knock.
They feared it would be some bandits,
Trying to get...

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Categories: anxiety, character, missing, visionary,

When I Miss You
When I miss you, the world does not spin on its axis. 
The cloudless sky turns gray, and there is snow in the sun.

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Categories: missing, dedication, love, true love,

Sitting On the Steps of a Church
sitting on the steps of a church
on a brisk autumn day
with nobody in sight
leaves are falling
birds are singing
it is oh so quiet,
and i am off...

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© Marty King  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: missing, i miss you, loss,

Premium Member Absent Autumn
Oh, absent autumn, how long must I wait

As you linger behind summer's farewell

Lost in green, your hues of amber abate

This October is too bashful a...

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Categories: lost, missing, seasons,

Premium Member In the Missing
“In the Missing”

In the missing
you never left
I walk with you 
you still talk with me

We share our secrets
silently we escape 
worldly charades
we are touched, 


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Categories: missing, love,

Memories Iii: Tapestries Ii of Iii
A strike of a match would briefly carve
His weatherworn features
From the darkness full of his words 
Echoes from history of an exorbitant life
A face full...

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Categories: missing, adventure, allegory, allusion, analogy,

Walking Into Twilight
of an dying autumn day.
The gentle breeze tosses
scarlet leaves before him.
…into the ember fire sky 

His thoughts drift,
a familiar voice is heard talking near.
…speaking of...

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Categories: missing, allegory, art, dark, death,

Premium Member Missing You
there's something about autumn days
   and longing for one's sweetheart ~

AP: 1st place 2021

Posted on October 16, 2021...

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Categories: missing, autumn, longing, love, sad,

The Heavenly Obsession
For I got to see a glimpse of you 
I worship the holy spirit everyday to keep you near
An atheist bowing down to god 

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Categories: missing, 11th grade, addiction, atheist,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things