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Minneapolis Poems - Poems about Minneapolis

Minneapolis Poems - Examples of all types of poems about minneapolis to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for minneapolis.

Premium Member While Minneapolis Burned
Walz fiddled while the city was burning National Guard assist he was spurning Just as Old Nero fiddled Mayor Walz also diddled His judgement was, oh, so undiscerning...Read the rest...
Categories: minneapolis, corruption, judgement,
Form: Limerick
Leaving Minneapolis
At 10,000 feet we rose through soft, voluminous canyons--- Dark billows whose slow swell was undisturbed by our passage. At 20,000 feet, the first few glimpses--- Three short days, and the promise of Her full beauty is fulfilled, And...Read the rest...
Categories: minneapolis, moon,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Snowing Inside-Minneapolis 2022
cigarette falling, snow- ing in- side the bronco, buck- ing ash two-digit scissors reach- ing like tongs passenger’s eyes pop driver retrieves, revels, masters the smoke; a joke to the occupant occupational hazard: timing of timber window ajar; a trail of chimney smoke a cautionary tale: don’t make my insides jiggle jingle...Read the rest...
Categories: minneapolis, funny, travel,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Minneapolis Christmas
reaching for snowflakes — sunflower in winter white abandons the sun 12/14/2020 Strand’s Hi-ku 2...Read the rest...
Categories: minneapolis, weather,
Form: Haiku
Lincoln, Apartheid, the West
Minority rule Apartheid We, majority, asked: How? blaming the victims of hate! I heard Gandhi, Dr. King, Biko II Now we who have media, wealth, vote ... Ask Lincoln to police Minneapolice (Mean Polis?) We quote, "Be the change you want,"...Read the rest...
Categories: minneapolis, africa, america, angst, international,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member Sampling Minneapolis
eyes on cutting board — thick sliced slathered with butter scrumptious breads in hand 11/19/2018...Read the rest...
Categories: minneapolis, food,
Form: Haiku
In Minneapolis
Here in Minneapolis, In weather bright and cool, We crossed the Mississippi Then we headed to the school. Two students helped to guide us To the campus place for art, A museum by Frank Gehry, Not a shabby place to start. We...Read the rest...
Categories: minneapolis, travel,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things