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Medical Practitioner Poems - Poems about Medical Practitioner

Medical Practitioner Poems - Examples of all types of poems about medical practitioner to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for medical practitioner.

...The leader of their choice, as Prince Lali Luhongeka Mussabwa decided to become a medical practitioner to heal people from different villages. His uncle Prince Lutambwe Kibaya Mussabwa was so ......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, africa, culture,
Form: Free verse
Everyone Nose I Haint No Otolaryngologist
...Everyone nose, I haint no otolaryngologist Nonetheless this bard **** feels gratitude courtesy Laurence V. Cramer, D.O. without cerumen eye zing May 17th, 2022 'ere and thank dog guardian ange......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, appreciation, blessing, caregiving, dedication,
Form: Rhyme

Mine Reddened Pharynx Constriction Sorely Limits Ability To Yell
...Thankfully wife as helpmate available, when yours truly feels unswell her tender loving care can spell relief afflicted which she can hopefully quell but spouse of mine, he doth not aim to overse......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, 12th grade, angel, dad,
Form: Rhyme
Rich This Planet
...A poor and a patient in common in finding peace but their areas of need differ like wealth and health both standing for want of relief a patient to address in his sickness by a learned medical practi......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, caregiving, character, health,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Covid-19 Is Real, Be Smart
...In order to fight the Coronavirus causing Covid-19 here are some things we must know about, First of all is that the virus enters your body through your eyes, nose or mouth, The virus can be in the......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, death,
Form: Rhyme

We Can'T Be Complacent With Covid-19
...WE CAN’T BE COMPLACENT WITH CODVID-19 We are fighting an unseen enemy It is real not rare- this coronavirus At this time of COVID-19 pandemic being our enemy Don’t be complacent Mr. Clean You......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, 3rd grade, care, health,
Form: Narrative
I Haint No Otolaryngologist
...Nonetheless feel gratitude without cerumen eye zing January 22, 2020 'ere and thank guardian angels who find me continually blessed regarding audiological sense to hear, whereby faculty ears av......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Needle Less Explanation Concerning
...Needle less explanation concerning... Fabled, faded, and faint scars courtesy varicella,   a highly contagious infection caused  by varicella zoster virus can still be seen unlike kids today in......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Woke Gastroenterologist Mary Kathleen Friedland
...Prescribed blood tests present no qualms, unlikely nothing askew i.e. ticking time bombs nor prone to catastrophization, albeit anticipatory anxiety plus demeanor of poetically titled medica......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Guaranteed Soporific
...Most salient benefit anorexia nervosa wrought excerpt, qua gut tease burg address er... four decades and seven years ago plus countless hours, days, weeks... elapsed with nary morsel passin......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Most Easily Done By a Baby
...(now for thumb sing completely different. to offset global warming debacle.) Tis routine sleep simply, aye refer, and absolutely necessary if ye decry and/or beg to differ with this ......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse
National Irony
...NATIONAL IRONY All hail the giant of Africa, Giant of bribery and corruption Giant of poverty and wailing Giant in the face of frustration and hunger. What Giant is in the soul of Tyrant? ......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, addiction,
Form: Blank verse
Dagger In the Heart
...DAGGER IN THE HEARTH Each time I try to say, “The country isn’t good” Even as a secondary school pupil I can’t remember the last I obeyed the iota rule Even dough I know my parents builds castles in ......Read the rest...
Categories: medical practitioner, hate, drug, , cute,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Shattered Sighs