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Max Poems - Poems about Max

Max Poems - Examples of all types of poems about max to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for max.
Premium Member Dr Max MM Payne - Specializing in MILs
pliers… scalpel… knife… drat… I feel the pulse of life… if not for...Read the rest...
Categories: max, health, humor, mother daughter,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member friendly to the max
friendly to the max a happy bouncing machine tigger rocks big time...Read the rest...
Categories: max, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Senryu

Premium Member Max is coming to spend the night
our nine-year-old grandson is spending the night tonight I texted his mother to find out what three snacks he would like. I have never bought any of these three items. We will need to go to a better...Read the rest...
Categories: max, grandchild, grandson,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Max Learns from Science Class
Max, my seven-year-old grandson had science class for the first time. He reported at supper that the sun is a star. His older sisters poked fun of him, thinking he was nuts He was not nuts or wrong,...Read the rest...
Categories: max, science,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Playing Max the Ax Video Game
If I am in a crazy mood I play Max the axe Max has red hair and a beard You get to be him Enemies come at you and you axe them away At first it is really fun, because...Read the rest...
Categories: max, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Max the Wonder Dog
An Introduction to Max Hi, I am a Mastiff cross and my name is Magical Max. To be precise it’s actually Magical Maxi the Wonder Dog but you can call me Max. That’s not to...Read the rest...
Categories: max, dog, friendship love, magic,
Form: Prose
Grody to the Max
Oh, how I dread the horrid sight of that nasty slop, what a wretched plight. Its stench invades my twitching nose I turn away, but my nausea grows. Forced to face it on my plate My stomach cramps over...Read the rest...
Categories: max, feelings, food, how i
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Max the Coolest Sax Playing Cat
The club members all agreed Max was the coolest cat “A Bohemian beatnik who knows where it’s at” He taught Louie Armstrong to play those rhythm blues. That is why we getting ready to tap with these shoes. I...Read the rest...
Categories: max, cat,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member stare of steampunk Max
such an intense brown-eyed stare from a young guy steampunk max, I supposed, from his loud sigh I had heard of him, and his dangerous all-knowing eyes His gears, coppers and whistles were not a surprise He gave me...Read the rest...
Categories: max, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Compliment by Max Burchett
by Max Burchett Lots of flattery and L.A. handshakes given, But once upon a time, actually just last year, A seemingly casual compliment was for me heaven, One I will always remember. Though I kept it to myself, Not sure the...Read the rest...
Categories: max, appreciation, dream, encouraging, identity,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member The Voyage by Max Burchett
by Maxwell Sebastian Burchett Set sail on an ocean, An unknown sea, At times adrift, unknown destination, No compass or charts to see. No return to original harbor I must sail on, Perilous to halt, cannot anchor In this ship not chosen. Yet I...Read the rest...
Categories: max, destiny, fate, journey, life,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Triad of Troubles by Max Burchett
by Maxwell Sebastian Burchett Some say, and believe, bad luck lurks in threes. That a triplet of troubles and woes, even doom, Can be expected to appear, joined in a trio for despair. Bad luck, they say, unfolds in...Read the rest...
Categories: max, destiny, fate, fear, mystery,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Again by Max Burchett
a poem for lyrics of pop song of same name Available on SoundCloud /maxburchett/again by Max Burchett Just between you and me, This is how it should be. I promise, I’ll be here. Think I always knew, It would be me and you. I...Read the rest...
Categories: max, change, destiny, life, love,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Black Swans by Max Burchett
by Max Burchett Black swans are a thing. That thing never seen before, Not known to exist, What has never happened before. If you can think of it, Can expect or imagine it, That swan is not black, or a swan Just a...Read the rest...
Categories: max, creation, fate, future, inspiration,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Betrayal by Max Burchett
by Maxwell Burchett Only those completely trusted, Can completely betray. Trust gained at great cost, The one treasure once lost That can never be recovered. Betrayal leaves a stain, A shadow on the heart. Trust once lost, rarely regained. Never to return, faith and...Read the rest...
Categories: max, betrayal, faith, judgement, life,
Form: Lyric

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry