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Marcos Poems - Poems about Marcos

Marcos Poems - Examples of all types of poems about marcos to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for marcos.
Premium Member GONZO STATION, Gulf of Oman, Northern Zone, 1980
...It had something to do with American hostages in Iran was all I knew. Some political complication that required a showing of the flag. But Iran had been our ally? I’d seen their sailors train at ou......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, allegory, america,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Pearl of the Orient
...This would be just prior to circa 2000. I'm guessing it's closer to the 80s, but my memory fails, The Philippines was one of three Southeast Asiatic island nations that I went to with my missionary m......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, allusion, analogy, appreciation, beautiful,
Form: Free verse

...SEVEN THOUSAND ISLANDS Some five hundred miles East of Vietnam The Phillipines is a multi-island archipelago Named in honour of King Phillip of Castile It was Spain’s mid sixteenth century deal......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, america, business, corruption, history,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Viva El Presidente
... Wide World of Sports televises a political assassination from San Marcos, a tiny Latin American nation. When the president dies, a dictator comes into position. He takes complete control......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, film, funny,
Form: Rhyme
Anniversary In Marriage Expression
...J-oyous A-nniversary I-n M-arriage E-xpression & S-imply U-ses S-tatement A-bout N-uptials Topic: Anniversary of Jaime & Susan Marcos (February 18) Form: Vertical Monocr......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic

Lovely Denotation In Name
...G-ood E-xpression's R-ight A-nd L-ovely D-enotation I-n N-ame E-mploys M-y A-crostic R-emarkably C-onveying O-ptimistic S-entence Topic: Birthday of Geraldine T. Mar......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member She Wears Jimmy Phews - Warning Contains Humour
...A lady I knew called Griselda Collected shoes just like Imelda* But she’d such cheesy feet When she walked down the street Folk secretly called her Ismelldya! *Imelda Marcos owned ......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, how i feel, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member After Three Decades
...I stood at the century-old gate of my high school Alma mater on Sunday morn last summer; Excited as if I had a date. I saw people passing by; The old folks recalled me, Yes, they recal......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, high school,
Form: Free verse
Simplicity of Celebrant
...G-reetings E-mploy R-ighteous A-crostic L-etting D-edication I-mplement N-atal E-vent's M-essage A-bout R-emarkable C-elebrant's O-utstanding S-implicity Topic: Birthday of Geraldi......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
...Battle By: Marcos Vasquez Jr. Throughout our lives we go through many battles. Battles that determine your future or destiny. They get harder and harder. So, you can just give up. You’re lik......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, adventure, appreciation, bible, blessing,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Freedom Exposure
...“… The 1986 revolution in the Philippines … brought an end to the martial law imposed by Marcos’ regime in 1972, and saw the accession to power of the first woman president, Cory Aquino.” ......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, blessing, christian, faith, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
New Early Vividness
...N-ew E-arly V-ividness A-nd N-atural G-low E-ndorse L-ucid M-orn A-s R-ays C-learly O-pen S-un Topic: Birthday of Bro. Nevangel Marcos (December 17) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
My Shoes
...No Imelda Marcos, she, One good pair of shoes for me, Plain, flat, sensible, black, No sexy high heels, alack, But I can walk where I want to be, One good pair of shoes for me.......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, happy, humor, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Good Emotion
...G-ood E-motion R-elieves A-nger L-etting D-elight's I-nside N-iceness E-njoy M-irth A-s R-apture C-aptures O-pen S-oul Topic: Birthday of Geraldine T. Marcos (February 11) Form: ......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Pie Thinking
...When I think of pies I think of my son Kev, when it comes to baking pies he is a master chef, when I think of pies I think of my younger sister Eileen, my Dads nickname for her was "Pies" when......Read the rest...
Categories: marcos, anxiety, food, fun,
Form: Light Verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry