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Long Unfasten Poems

Long Unfasten Poems. Below are the most popular long Unfasten by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Unfasten poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Princess Philomena 3
So he began spinning her the most beautiful golden yarns 
trying to dazzle and impress 
none of anything he laid bare appealed to her
It was then he turned and said
he would create the wrath of...

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Categories: unfasten, angel, beautiful, beauty, blessing, joy, love,
Form: Free verse

The Locklears Chapter Five
"W,w,w,why are the two of you doing this 
to me".  "Because it's fun Timothy and 
people like you make me sick".  Walking 
over to Linda, Rusty took the scalpel out of 
Linda's hand...

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Categories: unfasten, dark,
Form: Narrative
Using thousands of languages to unfasten corsets of your heart,
Whence comes the remedy in sedation, an appeasement in escaping

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Categories: unfasten, lonely, longing, loss, lost, lost love, love,
Form: Free verse
Building Our Desire
I passionately kiss your velvety lips and﷯﷯
the tender area down the back of you neck.﷯﷯
I slowly unfasten the top button﷯﷯
and gently ease your collar apart,﷯﷯
exposing the delicate skin beneath.﷯﷯
Each button reveals another﷯﷯
beautiful part of you.﷯﷯

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Categories: unfasten, devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, love, passion, words, kiss,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Real Ghost
I came home one evening whistling a lullaby 
when I saw the first ghost ever:
a pirate with a patched eye;
I quickly ran from him with a pounding heart!

He must have returned and look for me,

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Categories: unfasten, courage, dark, england, fantasy, freedom, happiness, inspirational,
Form: Free verse

The Locklears Chapter Five
"You have to find the next victim" said 
Linda as she turned towards her husband.  
"I already got one picked out.  She's a pill 
popping junkie whore".  Getting down on her 

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Categories: unfasten, horror,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Kona's Green Flash
The road's slant design, heaves us towards a gorge,
The mound split opened some centuries ago creating the chasm
Safe enough room for a photo opportunity soon to emerge,
Engine off, I secure my iPhone, lastly, seat belt...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: unfasten, 12th grade, fun, imagery, inspiration, motivation, sun,
Form: Rhyme
In Between
I’m in between
The darkness and light…how can I make progress?
I’m in distress
The happiness…will never last – will never lead to
Everlasting success... 
I’ll never reach
Soaring success…

I’m in between
Land and water 
But, the grass on the other...

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Categories: unfasten, absence,
Form: Free verse
Take Your Fill
Take your fill of my time
Does it thrill you? 
Do I play every right chord in you,
Or do I dethrone your frustrations
Into raw rage?

Take your fill of my time
Does it pleasure you?
Have I breastfed your...

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Categories: unfasten, angst, confusion, growth, identity, inspirational, pain, peace,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Knotty


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Categories: unfasten, how i feel, life,
Form: Etheree
The Locklears Chapter Four
High on the smell of burning flesh Rusty 
floated over to Linda.  Pulling Linda's hand out 
of her pants he sucked and licked her 
juices off her fingers.  "How do I taste?" ...

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Categories: unfasten, abuse,
Form: Narrative
Whispers handsome infinity
Time stands still in the vicinity
Mountains that I love to see
Clouds hug them with impish glee
I am fortunate in my tent at Wang Di 

On the top are my birds of pinkish hue

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Categories: unfasten, beauty, bird, flower, jealousy, metaphor, mountains, wind,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Origami Organs
With nowhere else to turn,
I'm driving this defective time machine off a cliff 
I'm the lead detective but I'm off this case 
If blankets and pillows can harmonize as weapons, 
Then consider this a sleep...

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Categories: unfasten, depression, drug, extended metaphor, hyperbole, sad love,
Form: Free verse
How To Entice a Rose
Tame your wish to unfasten
the shut bud ‘til she’s willing!
Give her sweetest thoughts of spring.
Attract her, softly thrilling
with your words and compliments.

If the sprout of rose is closed
you need gentle kindheartedness.
Warm alluring breath of love

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Categories: unfasten, allegory, caregiving, love, nature, passion, rose, rose,
Form: Classicism
The Forbidden Cupboard
I've been told it's a forbidden cupboard--
A closet of old--white linen covered..
I'm really curious about the thing--
Its contents--and the Peril that could bring..

Surely, I'd hate to know there were Ghosts
Or Vampires that quench their thirst...

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Categories: unfasten, fantasy, imagination, introspection, mystery,
Form: Rhyme
The Water Sticks
Peel away your skin,
You'll find your veins run deep,
Rivers of blood claiming common kin,
With the incompetent shepherd and the slaughtering of the sheep,
Bones so easily broken,
Did you think it was a coincidence,
That your marrow is...

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Categories: unfasten, death,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Unbroken
he sits in his wheelchair
her visit

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Categories: unfasten, caregiving, courage, encouraging, family, love, together, uplifting,
Form: Free verse
Weeping Angels
Reality is seeping into my fantasy and,
It’s turning my once golden dreams into a dusk road,
Paved by sultans and kings filled with woe.
They smile as their silvery tongues,
Slithers on the edge of their hollowed promises


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Categories: unfasten, life
Form: Free verse
Boys Don'T Cry
Boys don't cry,
I felt my soul collapse and concave into a black hole located in the epicentre of my white heart. 
They never told us that when you let pain nibble on your sanity you lose...

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Categories: unfasten, cry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Laughable Experience
"Listen my children and you shall hear"
Of a laughable experience happened this year
Dressed and ready everything near
Load arms, walk out door without fear

Put all parcels in back seat of car
Glance around see left front door...

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Categories: unfasten, funny
Form: Rhyme
The Provider
A pound of lunch meat kool-aid and a pack of crackers
Stretched to fed every mouth and beak in that house
Afterwards she’d scrap crumbs off plates, set aside some for the mouse

When night came the schizophrenia...

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Categories: unfasten, woman, love,
Form: Rhyme
Four a M Feeding
i light no lamp
i go by ache
and touch

the song of your hunger
guides me
to your humid nest   my hands
curl under your arms and lift

it's instinct this gift
i give you at night
i know you
smell you...

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Categories: unfasten, birth, caregiving, celebration, love, mother, mother daughter,
Form: Free verse
Joy of Unfastening
Inside the skull 
Tenderly kept a bud 
Petals are held
together tight 
Containing all the
The driving force of
the world 
Like that of fingers
in strength 
Clinched into a fist

The fist looses its
 In love...

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Categories: unfasten, flying, freedom, joy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Forever In Your Eyes
     Forever in your eyes
    Oh! my dear I wish to sink.
     Refusal voices in your lips,

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Categories: unfasten, love,
Form: Acrostic
Petrifying Peace
Like a rose lacking its pedals,
My tranquility disregards its fascinating smells
Like a tree shaking off dashes of its mangled leaves 
The switch of seasons interweaves... 
You infuriate me with petrifying peace
You unlocked the gate... unsealing...

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Categories: unfasten, angst, confusion, happiness, mystery, on writing and
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs