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Kenneth Poems - Poems about Kenneth

Kenneth Poems - Examples of all types of poems about kenneth to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for kenneth.

Poem FRAIL& FRAGILE Rough path I have been through The journey of torturing Sleeping in the down side road Feeling frail and fragile inside The hurting force keep me at one position It's like centrifugal force The blind side of the internal bleeding It's...Read the rest...
Categories: kenneth, anxiety, business, caregiving, children,
Form: Verse
I Hear Music Ancient Music
I The Reeds rest in water by faith You may recall Baby Moses' name Or you may forget the Prince of Egypt And his name, "Up from Reeds" THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS Also sings to and in the Weeds The Reeds...Read the rest...
Categories: kenneth, allegory, international, metaphor, music,
Form: Ekphrasis

A Man Eating Bananas
There was a man who ate bananas Sitting on a unicycle And spitting their seeds At nearby passing buses The sounds of beetles’ feet Walking on the crinkled sidewalk Driving him crazy. This poem is in response to a nonsensical poem...Read the rest...
Categories: kenneth, humorous,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Shower me Wash me clean Let Your rain shower me, Wash me redeem My soul so I am made whole Once more And once more be clean. Let it rain, Let it pour out on me, Let it rain, Let it drench my very soul. Clean...Read the rest...
Categories: kenneth, life, rain,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Kenneth Standish 1912-1919
Kenneth Standish 1912-1919 We lived on Newlin Street in a gray house, Across from the Catholic church, St. Mary’s. I loved going to the Mass every morning, Which I did daily with my shirt tucked in. Until my kidney sickness stopped...Read the rest...
Categories: kenneth, childhood,
Form: Epitaph

Kenneth Bernard Jordan
Poet:  Ken Jordan Poem:  Kenneth Bernard Jordan Edited by:  Sparkle Jordan written:  November/2014 Someday I'll fly away to this unknown place High above the clouds I'll cross a bridge between the Stars Somewhere  over the Rainbow -...Read the rest...
Categories: kenneth, celebration,
Form: Light Verse
Mourning By Kenneth Morales 8th Grade
At a graveyard, looking down at the grave. In deep emotional pain. Hoping that, that one person is in a better place. Last few weeks for her have been hell. But everybody gave her a blessing and then she passed...Read the rest...
Categories: kenneth, angst, death, love, nostalgia,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry