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Jeff Poems - Poems about Jeff

Jeff Poems - Examples of all types of poems about jeff to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for jeff.
Jeff The Three-Legged Worm
Jeff the three-legged worm they weren’t his legs but legs that he’d found from old bits of twig just scattered around he once saw a centipede who laughed and made fun of a young and shy Jeff stuck on his tum but Jeff swam...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, anti bullying, anxiety, children,
Form: Light Verse
Not Where Jeff Is a Chef
It had yet to enter Mister Jeff’s head That I know him like the back of my hands: Never would ask him bread let alone bed, News of this sure to make it to distant lands… The choice of...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, conflict, fear, food, hate,
Form: Rhyme

Jeff Eyes High Grade
Jeff eyes a life of High Grade. He shall into wall paints wade: Blocks for coats that won’t fade; Jeff shall self stretch for High Grade, Others, too, for the eyed grade: Build a house bandits can’t raid, Rooms like heaven...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, addiction, appreciation, character, imagination,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Quest For Internity Jeff Bezo
The quest for eternity (Jeff Bezos) He awoke under the bed; it had been his birthday and had drunk champagne and eaten Danish pastry He stretched, feeling stiff, walked to the kitchen, opened the fridge took out...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, abuse, age, lost, prison,
Form: Blank verse
Jeff Beck Blues
One thing about the sixties time Was the music was just fine Listen to it now The Electric guitars were just wow Look for the music played By Jeff Beck part of the British Invasion Escapades In the Yardbirds supercool And...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, death, music,
Form: Epitaph

Premium Member Jeff, I'M Back
I'm your recall demon and alas, I am back This Halloween be wary when you hit the sack For that night while you're dreaming I'll have you wake up screaming But for five bowls of Snickers, I might not...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, humor,
Form: Limerick
Kaiser Jeff
"Kaiser Jeff" i grew up (well........... one hopefully never grows up) on hooked on phonics and being dyslexic to too so it seems to me that Kyser may come from German descent i don't know but i know he writes decent poetry...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, immigration,
Form: Manqabat
Premium Member Salute To Jeff Kyser
Someone gave Jeff Kyser a subscription Writer’s Digest seized his imagination, It was almost like an editor’s prescription For developing Jeff’s fine poetry articulation He quickly discovered the poetry pages Latching on to new forms…not on P.S., Strange syllabications from some...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, appreciation, poems, poetry, tribute,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tribute To Jeff Bezos Amazon Pres
He is rich, but willing to share Sending two billion dollars Yes that is billions, right there To non-profits with no collars Yes, no strings attached. No formal vetting or restrictions Jeff Bezos, the head of Amazon Sent money their way with...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, tribute,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Geoff Jeff
A plumber, a teacher...and a chef Are all poets, and thier names are all geoff Their astronomer, friends name Had sound just the same But he spelled it J.E.F.F Limerick Poetry Contest Sponsored by Joseph May...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, humor,
Form: Limerick
Help is legal, Help is fruitful, Help is a gift, At times we lose grip, Overwhelmed by decisions, Matters that harbor different tasks, But when that aid shows up, We get to realise there is more, More towards life, More towards things, More towards doing, Help...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, art, character, desire, tribute,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Jeff Mart Jingle
Years ago I wrote a jingle for a real store. They didn't know I did, but I did. The soda pop shop The soda pop shop Be sure to stop In the soda pop shop If it ain't pop We ain't got...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, food, funny, music, silly,
Form: Lyric
Possessions and Jeff Sessions
Possessions and Jeff Sessions Brain lost it possessions, When they approved Jeff Sessions; Then flipped my noodle. Drew Up A Blank Played with a full tank And deck so who should I thank? Mind drew up a blank. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, anxiety, humorous,
Form: Haiku
Ballad of Footless Jeff
There was a boy named Jeff had messed up teeth, and had no feet he rolled around town screaming out loud I want pizza from pizza king yes this little boy that lived in Anderson a big brother that hated him. Jeff asked...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, food,
Form: Ballad
Oh Dear Friend Your upbeat Spirit Is The Percussion in an Ever-moving Symphony The drumming Is The background To life which picks up Speed Like The wind Sweeping Through the forests And The resounding bang Of Your angry Thundering Calmed By The Pitter patter Of your Raining Forgiveness Hitting the tin, making its imprint But Dear friend The consistent Drumming Of Broken heart Those Moments Not Spent in vain The Symphony in your soul Still remains And All The world is...Read the rest...
Categories: jeff, friendship,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry