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Jay Poems - Poems about Jay

Jay Poems - Examples of all types of poems about jay to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for jay.
Premium Member Little Blue Jay
Little Blue Jay, carry me away To a hammock in the forest shade In play, away from this gray day To a bright gay day and fade Make way so, we can fly un-delayed. Little Blue Jay, that sweet serenades Summer...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, nature, nursery rhyme,
Form: Quintain (English)
Premium Member IP Wifi hacked by jay townsend johnson henry Gargano night crawler lot lizard
This was my Seventh computer hacked stolen by jay townsend Johnson Henry hacking to personal information social security accounts bank a accounts severe breach cyberattack she even breaking into my home hacking accounts old cell...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, allah,
Form: Lento

Premium Member I Saw A Blue Jay
what stunning sight you are, beautiful blue jay! your wings carry you so far you called but couldn't stay; sad...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, beauty, bird, imagery,
Form: Quintain (English)

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Stalking bullying from Jay Townsend Johnson Henry Stalking verses of murder
Jay Townsend Johnson Henry Fraud Jay Townsend Johnson Henry Identify theft Jay Townsend Johnson Henry Attempted murders Jay Townsend Johnson Henry Hacker for medical records Jay Townsend Johnson Henry Murder Murder Murder Murder Jay Townsend Johnson Henry Inspirational verses of...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, allah,
Form: Jueju
Premium Member When Jay Townsend Johnson Henry came hacking into Google photos
Thee art of hacking into phone's for Google photos my stalkers hacked in my families computer exposing documents medical records surgeries ect. be careful storing files this could become dangerous I was forced to change...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, allah,
Form: Munajat

Premium Member Intimidation from Jamaican Jay Townsend Johnson Henry my assassin
You came from Jamaica a lowly migrant climbing into my window sending me threats terrifying terrorizing my children shooting in my home for my American poetry devastating you held on to my abusive ex husband...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, allah, beautiful,
Form: Kyrielle
Premium Member Social Security disability cyber attacks by my stalker Jay Townsend Johnson Henry
Please bare with me I received 24 injections in my head for traumatic headaches due to a traumatic brain injury This began with my reporting break in a few poems scattered to my surprise jay...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, allah,
Form: Musaddas
Premium Member Stop identity fraud stop death threats stop jay Townsend Johnson Henry
Unafraid of my stalker Jay Townsend Johnson Henry Jamaican Tampa native data breach cyber attack identity fraud truly sad she was born 1972 clearly obsessed with my identity my prayers are with this stalker arrived...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, allah,
Form: Masnavi
Premium Member blue jay overhead
wings spread soaring high fluttering of blue and white confident and calm...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, bird,
Form: Haiku
My Son, Skyler Jay Betatche
Sun shines and so are you, Keep smiling like you always do. You're worth the pain that I've been through, Like a treasure that is so true. Entrust in me your life and future, Rest assured you'll be secure. Just grow...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, child, love, mother,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Blue Jays
The chirps of blue jays fill my garden, The colors, grace and flights keep me smitten, They are not like peacocks of the east or the parrots of amazon, But who cares, beauty is my inner perception. The constant...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, bird,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dreamscape
morn! lovesick Blue jay croons, squirrels scurry in haste for ever… boisterous in grey coat. breathtaking vermilion tinge painting sky with glistening hue, intoxicated July dreamscapes idyllic beauty of glorious day!...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, beauty, july, seasons,
Form: Etheree
Premium Member A Bird Named Jay
Red lights flashed a bird named Jay who laughed at the crosswalk and had to pay Let that be a lesson to all you big talkers ...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, bird, humor,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Jay Woman Juggles Ocean Orbs
Blue faced Jay Woman is juggling ocean orbs unknown to man She will plunk them into appropriate points in the sea of Dill But for now, she is mixing them up as well as she possibly can Inside...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blue Jay
blue jay spark wonder opens its mouth let song out~ talk through dreary sky...Read the rest...
Categories: jay, bird,
Form: Haiku

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