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Hungary Poems - Poems about Hungary

Hungary Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hungary to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hungary.

Country not so big Good stories you can dig Folk tales so fascinating Full of compassion and inspiring...Read the rest...
Categories: hungary, environment, inspirational, people,
Form: Other
Premium Member Blessed Are the Hungary and Thirsty - Matthew 5: 6
The blessedness of being blessed coming down from God's blessed son calling to those gifted by Jesus their blessing being God's will be done The Lord looks for a real hunger which can only come from within a real desire for...Read the rest...
Categories: hungary, bible, blessing, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Yolanda of Savoy
You entered my lair again uninvited I suppose an yet I welcomed your arousal why you'd become quite the trouble maker posing as the Duke of Hungary this mere thought of you the sheer chanting hymns glorified a selfish...Read the rest...
Categories: hungary, imagery, literature, visionary,
Form: Crown of Sonnets

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Hungary - Not Lunch Time, Or Hungry, Just Praying For H Nations
OCTAVE: LORD, as morn yields to noon (or dawn) my SONnet will please, tease, release: I greet thee, having access to Your throne by Jesus And His sacrifice on Calvary: We pray against the Virus With a sunshiny name,...Read the rest...
Categories: hungary, abuse, analogy, angst, political,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Welcome To Hungary
Your journey was long Here you shall find respite Come one and all Have you enjoyed your trip? We shall trip you here for sure Holding babies you stumble and fall Television reporters kick you one and all Hungary welcomes you Let us...Read the rest...
Categories: hungary, abuse, anger, racism, violence,
Form: Light Verse

This Is Hungary.
In the valleys and the hills There is a beautiful country, Fairy nature here beams- Walking through Hungary. Mineral waters- this is Hungary, Wines of gods- this is Hungary, Curches domes- this is Hungary, Rivers flow-this is Hungary. Caves of million wonders, Sparkling with silver lights, Thousands of...Read the rest...
Categories: hungary, inspirational, places
Form: Lyric

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry