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Guilty Poems - Poems about Guilty

Guilty Poems - Examples of all types of poems about guilty to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for guilty.
A Poet's Regret
These days I have been indulging myself, But lurking guilt always dims my joy, In the rhythm of rushed life, I even forgot how to write! -Vagabond ...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, change, freedom, how i
Form: Free verse
Guilty as charged
A poet once said, Never trust blood with, traces of ink. Never trust the hand, that holds the pen. Poets? We’re Liars. Your Honour, I’m guilty, I know. My crime? Obsession. I have a problem, I admit. Everyone, does. How art thou so different from me? Obsession...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, angst, conflict, confusion, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Guilty You Make It Seem So Irresponsible Everything We Do, Like A Future Foretold That We Were Warned Would Happen, No Matter What Wrong Choices We Made... Or Didn't. We Irresponsibly Die. How Cruel. Bye-Bye. -Gray Squirrel 12-02-2024...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, life,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Jane and I met on our first day Of school, Grade one, Now in 4th Grade, always had fun, Jane used to often come over to sleep, Best friends, loved each other a heap. We would stay up late,...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, teacher,
Form: Free verse
You say you hate him but why do you feel guilty then?
When he asked you politely, you chose to ignore his eyes and not acknowledge him. Why are you wondering why tears roll down your face? You two had a lot of tension before, you did not the...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, 9th grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member feeling guilty
I forgot the American flag was out here Placed it there myself for the fourth of July this means it was in the rain at least twice I feel a bit guilty my daughter was a Captain in the...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, usa,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member feeling guilty in jail
he had never felt this alone disrespected, abandoned, ignored he dared not ask for any favors he knew none were coming he deserved this hard, gray concrete crate a place to chastise himself for bad choices no one would come visit...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member alibis are for the guilty ones
alibis are for the guilty ones those who take too long to think for they are liars and frauds truth tellers do not have to pause or hesitate for the truth comes out easily they do not have to worry about...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, life,
Form: Free verse
We only have one heart, Thus, there should be only one man; To love, cherish, and be loyal to. But what is this burden I have inside me? I like someone, but I love somebody. I love to talk about someone, But...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, conflict, confusion, feelings, sad
Form: Free verse
Guilty Grief
My heart's knotted into a thousand loops, hearing the words "they're gone", makes my heart implode. How? I ask with tears streaming down my face, autopsy revealed 'heart attack' caused by stress. Was the stress caused by me?...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, death, grief,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Vulture
Vulture Accusations take wing, like Vultures carcass cleans. The guilty are ashamed, not satisfied with screams. Enjoy the life you bought, with every hateful word. Forgiveness is a choice, not something one deserves. (Alternate ending: Forgiveness is too low,...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, anger, conflict, forgiveness, judgement,
Form: Alexandrine
Premium Member Unlawful
Guilty on all counts? Raise the sickle and hammer. Imprison the fighting patriot, While the vile mumble and stammer. Work, so you can be rich? Your money you no longer own. You'll own.nothing, be nothing,. Happy? Maybe if you turn into stone. ...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, political,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Nervous Man, a Guilty Man, and a Dylan Fan
A nervous man raced on the interstate. He would be more than just a little late, But that really wasn’t so bad, you see - His destination was eternity. A guilty man raced on the interstate. I'm...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, anxiety, music, silly,
Form: Rhyme
Guilty Pleasure
It’s that one cigarette, I allow myself after the wife leaves for work. The sixteen-ounce coffee I walk to the corner Bodega for every day, I’m not supposed to drink, okay. Maybe throw a donut in there or buttered 'Everything Bagel'...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, age, retirement,
Form: Free verse
Why Living Guilty Life
Finding difficult to repent sins from years, Living guilty lives for years. Quote by poet. Why living guilty life? When you understand the reasons behind some folks' actions in lives, It is easy to deal with...Read the rest...
Categories: guilty, feelings,
Form: Free verse

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