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Guess Poems - Poems about Guess

Guess Poems - Examples of all types of poems about guess to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for guess.
Premium Member I Guess that was his Pizza
I guess that was his pizza I said without a frown My boyfriend who had stood, rapidly sat back down I thought you were going to chase him I say As long as they bill him, I’m good...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, humor,
Form: Rhyme
if i had to guess
Categories: guess, humor,
Form: Epigram

Guess who just received a thousand text messages
Guess who just received a thousand text messages Saying how they are sorry for cheating And want to get back together How they’re sorry for the side chicks How they’re sorry for hitting the brick How they were in...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, boyfriend, break up,
Form: Free verse
Guess What ? I Have Internet !
I am a mouse and I can hide most anywhere behind your walls I sleep and snore like a little squiggly tot without a care I am a mouse and I don't care who knows...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Guess I'll Be Me
I Guess I'll Be Me Before, when I was afraid to be me, I looked at others and tried to be a copy. Mimic all their motions, repeat the same moves... Maybe then I can follow all their rules? I...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, growth, humor, identity, irony,
Form: Other

i guess i am an old soul observing
i guess i am an old soul observing yes, i observe you in those wonderfully fitting loose pants you've caught me looking many a time you know that i am guilty of just being guilty my punishment is you coming...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, conflict, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
i guess maybe a deed'z worth az solomon
. i mean ...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, analogy, appreciation, beautiful, blessing,
Form: Romanticism
Overweight I guess
I never said you were fat. ,,Mhm, no, not at all" No, really, I said you are just *built stronger*. ,,yeah built stronger" ---------------------------------- ,,Don't eat additional food in kindergarten" ,,Eat slower, it's not healthy...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse
I guess I'm losing friends 2 am edition
hold on to your misery it will work after it i need you to be bold and stronger than ever i never talked at first they come with hopes that i might talk about sports or barbies with gossips i went on it...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member guess how many points we got
teacher who got stuck with six wild boys on robotics team came up to ask Guess how many points we got on the very first task? I know she is a bit looney, but I like her...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, teacher,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member God Cometh As The Uninvited Guess
Heavenly Master, mirror-less races ..., fat, thin, tall, short, friend, foe--didn't you know? Soul choose sin--soulless|soul forgive saves--us. Saved souls Heaven bound|ground zero soulless, selves/reborn, lame bod/mind--restored, UP ... GO! Heavenly Master, mirror-less races ..., Scriptures were Written, contemps..., made...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, change, conflict, confusion, earth,
Form: Villanelle
The Guessing Game
I don’t speak, I write. I don’t bark, I bite. Though I don't meet your gaze, You're in my mind all of my days. Notes I send each night, Is your response to my delight? You make me think, oh babe, Is...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, confusion, crush, desire, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Cat cpr
Samantha my cat is a little bit stressed, with strangers coming in and out of our nest.. She likes my wheelchair, her new spot to rest, it's soft cushy pillow she finds the best.. When I'm asleep she does...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, appreciation, cat, health,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Guess Who
Once upon a moon in a faraway dreamland, Pirouetted a young girl, like a swan so grand. She walked and smiled through life in grace, the world too soon felt her emerald embrace. For she was the...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Guess who
Born into a band of heavenly bliss he wrote about territorial piss One song so deep it dripped from ceilings liked to eat fish, coz they have no feelings? Married a madwoman her name was (Love)? drug addict too,...Read the rest...
Categories: guess, allusion, riddle, visionary,
Form: Rhyme

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