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Lyric Man

Lyric Man oh sweet Lyric Man
Will you write a song with me?

I'm a mere beginner but your lyrics inspire me
I can write poems that rhyme till they come out of my ears
Writing stunning lyrics like yours would simply take me years

Maybe we can get together and have a little play
To write a song with ‘Lyric Man’ would really make my day!

Jan Allison
6th August 2014

Details | Sonnet |

My Everything

You are the lyric to my every song, 
And my lovely rainbow after a storm.
Without you, my darling, I don’t belong,
In your loving arms, I’m safe and warm.

You are my muse to a passionate write,
The subject of a stunning masterpiece.
Our union has been the ultimate flight,
Now I'm able to breathe; I feel such peace.

You are my spring after a cold season,
Allowing flowers to bloom in my heart.
You are my center and every reason;
That I'm alive, sweetheart, let's never part.

You are pouring rain after a long drought, 
Calming my fears and quieting all doubt.

Alexis Y.
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Wings On Feet

Race with the wind, step up higher Higher than blues of a sky; Through an airspeed, mile-long flight Chase a smooth or rugged pace, Wings on feet, be the desire. On to tracks as the nights inspire Burn, burn man, whip a dream; Heels kicking dust of life's byway Chase a smooth or rugged pace, Wings on feet, be the desire. And spike that run like a lit fire Gotta reach the stars’ motion; Burn man, gears are in control Chase a smooth or rugged pace, Wings on feet, be the desire. 6/3/2015 Lyric Man's Sing Me..A Jingle by nette onclaud ------ The mythological associations for the brand Nike Shoes are flight, victory, and speed. Nike is the Winged Goddess of Victory.
Details | Narrative |

A Humourous Narrative For Lyric Man

Dave made a comment about his cowboy boots so I simply had to weave this joke into a little narrative

An elderly couple moved to Texas and the old man had always wanted some cowboy boots
Guess he dreamed of being a cowboy and getting involved in shootouts
So he buys the boots and walks into the kitchen wearing them like a prize
He asks his wife if she notices anything different but she says nothing
He gets a bit annoyed, goes off and strips naked except for the boots
‘Notice anything different now?’ he says to his wife
She looks down at him and says…
‘What’s different – its hanging down today.. it was hanging down yesterday and it will be again tomorrow’.
Well he’s not too happy and says ’and do you know why it’s hanging down?’
‘No’ she says
‘It’s hanging down because it’s looking at my new cowboy boots’
She doesn’t change her expression and replies
‘Shoulda bought a hat dear, you shoulda bought a hat’

Hope it raises a smile!

Jan Allison
18th August 2014
Details | Quintilla |

To My Seductress Duchess

These, cacophony that beggars descriptions

Disorder from indecent breed incubating, 

Confusion of morals, the imposition of strange culture, 

Filthily dressed to undress my mind, 

Our teacher teaching theories of writs and wits

These promiscuous pastors parading piety with nudity

Lewd licentious and libidinous species luring laurels with drama, 

These traditional priests tutoring the innocent as the skilled orthodox guru

Folly forming and fuming fire on the podium of cerebral

These gangs of immoral breeds hovering over men with enthusiasm

The sick physician administering drugs on the ignorant, 


A coup against Coleridge, 

Wired Wordsworth, 

Barron as Blakes

Shapeless Shakespeare, 

With excessive deluxe paint like a red zone hawker, 

These fashions clogging the pump of poetic flow

With the garbs of a seductress

Allays my feet to the "gutter-most" pit of whores

These, who feigned folly as fashion forcing Mr Flesh, to a quickie,

Teach me the lyric and lines and morals too

Inspire my curious heart in poetry and NOT the contours of shapeless show

Evoke in me a desire and arouse my intellect and NOT to lust

Induce me with scintillating lyrics and NOT to the nightmare and dreams of a succubus 

Tempt my heart to scholastic loyalty and NOT to the apple of Eden

Conjure the parley of mutated minds with words

Come again to the conference in art and rags of skilled minds

I adjure you, be Natural

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Sonny James- -

Shine on summer sun shine
Oh, oh, oh shine on, shine on sun, sun ah!, Oh shine
He gives me all his warm and tender love
He shines light through my window
And he’s such a amazing fellow, I know
Like a angel with his halo
Ooh, ooh this guy is so, so, bright he’s out of sight

Sonny Sonny James, Sonny James You shine and you amaze your heart is burning bright Your soul gives off light And your spirit out of sight, and you’re All, alright O, Oh, oh, oh shine on Shine on summer sun shine Oh, oh, oh shine on, shine on sun, sun ah!, Oh shine h, oh, oh shine on, shine on sun, sun ah!, Oh shine Sonny James
Sonny James you make my life so right You make my life shine bright You’re the only one shines like the sun Sonny, honey, honey I love you yea, yes I do I love you so And like a cloud I’ll surround you and never, never, ever let you go And sun shines is your name Sun, Sun, Sun, Sunny, Sun, Sun Sunny James
Sonny Sonny James, Sonny James You shine and you amaze your heart is burning bright Your soul gives off light And your spirit out of sight, and you’re All, alright O, Oh, oh, oh shine on Shine on summer sun shine Oh, oh, oh shine on, shine on sun, sun ah!, Oh shine h, oh, oh shine on, shine on sun, sun ah!, Oh shine Sonny James
9/11/70 Written words by James Edward Lee©1970, 2019 Written @ North High School 1970 for Class assignment Write a R & B Female Lead Song/Lyric receive a grade 1
Details | Quatrain |

Their Reflection In My Eyes

For all the stars that shined their light
And found their reflection in my eyes
Not one could illuminate this cavernous sky
For their vision was constrained by sight

You peer into the depths of my galaxies
Without a word my heart falls to knee
So loving, piercing, so all consuming
Are your eyes when beholding me

Your touch like brilliant colors tracing the sky
You wrap me in your light while my old skin takes flight
Peculiar the way without you for hours or a day
My body feels naked my world in dismay 

A word with more power than loves been explained 
Is thee expression I seek yet fail to attain
It resides in the sound I hear in your voice
Or how it feels on my lips to say your name

No lyric or poem nor work of art
No celestial body that lingers on high
No beauty that lies where ocean waters hide
Describe how you search me with your eyes

You exhume a surrender I once buried so deep
From that first time my heart skinned its knee
Which taught me give only your soul to this point
Relinquish not your own needs... Quickly wish them Godspeed 

Yet you say without words in those sapphire pools
That you'll honor the treasure of my trust
My surrender is your prize the apple of your eye
Your bride and the love of your life 

Our dreams and our needs no longer be carried alone
For infinities love ever winds
My joy is your smile your crown is my throne
Your happiness is mine intertwined

Yes so many stars have shined their light
And found their reflection in my eyes
But only yours has shined so bright
it begs a loving surrender... known as a wife
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Irreconcilable Paradox

I gave you the words
     You made them superb
     We're the top most team

     I wrote winning songs 
     Your voice made them strong 
     Fame came from your dream
                           ( - - C H O R U S - -) 

                 ...  So it's you who'll perform
                      A bypass on me
                      Ripped out and torn
                      By your celebrity 

                      You relish the chase 
                      Ready for next face
                      Devouring your fame
               . ..  Do you remember me saying  ...

                    You bring the words to me
                    Nothing was spared in them
                    Lyrics lay everything bare

     Love notes sent from me
     Soared your popularity
     You waited for the next

     I wrote us in those stories
     Only you claimed the glory
    ... What do you expect... 

                            ( - -  C H O R U S - -) 

                      ... So it's you who'll perform 
                          a bypass on me
                          Ripped out and torn
                          By your celebrity 
                          You're top of your game
                          Pop star misbehaving 
                          I sit in the shade
                     ... Do you remember me saying... 

                        You bring the words to me
                         Everything exposed.... 
                         You sing the words in me
                         To strangers, something we made

                                   ( - - BRIDGE - -) 

                      Words the World has never heard 
                      I put them into your mouth
                      Fame has raised you, but I made you
                      And you have closed me out

     Celebrity stole your care
     Hunting here, pausing there
     Let me bring the lines to life... 

     Why can't I touch your soul? 
     Authenticity you'll never know. 
     Love like this won't come twice.... 

    ( repeat first part of Chorus several times ) 

    21st  August 2020 
    Edward Ibeh Contest,
    Pick A Title Lyric

Book: Shattered Sighs