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And I Start Again

And I start again,
Despite the insecurities, the little lies 
Despite the loss of time, the contradictions
Despite my anger , despite the furtive smiles
Despite the fact that I don’t believe in love 
Despite the other one 
I start again 
Yes ma’am !

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About Those Lonely Lovers- -

the lonely lovers learns lovingly
their little leaps lock lips looks lovingly
the loving love lets us lovingly

the lovely language leads lovingly
the lovable location listens lovingly

the loud lake lays lovingly
the large loss likes lovingly
learned the lonely lovers love…

Written words by James Edward Lee Sr.2020©
Details | Prose Poetry |

Memory Loss

Memory Loss

Motivated by thought,
realised mistreated actions.
I owe it to myself, 
to know I am enough.
Who do you think you are,
to make me doubt 
my fire
that burns to bright
for you to desire.
How strong can you then be,
if you can't handle me?
So I have a memory loss
of you and me
a stranger that ones
walked passed me.
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Gods Got the Tbone Too


If not but for His glory
Shall I have peace within,
For the life that I now have in Him,
above a life of sin.

That all the days of struggle 
to survive the heat of day,
To bear the scoffing and of scorn,
For a brighter day.

For the structure of a promise,
each brick to represent, 
The journey of faith of pain, and loss,
The counted cost well spent.

Why only believe for pie in the sky,
where a mansion awaited me, 
I’ll believe Him for ham, right where I am,
Not just from sin I’m free

While you fret and fear about what to eat, 
I know just what to do,
Don’t have to wait, between then and now
God’s got the T-bone too.
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Alopecia:Hair Loss - Men - Women

loss of Hair.

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7:01 Am On a Tuesday Morning

i watched the sun come up this morning, and my first thought was that she wasn’t as bright as you 

(but really, i’ve yet to find something that is).

and it’s so incredibly cliché, that i’m a poet lost for words, that i feel like a ship without an anchor,

that really, i’m just drifting. 

and darling, you’re not an object, but i’d really like you to be my rope. 

and that sounds horrid, i know. 

and i’ve written better, i’ve been more articulate, i’ve done better 

but you’ve got me at a loss for words and my brain is fuzzy. 

so while i try to get a grip on things, while i try to put the puzzle pieces of what used to be my brain back together, 

i’ll write you better poems 

(i’ll write you all the poems).
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Survivor, That I Will Be


Stripped me down from my clothes..
Yell at me until your throat get sore..
Speak to me with vile words..
Walk and talk to me like I am nothing...

Yes, It will hurt and pain me..
Probably, It may even make me cry..
Probably, It make me even on bended knees..
Probably, It will cause me loss of appetite and sleeplessness..

But, tell you what....

You can never take what I have..
You can never shove off that smile...
You can never erase the overwhelming love that's within me...
You can never make me fall...

I will rise up: " humbled not proud"
I will stand up: "learned not ignorant"..
I will smile even with tears: "joys not of hurts"
I will shout: "victory not of failures"...

By: olive_eloi

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The Day You Flew To Heaven

We knew , it was if a moment stopped in time 
              hearing the news before most of the World did
           He loved to fly his plane from Colorado to Monterey Bay
           He was a avid golfer at Pebble Beach respected 

           He had loves and passions from many places 
           deciding to fly low through the overcast red sunset
            Not only did he love music and inspire all 
            He loved his Plane , he will always remain a beautiful Soul

              The next day it was confirmed ..all saddened 
             It was John Denver's plane that went down
             Today in Pacific Grove stands the Memorial 
             So Kiss me and smile for me we will ~
              always in loving memory 
               OH babe ,  do we hate you go ~    

         Inspired by ; contest in Music and Loss of an Artist
                   "Leaving on a Jet Plane "
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Let Us Find a Better Way

These times we know are saddening. These times we know are hard.
Our faith in life is being attacked and it will leave a permanent scar.
Our minds are crying for what we’ve lost and what we’ve had taken away.

Our ancestors fought and died for our democracy and payed with so much loss. A debt that we will never be able to repay.
Their blood was spilled in the hope that for the sake of humanity we could find a and live together in a better way.

New horizons inspire deeper depths for learning and understanding in so many different ways.

The history of life echoes a recurring warning to each and every single one of us, every single day...

Open minds create mankind’s most beautiful desires and thoughts and challenge us to find and live in more harmonious ways.

Closed minds contain the fuel of hate and create a cold dead space of lost, unchartered ways.

It’s down to us to take each other by the hand and to learn from mankind’s mistakes.
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Goodbye Granddad

Gravity pulls my tears into pools.
Im sinking in sorrow -emotional fuels. 

Just turn back the time, I just want a moment. 
To say goodbye once, to cherish and own it. 

I loved my granddad - a man more than great.
Paired with my Granny as the perfect mate. 

A montage of memories that rush my soul.
My eyes fill with tears, I'm losing control. 

Just keep it together, it's what he would want. 
They all say the same, but I stand in front. 

Happiness swells, yet sadness prevails.
Like Christ on the cross, with hands full of nails. 

Life has a reason, and death isn't treason.
-It's moving on up.. A lifetime's a season. 

I look to the sky and say my goodbye.
The time won't turn back, I gave it a try. 

I close my eyes and imagine this-
Paradise in a place full of bliss. 

World peace in a piece of the world.
Without loss and bombs never hurled. 

Snow that falls that doesn't freeze.
Sun that shines that doesn't cease. 

A land where "The forever" is real.
A scene where the sick always heal.

Life with infinite love, like gusts in the wind.
Two little doves, with eternities to spend. 

God has a plan, fool-proof to the core. 
Now Granddad's with him, a reward of much more. 

-Yours Truly
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Withstanding Love

Through troubled times of struggle, hearts were muddled, I'd dissemble,
I'd drop your hand, chest buckles, you withstand and reassemble,
you've restored so many times what I've tore down, disassembled...
you understand my loss, first hand, "I love you", your lips trembled.

Though record shows my deeds forgo your love, you're more than gentle,
refused the bounds of apprehension, tension disassembled,
unleashed affection, your devotion, yet emotions tremble,
there's something uncontrolled, it has a hold within, it's mental.

Your intuition, my acts of indecision, temperamental,
propriety, on my behalf, falls way short of monumental.
Your heart permits my love, undeserving, unconditional,
though reservations pull back elation, unpredictable.

I promise you my heart, my spirit, it's unequivocal,
you complete the parts of me I thought were integral.
Burdens, troubles, tension, dissension, all now invisible,
all replaced by exuberance I once thought was mythical.

Trepidation, dread, fixation on perceived forged fictionals,
bring forth false truths expected to be unpredictable.
Look forward, opened heart and eyes, keep close what's fundamental,
I understand your fear, first hand, "I love you", my lips tremble.
Details | Light Verse |

Death Speaks

Death Speaks
As I walk through the valley of death bullets penetrate and opens up my chest.
 I am slumped on the cement with scatter brain fragments.
 Onto the pavement lamented the loss of many benefits.
Blood lines in the earth, embedded blood in the dirt my blood leaks through my shirt.
 My life flashes before me as my blood lies beneath me.
The life that I took for granted, everything is now a chain reaction.
EMS tries desperately to save me; I no longer have a heartbeat.
My lungs deflate my chest compress with my final breath.
As my wig is pushed back my body relax, my head react and falls gently into my lap.
I am a casualty lying in these streets, as they begin to throw the unforgettable white sheet over me.
Flashing lights all around me, and I am not talking the paparazzi.
I feel my spirit leave my body my mother cries over me, “Lord please don’t take my baby from me”.
Inevitable death penalty simply unavoidable my life was so predictable.
My father made me a deputy, and life made a man out of me.
A legend in these streets generations of my historical legacy follows me.
I was the big boss chief, king almighty.
Soon to become a distance memory, my flesh is weak.
As the devil stands before me, I am cast into eternal misery.
Bleeding from main arteries I am facing my destiny.
From beyond my grave these words fade.
If I could make these words cry invisible syllables, a justifying biblical miracles.
Speaking in lyrical riddles, my death speaks to every individual.
Details | Concrete |


I remember                        sensing you 
         were                near.           I re-             member   
  your presence               was    so clear.            I remember 
the impact                          your life                    made. And i 
knew my                                life                               forever  
changed.                         I remember                   sensing you 
were gone.                      I remember                  the loss i felt                      so strong.                        I remember                     the impact 
your life                               made.                         Even now, 
  my life is                             not                           the same.                          
    I remember.                                                 I wont ever                                                    
       forget.                                                    The stamp 
          of your life                                             Forever 
             imbedded                                   in my heart,
                 So please                              remember
                      Who you                       are to me.
                           And that                    i wait 
                                 for you         to one 
                                        day        re-
Details | Narrative |

A Great Little Survivor - Part 1

Fourteen days...
			Ted, what will become of you?
Two weeks back, you were lifted out and rushed
to intensive care, breathing but fitting,
unable to tell us how it felt to
be born with wires, tubes, winking lights and graphs,
monitors for music. No lullaby.

Intensive carers, what will become of Ted?
With your skill, experience, resources,
teamwork, measuring, scanning, recording,
what can you know? Assurance so fragile
to hear, to believe, to hope. Yet we trust
your watching, waiting, providing for Ted.

Eight pounds six gave you a start, Ted, but loss
of blood left your vitality distressed.
Three times you endured a lumbar puncture,
just to exclude the chance of infection,
Now at least you are given Mummy's milk.
Now at last Mum and Dad can cradle you.

Phil and Lorraine, who will Ted be for you?
With the waiting, not knowing, sensitive
to every sign, fearing, hoping with time
to pass at the cot side. Reading aloud
from The Fantastic Mister Fox for Ted
to hear the voice of Dad, and Mum holding.

Rex, big brother, who will Ted be for you?
Hard for you to understand the comings
and goings, greetings and goodbyes; broken
routines, conversations. For you and Ted
we hope and we pray, but how will it be
for you together? Your needs competing.

God, who will Ted become? For him the best
is what you desire. Make us strong that we,
that you can give to overcome the hurt,
and so make whole his infant brain. Uphold
with courage and patience Lorraine and Phil;
may their bond promise peace and life for Ted.
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August History Since Today Marks First Day

As eighth month of the year
both within Gregorian and predecessor,
     the Julian calendar, where
said month originally
     named Sextilis in Latin
since averred month ranked sixth
     in ancient Roman calendar veer
really changed to August in honor

     of Augustus Caesar
     pinpointed eight Earthly
     steeplechased rendezvous roundabouts
     clocking viii sun danced orbitz
thru metaphorical solar turnstile,
     sans common era there

after retaining a trace
     of antiquity doth square
lee tug at mine olde ink
     quiz hit heave egghead noggin 
     heady curiosity shoppe,
asper how lunar place name

     linkedin as rare historical tidbit
thus, when at a loss,
     what to write poem about
an unexpected brainstorm
     found me not to doubt
Google when literary eureka
     came to this lout
(only I own license to debase self)

just on the verge,
     and ready to pout
fearing writer's block
     as if creative juice
     yielded nary a drop from thine figurative
     fountain oft times
     gushing water spout.

As a poetic foot note, aye
frequently ponder about
     millenniums gone by,
and peoples, who
     dotted with graveyards
     of lovely bones after they did die
     the four corners of the globe,

     this twenty first century
     chap doth espy
harem there, a debauched prurient
     hot pocket of mankind
     (woman too of course)

     begetting, fostering, mothering
     ancestors of this guy
retaining genetic characteristics
     that got pooled watering
     survival of the fittest well nigh.
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Bedeviled by those pleading eyes
deep as the secrets they chasm
captive as the questions one must surmise 
and I, for your deliverance the ransom 

"never leave me, my love, my friend"
spoken feebly as a prayer of little faith
In angst your heart once more bereaved 
for true love remains impossible to erase

Traveling the road of never-knowns
your world abhorring to let go
granting time - that your soul not die
reflecting back an impatience you see in mine

There bewitched I stand in awe
nay, bend my knees at the epiphany of thy need
Persuaded to ignore once more the flaws
like every detailed dimension of a dream

Dare I surrender my disbelief, and wholly succumb your divination
hold tightly to your second sight
your prophetic inclinations?
for already by your augury - given you my life

Why hold back unwavering faith
as if now it's loss could be greater?
Perhaps my fate is better weighed
if our odds remain in your favor

My luck in love a chain-mail buffoonery 
made of broken links and sparse longevity 
Like a devil mocks hypocrisies charity  
he so crushed my heart with stealth dexterity

So let it be said... you need me more
and that your love surpasses
For the art of love wears a mask of war
camouflaged in the art of stanzas 

Whatever the spell enchantment cast
It began with one look in your eyes
has withstood the storms of assurances dashed
and neared forever with another guy

You were my present, then past, full circle and back
voodoo allure, a loves black magic
Bedeviled I say, held by your craft
your sorcerer's smile is a cold damp draft.
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The Secret We Must Never Share

You haunt my dreams
Walking from page to page 
Slipping through cracks of walls and gates
Following each hour
You blend and twist the faces
Of everyone I know
And I find myself looking at you
Some moments I see your sneer
Your face full of anger and hate
Twisting your features into sharp lines
Daggers that cut through to my soul
Mocking me, folding me in upon myself
But not always, no, not always
Most nights I see your smile
Your eyes soft and full of light 
Dark depths gleaming 
Tender lips 
You are so close I can touch you 
And as I do, I feel your skin 
Familiar and warm and still it calls to me
Come home, come home
Deep within my dreams my heart aches
Aches at this trickery 
Aches to touch you as I awake
Aches to taste your sweetness again 
Aches to feel your love 
Aches remembering this loss
This death of what was once ours
Your betrayals cut into me
And my betrayals bleed and bleed
I can't forgive either of us for what we have done
You for your cruelty, or me for running to another,
Doing as he said, believing all he claimed.
You said last that you loved me and I called it a lie
How could it be anything but 
After you hurt me the ways that you had
But my heart whispered that it was truth 
You refuse to look at me now
Another mans band on my left hand 
Attorneys speaking of the promises I now break
Me hiding the shame in my face
Remembering I must to keep the family I now have
But in my dreams you haunt me still
It is the only place we can find our love again
It is the only place I can speak my truth
That you were the one no other would be like
That I had given my all to you.
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Greatest Love Story Never Written

Feeling alone as if my soul were ripped in to, and made to scour the Earth searching desperately to fill this void. 

No matter even in a crowded room always feeling as though the nearest person is a Galaxy away. 

To have someone say they love you or I to them but never before feeling the deep passionate lust or desire moreover to be in love not merely to love. To never feel whole only loss pain and loneliness.  

As though my entire life everything I truly cared about whether a person or mere inanimate object to be ripped away whenever I began to relax. Trying to remain a positive and objective person with the worst kind of luck to bestowed upon anyone ever! 

Even though I got knocked down and crushed into tiny particles, always I build myself back up and create myself all over again just a little stronger and wiser. 

I once had love so pure, truly absolute, seeming no words could ever describe how I felt. 

Constantly surrounding myself with inanimate objects and people whom profess their love but I never felt it as though their interpretations of “Love” isn't real because I’d feel nothing at all. 

To been able to share myself mind body and soul with another for nearly two decades, my true other half should be enough, I tell myself. 

My twin flame, a relationship beyond any physical being. Someone who shares my sorrows as well as happiness, to think and feel exactly as I was incredible! 

Even at times nearly worlds apart a sudden random call to ask if I'm okay or to what's going on, what's wrong or what's right knowing life changing events were taking place without physically being able to share in the moment but a deep feeling, a knowing... a sixth since. 

Most go through their whole lives without ever experiencing anything close to this and I did, I his best friend soft place to land and he my protective rock. 

Caroline Foister  

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He Is Leaving Home

In great respect of the band I grew up listening to
                       as sure as Mom passed down Saturday Chores 
                      for I had been chosen to scrub bathroom floors `

                    Yet a familiar sound would bring me to keep scrubbing
                       The red album, The blue album , The White album 
                        Then .. Abbey Road , always remembering the sad look on
                  Ringo's face ,  something hard to understand underneath~
                      I get it now, what you were saying all those years ago ,
                    the many sad lonely tears , secret tears , secret fears 
                    For Maxwell's Hammer was a real one . It wanted silence

                    Going back ..remembering when John Lennon died 
                      I was in Arkansas saddened with the world .
                      Then seeing his face saying " Drag isn't it " 
                      No .. this was not my hero in music and song .

                      he was a stand in hired William , he filled his shoes 
                      bringing diversity to create so much beautiful music from loss

                       One left standing , alone;; grief struck on back cover ~
                       The other identity hidden, tried to be part of ..coming together
                            his  world of secrets
                        He to suffers today , in fear , Faul~
                        Too many years gone by .let us tell the Truth. Let us be free
                         The very sad long and winding Road ~
                         Let us Bury our real Paul. 

                         No more " Mystery tour "
                             No more fear 
                                Let him be in peace ~

           Inspired by " The Last Testament of George Harrison , Is Paul Dead ? "
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Your Eyes

soul searching-pondering for someone to amount
To the heart now broken-broken into so many pieces we can’t even count.
Your beauty is undeniable tho it seems your eyes deceive u
you settle for the worst you let your heart not your head lead you. 
your pain so bottled up.. tho you wear this lively persona proudly
 Oh those walls you have built, please let them down when you are around me.

If you say you don’t see it , then  your eyes  have deceived you. I see every bit of pain hiding behind that picture painted in the most lovely shades 
you say that you are lacking tho I do not believe u 
You’re prodigy, magnificent,godly, lacking only the praise.
You are lonely, so you settle for those who use you for personal gain. 
you are roaming but you have accepted this lifestyle you have accepted this pain 

Tho if you let me I will break this cycle, I will help you experience a world where love is mutual and pain is astray
where the thoughts of personal gain are so far away. Where we can live in the moment. A moment in time where my heart will hold your pain and your eyes hold mine.

Where there is no romance, just tears and cheer. 
where that wall built up will no longer exist here. 
Your eyes have deceived you for when I look at you I see a boy so beautiful it blinds mine
your mind has deceived you for making you think you are running out of time.
We are both so young tho i can shoulder our pain, I can reciprocate the care you have given  me in this wretched gray world.  
Comfort,trust, and vulnerability, many things deserved I’m willing to give to thee

Tho Your personality has left me at a loss for words
I’d never met someone so broken but whole
I’d never met someone so trapped but free
I’d never met someone so like me. 

Your eyes have deceived you along with your mind, your heart, and those you keep near
For when I look at your lonely silhouette I want to be nowhere but here. 
Your eyes have deceived you for you are the most beautiful human to ever steps into my gaze
But we shall punish those deceitful eyes until you realize your glory and get your rightfully deserved praise
Details | Romanticism |

Odysseus and the Siren

"Odysseus and The Siren"
There he is like Odysseus bound to the mast of his ship cursive words dispatched through aether to the somnolent nodding in their stock he avoids full brace the Siren’s enchantment a song that sings his internal compass towards her she commands and swiftly ignites the St Elmo's Fire burning in his mind she is a mused and flattered bee she is the electric storm come to defibrillate his heart washed up like a shipwreck spent with all his split treasure boxes on her Sirenum Scopuli jagged oyster rocks wet and lush wise pearls that glisten no ocean dwelling sprite this lark with tale to swim in the murky pea-green soup with pterodactyls and sabre-toothed sharks ;) white-washed with lye who in her loonish wake he does divine delight She, possessing wings that fly no silver scales that sting - her She songs lure crazed men out of their dark to shine in Lux the Light emollient their flinty core and like a graceful lark midnight-winged in full-feathered fast flight she soars her songs trilling enraptured minds imparts cold hearts to ride with Goddesses on Gryphons she conjures spells and lyrics on a soft silent breeze where mutes with a thousand eyes do listen - 'tis not her songs that men should fear 'tis in her black Silence rips and tears The Veil for when her magic songs do cease your sad loss is the moment you are truly captured with no release Tenacious she will beckon you until without resistance you yielding to her heart dive into her mind of Deep Deep then to blinding bright Azure Some say beware the Sirens they are death to men who love impart and risk all dusky musky sin Ah lark that sings Put away your periscope this Siren bird resounds the heat that comes with passion words of waking liberation that do not drug but unravel all your tight chaste ropes to dream of better things lust and longing - have faith, one can but hope to find the place outside of all that fear that steered the Greek and Roman Poets - to risk the circumnavigate invisible portal The 1 True Gate the beating heart 'neath shelter of her feathery wings to find her talons holding tight to all her muses, mere mortals, turn to magical beings safe in Anthemoessa to dream with the Gods of LOVE and FREEDOM (LadyLabyrinth/2018)

Book: Shattered Sighs