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Drugs Poems - Poems about Drugs

Drugs Poems - Examples of all types of poems about drugs to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for drugs.
The Damage of the Soul Due to Drugs
The face that used to be cheerful is gone The illusion dims all real hopes Break thousands of hopes and ideals The loss of life at a young age For those who are trapped by drugs Don't and don't try...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, death, drug, education, health,
Form: Free verse
Say No To Drugs
You tell me you are divine You have a great light within Yet you partake of substances That is a snuff to that great light I know it is not easy, and quite a war But when you say no...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, addiction, care, deep, drug,
Form: Free verse

Busy on drugs
Heavy sleeping tonight, The flowers on my bed, An old monk besides, Buttery smell all over, Feeling peace after war. An absolute disaster! A waste of currency, Dreams smells like cash, Uncontrollable mind, Needs to forget her, After high on drugs. Wake me up after days, Leave...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member LSD trip
In the sixties, a mere chemical fooled Timothy Leary He became a missionary, to the jaded, the weary He thought he had the answer to the question: how to get the key to the doors of perception. We could...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, addiction, confusion, drug, freedom,
Form: Lyric
The Junky
The Junkie How skillful yet your monstrous face, that hides your love and gayer part from all who dares to try embrace with tender care and open heart. In solitude you live this life, this burden self-denial’s hate; that chose you as...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, absence, abuse, addiction, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Paradox of Desire
Drugs come in all shapes and sizes But the essence is the same Providing a something we feel lacking; A hit of pleasure and fulfillment In instant gratification. The problem then becomes one Of cascading cause and effect As the short cut...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, desire, drug, life, perspective,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Christmas Lost In Madison Wisconsin
Today, in Wisconsin, three children lost their lives. The media of course pours on us, emotional jive! I, personally, cannot imagine, such a heartbreaking loss. In a school, no less, friends and parents bear the cost! Mental illness is...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, sorrow,
Form: Quatrain
this is what the drugs are for
my foot taps as teacher talks my fingers touch as students walk i notice my stomach as i gawk at her body in that top if only i could chop what hung and flopped adapt to tanks, desired...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, angst, anxiety, blue, character,
Form: Rhyme
BROKEN DOWN ANGELS It disny seem that long ago Toddling and having fun, Crawling then walking along the floor And learning how tae run. Potty trained and full eh life They’d run you af yer feet, A kiss on the cheek...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, abuse, addiction, dark, drug,
Form: Rhyme
My sad truth
Then happy in my own world, ...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, abuse, addiction, betrayal, drug,
Form: Verse
Thoughts pierced my brain
Thoughts pierced the whites of my brains, Tainted blood flowed out of my veins, One half of me then paralysed, My speech now completely disguised. Why was I stubborn with the drugs? My right arm now too weak for hugs. Beat...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, abuse, addiction, death, drug,
Form: Rhyme
Crazy Eyes
It's been four years since I submitted my last poem, I was only one year into my addiction to methamphetamine. I'm currently five years in and boy oh boy do I have some perspective to...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, drug, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Wasted Life
He Don’t go outside he’s got too much fear He’s brain is fried from weed and Gear He’s got no kids and hes got no wife, he’s got no friends he’s got no life He’s got...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, anxiety, death, drug,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Someone always makes the rules
It is now legal to take THC A drug now in gummies and Cannabis tea But in Siskiyou County the Hmong growers move in threaten the natives, who must lose so you win. [bridge] You can love him and leave...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, irony, perspective, philosophy,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Two faced science
I trusted all doctors, thought they know best So many years learning, a noble quest They want to do well by helping you But from any kind of knowledge, evil can brew. Scott was a dentist, a noble career But...Read the rest...
Categories: drugs, evil,
Form: Lyric

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry