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Dharma Poems - Poems about Dharma

Dharma Poems - Examples of all types of poems about dharma to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for dharma.
All in vain
Raising hands, hoarse do I cry, No one hears, nor bothers to try, Wealth and wants be had by virtue, Why not then that’s what ye pursue? __________________________ Translation |01.09.2024| Poet’s note: At the end of...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, history,
Form: Quatrain
Kamala with Karma and Dharma
heard of Kamala really does have much karma along with dharma Karma - Search ( Dharma - Search ( Dem nomination a Trump abomination of our great nation one more creation invite with invitation sing incantation ...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member The Impermanent
("Spinning Earth", 2016) The Impermanent What is impermanent, by definition, Doesn’t last and can’t remain, And what is not impermanent? Yet each of us has a lingering thought That something must be. So we habitually project this intuition, This inner knowing of...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, change, perspective, spiritual,
Form: Narrative
I Saw Your Eyes
And in your eyes I saw the harm, I saw the dharma, I saw the karma, I saw two sparrows and crossroads, and lovers intertwined, for your eyes to me were my love for my...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, i love you,
Form: Rhyme
The Dharma Wheel
Right View, Intention, Speech, Action, Livelihood, Effort, Mindfulness, Meditation May we always clear our eyes so we may see clear May we always put out the best intention beginning with our mind May we speak...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, appreciation, faith,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Karma
know thyself; is your life on the right track aligned with, refined by, the principles of dharma refrain, abstain, be kind and be calmer meditate, seek meaning: find moral momentum all actions count on this trip to nirvana...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, extended metaphor, faith, religion,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member The Souls of the Masters
The souls of the Masters are doing a dance, their only goal to help humans enhance.. Keep an open heart what ever you believe for God is inclusive in his tapestry. Our earth rotates and pulses with it's...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, humanity, planet,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Dharma and Karma
Engaging in action, based on dharma, without anticipating an outcome, generates for the earth soul, no karma. Such desirelessness is found quite seldom, for all that monks yearn for, is God’s kingdom. Looking from afar, at their detachment, we secretly admire...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, spiritual, truth,
Form: Dizain
Premium Member Facing My Dharma
Marooned in that, wretched office cubicle; I went inside to see; I communed with my soul. An artist has to paint; a composer has to create; and a writer has to write; so my soul and I deduced, that I would never...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, perspective, philosophy, poems, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Harmony As One
Out there, a universe sings in 2/4 times and my soul resonates. Identity is a spiritual thing, not just a mortal one. You know who you really are when the soul’s eyes and ears are open to the oneness of all life. A Melding of...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, poems, poetry, spiritual, truth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Worries of Darlene and Dharma
My Aunt Darlene used up hours worrying. Turning down invitations, sitting in one spot. Afraid she would fall if she got up. People brought her meals, so she would eat. It is unclear whether or not she ever used...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, woman, women,
Form: Prose Poetry
Crucifixion of Mani the Prophet
You gleamed brighter than glorious sunlight ...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, death,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Drink the Elixir of Dharma
Song on the wind; an ethereal composition can penetrate the soul; a spark and combustion reveals the fire of enlightenment. Spirit awakens to face the universal mind, on its god-flight. Platinum wings unfold and against...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, philosophy, poems, poetry, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Repair Shop
Repair shop Worms and dinosaur blood, toil and fuel, Doors I’ll hold for you. Pure, old as moonlight, the marbled Cloister of your pleasance I’ll affirm They will come for your museums, my love. They will come for your big, fine...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, love,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Accepting Dharma
Spread wide your soul-wings Feel the charge of the Dharma; Giddiness abounds! ...Read the rest...
Categories: dharma, appreciation, faith, philosophy, poems,
Form: Senryu

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