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Denton Poems - Poems about Denton

Denton Poems - Examples of all types of poems about denton to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for denton.
Premium Member 'pantry ****'
...'Pantry ****' writes Professor Denton is a crusade that she's been sent on to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that she's an ignorant, stupid lout She claims that tidy pantries and......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, racism, sick, society,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Curry Your Favor
...The Rocky Horror Picture Show ~ Starring Tim Curry as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, Content Warning: Schlock Horror Elements of the unintentional humor of B horror Ripped fishnet s......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, scary,
Form: Rhyme

Never Giving Up On Him
...If you want to know the true meaning of love Is Its call never giving up on him even If the person feels as if he has to leave are may want to leave don't give up on him Its worth it I've had my ......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, angel, anniversary, best friend,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
This Plant Is Not a Drug
...This Plant is Not a Drug (Robert Denton, March 2017) This plant is not a drug, It is a plant. You can cut off its flower bud Then hang it to dry. When it is dry and brittle It is ready to us......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, humanity, peace, prayer, truth,
Form: Free verse
...Enough Haven't you done enough? You power mongers, you elitist psychopaths. You monarchs and you debutantes, You insanely wealthy, self centered idolaters. You war lovers, mass murderers, Yo......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, corruption, humanity, world,
Form: Free verse

A Merciless Life
...A Merciless Life By Robert Denton (June 2015) I have walked a merciless life. Bombed and battered with precision. From my childhood to middle age strife. To have free will is not my decision. ......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, bangla, corruption, death, poverty,
Form: Pantoum
Only Wish To Be Taken
...I Only Wish to be Taken – Robert Denton (March 2015) I only wish to be taken Unless I have already, but don't remember. I think I would go willingly And I'd ask them to take me home. Unless ......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, depression, philosophy, science fiction,
Form: Pantoum
Pushing Your Morality
...Pushing Your Morality Pushing your morality like a drug. A street drug without effect. An addictive placebo. An open invitation to dine with scum. A street drug without effect That you suck t......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, depression, poverty, psychological, drug,
Form: Pantoum
No Longer
...Am I No Longer Desirable to You? By Robert Denton (November 2014) Am I no longer desirable to you? I don't even desire myself. Angered by bodily dilapidation That has nothing to do with aging.......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, body, loneliness,
Form: Pantoum
Passed Life
...Passed Life by Robert Denton (October 2014) I've walked through the wasteland, Where after 34 years I found you Stretched out on a bed of memories And covered with a sheet of youthful dreams.......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, age, desire, longing, youth,
Form: I do not know?
Undesirable Now
...Undesirable Now Robert Denton (September 23, 2014) I feel like my life is over. I'm caged, imprisoned, locked within the confines of this broken container. I'm undesirable now. To be young a......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, body, discrimination, life,
Form: Free verse
My Hero
...My Hero by Robert Denton July 2014 Ah, but she is beyond all others, a blessed divine gift brighter than the purest of gold. She glows like the sun streaming rays upon the earth, and cut......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, appreciation, blessing, hero,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Catherine Clementine Clogg
...Hello there my little friendlies I'm Archibald Denton Frog I'm here to tell you the story Of Catherine Clemetine Clogg! Clemmie as she's always been known To a bunch of her closest friends Has a won......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, children,
Form: Quatrain
Harry the Breaker
...HARRY THE BREAKER Harry galloped through the Mulga (13% protien animal tucker) On a game horse Bunga Din The Brumbies galloping on Tolga Were yarded with a grin Every station had a wel......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, warbody, me,
Form: Ballad
...If I could take away this distance move this school nearer Denton I'd do it within an instant I wish that I could walk to see you or take a minute drive I could see you a lot more often wheneve......Read the rest...
Categories: denton, girlfriend-boyfriend, life, love, people,
Form: Lyric

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