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Consumed Poems - Poems about Consumed

Consumed Poems - Examples of all types of poems about consumed to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for consumed.
This World That Takes
This World That Takes I gave too much. A chalice filled to the brim, pouring over, love spilling, although unasked for, but the world took it anyway. It takes. All it does is take. It absorbs every light, every warmth, leaving none to spare,...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, anger, dark, deep, depression,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Consumed
Thinking how all those weeks went by so fast; now long in past. Cry alone for how we are so far apart; we may fall apart. Lonely 'cause I miss somebody; whom I love more than I...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, cry, lost love, love
Form: Sijo

Premium Member Consumed
Totally engulfed in a book a movie or etc that captivates our inner senses...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, emotions,
Form: Monoku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Consumed by darkness
In the shadows, hides a mind swollen full of pain and emptiness. Dark thoughts consume my soul. I'm sure not to show it, when others are looking. My held high,smiles to hide the horrible feelings I have inside.My heart...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, allusion, death,
Form: Free verse
I feel the agony Crawling up my legs Gnawing at my arms Ripping into me Trying to take over I fight and fight Till the pain grows Never stopping as it eats away at me Ripping through me. Many might believe...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, abuse, betrayal, conflict, corruption,
Form: Free verse

Consumed By Hate
What have you taken away? A smothering indistinctness of pain as thoughts darken. Once we enjoyed innocence, untainted and open. But, your love perished. A vengeful vision of bitterness- Memories follow darkness , follow pain, Love forgotten. In a haze or sorrow,...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, abuse, boyfriend, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Consumed I remember in poverty, eating ramen noodles, daily. Beans and Weenies. Meatless sauce spaghetti. Rice, Rice, Rice, without any real spice. Bologna Sandwiches. Hamburger Helper mixes. Fried Spam, and all kinds of meat, canned. Hot Dogs on a stick, burnt to a crisp. Catfish from the creek, yellow belly meat. Milwaukee’s Best. Another broken promise. The cheapest smokes. Always gotta...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, addiction, class, death, depression,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Consumed
Those totally consumed with self don’t view the world through humane eyes. Ambition is not wrong, they feel. To strive to reach the top is wise. True narcissism goes beyond mere drive to have the best in life. It smothers all...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, humanity, self,
Form: Quatrain
As much as I have tried to let you go, I just can't. I consumed drugs & alcohol to give my soul an implant. Don't worry I decided a long time ago, to just leave...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, america, emotions, england, first
Form: Free verse
Fear Dictation
I’m here picking the flower petals impulsively while whistling the tune, “He loves me, he loves me not”. My head is lost my thoughts about our inconceivable dreamy first date, Wishing I could feel your warmth wrapping around...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, emotions, i miss you,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member On Leaving
unjoined lips parted, breathing with a sigh flowers stand for hours to undo proving only the softest of petals to brush a young cheek blushing all vision lost this throat no worthy vessel to release the stars...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, body, desire, devotion, feelings,
Form: Prose Poetry
Consumed With Desire
His fingertips traced my lips and lightly brushed my cheek until I sensed the warmth of a blush. Our last night would be spent with flames of fire in passion's romance, I was consumed with desire. In the soft...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, desire, passion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Consumed By the Widow Spider
Consumed by The Widow Spider The wretches of life are gone, from the weathered of a peaceful place, lived once in a playful soul? Feasting upon his flesh the widow, bite by bite, bit by bit, hurting from inside,...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, deep, emotions, extended metaphor,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Dare I speak of lessons stretched long in history too often pushed aside, lost to news and media coverage swept away by some newer tragedy more apparent, less transparent, more rampant than recognized. How do we then...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, abuse, america, anger,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Consumed
In times as these and at our age as we tread gently towards the twilight I’m always surprised we’re not all obsessed with cleaning up our act trying our best to make amends instead of being consumed by greed and pettiness AP: Honorable Mention 2020 posted on March 6, 2019...Read the rest...
Categories: consumed, age, confidence, courage, forgiveness,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry