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Funny Community Poems

These Funny Community poems are examples of Community poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Community Funny poems written by international poets.

The look in Your Eyes
Every time I look into your eyes you make me want to smile, every time I look into your eyes, I see something that is...

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Categories: community, adventure, america, beautiful, best

Premium Member Bridge Day

     Tried to get out the door,
     Have been to this day before!

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© Kim Stone  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: 12th grade, childhood, community,

I set out on a journey to appease my soul and honor the deity, but I got caught in a rift and almost fell from...

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Categories: community, america, april, basketball, bereavement,

Premium Member Gormless Sue Part two

I once told a story about my 
Ex-girlfriend Gormless Sue
Well that was part one
And this is part two

Gormless Sue had a farm
She lived in a...

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© Peter Dome  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: anger, boyfriend, community, confusion,

Jack 58
Surviving with little money
Life really isn’t funny
Raining even when it’s sunny

Don’t wanna run this rat race
No chance of keeping up pace
Falling on my flat face


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Categories: community, conflict, emotions, environment,

Premium Member Coco the Chocolate Bunny

Coco the chocolate bunny,
was so soft, furry and funny.
Loved to fill her little tummy
with green veg ever so yummy!

A little shy with big brown eyes,

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: animal, community,

Summer Dream
I have dreamed of a summer in the hills where my spirit is free and my heart can go panting after thee. I will climb...

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Categories: change, community, daffodils, endurance,

The Great Cow Revolt
I am a cow 
Of course most of you reading this are also cows
But I have heard a rumor that those creatures
Who walk on two...

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Categories: community, farm, freedom, funny,

A Friend' Deal
Here we go again calling ourselves friends; here we go again disputing the same things over and over so that we can cross over again....

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Categories: america, business, community, culture,

I Got Friggin Heebie Jeebies
I got friggin heebie jeebies

Cuz buzzards circle o'er me
eyeing these lovely bones prithee
id est Roy L. T. Canard, Si
hence impossible mission 
to be lovey dove...

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Categories: angst, anxiety, betrayal, community,

Premium Member Times Have Changed
As my mind flies back to the days of childhood,
I remember what funny games we used to play.
Children from far and near neighborhood
Would assemble every...

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Categories: care, change, community, life,

A Strict District
All the folks in the district 
Know that they should walks restrict
Or guards shall restrict their walks:
Make them suspend lengthened talks
Or with lengthened talk send...

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Categories: bullying, community, places, prejudice,

Ive Been Doing Nothing Lately
On Wednesdays I get angry,
and on Thursdays I make pots,
and then I am no longer angry.

When I’m angry I blast Buddy Holly—
but I keep the...

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Categories: appreciation, autumn, community, friendship,

Slave and Salve
its funny how words contain stories
call them by the synonym, mysteries

SLAVE also has an antidote: SALVE
where SALE of humans rendered some HALVES
of what Nature's God...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: africa, betrayal, bible, community,

In South Africa, one can avoid Online poetry
But I did not as easily in America (USA)
I couldn't believe I could stay away months
But some of...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: community, africa, america, environment, funny

Book: Reflection on the Important Things