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Collie Poems - Poems about Collie

Collie Poems - Examples of all types of poems about collie to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for collie.
Premium Member my astounding collie
I keep my dog’s talents all to myself An organizer, he puts things on a big shelf Files my taxes, sends them in too. Taking as a reward my husband’s left shoe. He sorts my cupboards, and my large...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, dog,
Form: Rhyme
A pet no one would ever trade Such loyalty of the lasting,loving kind Her memory now in cross-stitch made No replacement,were we to ever find Still,now in our memory-bank entwined....Read the rest...
Categories: collie, animal, dog, in memoriam,
Form: Quintain (English)

Premium Member The Collie She'D Heard Of
Alone in the forest at the mercy of sound no lean-to for shelter, nor bed of leaves on the ground wind cracks through the brambles ...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, dog, fate, fear, hope,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Collie Dog Footles
Santa Claws Jolly Collie Christmas Decoration for Collies Collie Holly Christmas Gift for Collie Pup Collie Dolly Collies’ Spiritual Leader Dalai Collie What the heck? Golly, Collie! Indonesian Collie Bali Collie An African Collie Mali Collie Lassie’s Tell-All Book Collie’s Follies Sept. 1, 2022 for 'A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE CHOICE' Poetry Contest...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, animal,
Form: Footle
Premium Member A Loyal Collie
A loyal collie on Chesapeake Bay worked for his keep—if he wanted to stay But when told: Hurry, you slob! he laid down on the job dreaming of running through meadows all day 6/8/22...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, humor,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Theatrical Collie
There is an acting coach in Battle Creek Who taught his theatrical collie to speak Now portraying King Lear He’s Time’s Dog Of The Year And stars in Lassie Call Home in a week 1/15/22...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, dog, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Haiku
Border collies highly intelligent-sometimes two edged sword...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, animal,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Collie and I
Red It was a cool, Spring night. We lit the fireplace, a cozy sight. Red, my collie, a double for Lassie, Nuzzled up for a treat, his saucer shaped eyes, ah! So very warm and so classy. I went to the kitchen,...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, dog, memory,
Form: Couplet
Melon Collie
i'm happy to say my dog is fine and so is your breast...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, muse,
Form: I do not know?
Dead Man's Walk With a Collie
I rode a longhorn steer clear across Texas this summer and no one noticed until I rode into New Mexico."That is strange, senor" A vaquero said standing beside the road. "Don't people here ride cows?" I asked innocently but...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, humor,
Form: Verse
Truly loved him ever since he was young That brown Collie is my sweet pet of mine Lovely to look at when he shows his tongue Don’t let him mad if he shows his rare fang. Running nowhere in...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, friend, friendship, pets,
Form: Dizain
Interior Landscapes: the Border Collie
Interior Landscapes: The Border Collie It is the country of fallow fields in my dream, our car pulls off the road beside a fenced in area... The grass is tall and merciful there. In this field, a border collie...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, absence,
Form: Free verse
If U Cross a Canteloupe With a Collie Dog U Get a Melon Collie Baby
A CHANGE OF FIND change Alteration Subjugation Observation A constant conflagration Yet change be triumphant over stagnant stems and stalks of winter wheat made rancid The sacrifice of death is but a fire fueled nightmare hurling spittle at it’s spite A man...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, angst, change,
Form: Free verse
My Merle Collie
I had a Merle collie, Cindy was her name; She was sleek and beautiful, football was her game. She'd play with a ball for hours, her skills were quite refined, She would even head it to me if...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, adventure, animals
Form: Verse
Premium Member Chow / Collie Mix
My Tasha Girl happens to be a mix of both Chow and Collie and I suppose it's largely due because I'm the guardian of she that I don't see Tasha Girl as a mutt or other cross breed. In...Read the rest...
Categories: collie, girl,
Form: Rhyme

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