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Chapping Poems - Poems about Chapping

Chapping Poems - Examples of all types of poems about chapping to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for chapping.

Premium Member Cold Medicine lips are chapping from wind blowing in my face need hot chocolate with marshmallows on the top winter’s magical cure-all written December 8, 2021......Read the rest...
Categories: chapping, chocolate, wind, winter,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Cold Feet
...Still, in my pajamas, cold, ‘tis Winter. Purple and gray wool socks, and still, cold feet. Yet i’d walk down into the oaks, with sun’s light be soaked, at the Summer-plumed heartbeat. Into ......Read the rest...
Categories: chapping, beauty, happiness, imagery, imagination,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member The Madness of Cabin Fever
...I need spring! I want some spring! I want it now So I can sing. My lips are frozen From Winter’s ice; Being frozen is just not nice. Why in my yard, are frozen mice! I’ll have to......Read the rest...
Categories: chapping, fun, poems, poetry, seasons,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Welcome To Winter
...Two pairs of pants, three pairs of socks, a pair of boots. Welcome to winter. Snow pants make me look fat, I will not wear them. My hoodie is not warm enough; my face is all red. Welcome to winte......Read the rest...
Categories: chapping, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Miss First January
...Miss First January canoed from the clouds And anchored right beside Mr. Midnight Red flower on the right, a book on the left Traveling bag strapped on her back Balancing a steaming pot on the h......Read the rest...
Categories: chapping, addiction, analogy, destiny, humanity,
Form: Imagism

Sentient Embrace of My Chaste Lover
...If desire crests from craven heart On my duplicitous eyes won't chart With clever guise will deliver Cupid's dart From ducts, drain silt that lust does cart Only sentient strain from dilated pupils i......Read the rest...
Categories: chapping, beauty, best friend, body,
Form: Rhyme
...The trees in Pennsylvania never seem to diminish. They stand just as tall in summer green as they do beneath a weight of winter snow. I wish that I could say the same goes for me, but the wint......Read the rest...
Categories: chapping, lovewinter, winter,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sleigh Ride Memories
...Pushing back the snow, the barn door slowly opens against the drifts. Inside smells are rich and warm. Hay and straw and animals mix sparking memories of a long ago stable. The tarp is he......Read the rest...
Categories: chapping, happiness, life, love, nostalgia,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs