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Chance Poems - Poems about Chance

Chance Poems - Examples of all types of poems about chance to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for chance.
Premium Member Sunny With A Chance Of Giggles
Being of sound mind and body, this dude Bequeaths his soul to help those who've come unglued The world needs more giggles And more positive signals For a better world to emerge with a new attitude ...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, fun,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Winsome Chance Huitain
In a meadow of death a rose, our remains shed skin quietly; Thorns fall out as we decompose, A bit of you and some of me; Feeding the soil triumphantly, reviving a bloom of romance; Caught the kiss of a...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, emotions, flower, romance,
Form: Other

Premium Member Second Chance
Into the magic, bubbling cauldron, I jumped in, my mind, a cacophony of din. I had thrown my life away. So, this is how it would end - into a boiling hell, descend? When I was born, did fate...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, death, life, magic, psychological,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Heart to Heart
Allow me to let that pain go away. Allow me to supply you with consolation. Receive me , authentic and raw. Accept the warmth of my tender plea. I’m unveiling my soul , vulnerable and bare, to let you behold...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, anxiety, boyfriend, break up,
Form: Rhyme
Last Chance
I'm walking on the clouds, Swimming up the sea, The ocean's calling me. I drink all the wine, With my feet held high, And dance the night away. One more chance, And a one hug tight, Lets fade away with the light....Read the rest...
Categories: chance, crazy, cute love, dance,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Second Chance original
If I had a second chance, I would have erased all my past mistakes, I would have turned all my wrong decisions into the right choices, I would have changed the course of my life. If I had a...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, feelings,
Form: Free verse
HO HO WHOA Second Chance algorithm drawing for January 17, 2025
HO HO WHOA Second Chance algorithm drawing for January 17, 2025 No matter I kept fingers and toes crossed, and waited with bated breath since January 2, 2025 even converted from skeptic to orthodox Judaism, and strictly followed the...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, 7th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse
At random does dance destiny of chance
A raindrop falls whence came --back to the sea, Another, it so haps, on lotus leaf To shine forth under sun for a while brief, Yet, every drop gets seldom so lucky As to get silk...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, destiny, fate, space, time,
Form: Sonnet
This is ANDERSON WALKINGSHOES... VERSE 1: Then time na me mind dey for you, But your action really pissed me off. If only you go dey gee, Me go reconsider then give you some oil pan your...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, beauty, betrayal, break up,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Chance Encounter
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust”, The minister intoned, dismissing us. Embraced and patted, pitying looks from all. Letting go of my rose, the last to fall. Thorns pricked my finger, a drop of blood dripped down… … in the...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, animal, child, death, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Chance Encounter
Let me tell you a story of a chance encounter . . . I was in a true Romeo and Juliet experience, meeting my love at the art gallery one winter day. ...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, love,
Form: Narrative
Champions of Chance
Doors litter Existence, Each a different chance. You cant just glance, If Opened you must dance. Through the whole experience, To evolve and enhance, The souls performance,, We Exit champions. Moving forward into the expanse, Seeing ourselves in the distance, As we grow with existence. Accepting...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, deep, dream,
Form: Free verse
A Chance To Change
We are addicted to our thoughts We cannot change anything If we cannot change our thinking. You will become successful If you accept criticism Both negative and constructive. Give everyone a chance to change For the time one realizes mistakes One...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, change, introspection, life,
Form: Tercet
Premium Member A Chance To Live
We see that you are in pain And we know that we may never understand But please know that we will be here for you So know that you no longer have to hide Showing us that you are...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, death, life, suicide,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member CHANCE TO DO BEST
Heart throbs with blest love* powered by life's source breathing-out gladness for ready sharing smiting selfishness... Chance to do best with freedom's bliss I pray toward fulfillment glow... By God's grace my soul does continue... Loving as faith... works. *I John 4:7-8 - "Beloved, let us love one another,...Read the rest...
Categories: chance, appreciation, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Diminished Hexaverse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry